Introducing: The Global Truth Network

Joining us live from Australia on the 31st of July for General Assembly Meeting #98, Debra Leigh introduced the World Council for Health to the Global Truth Network.

What is Global Truth Network?

  • Debra Leigh is the founder of the Global Truth Network, a website dedicated to informing people who have not yet seen through agendas being pushed by global institutions.
  • Her goal is to provide important information on a range of issues which people can process at their own pace as they begin to understand they have been deceived by those in power.

Find this important video to share on Rumble, Facebook, Odysee, and Bitchute.

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly Meeting on July 31, 2023. Dr Mark Trozzi, Christof Plothe, DO, and Roger Meacock also spoke at this meeting.

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  1. I have noticed that this link does not work, FYI Thank you (Global Truth Network)
    Debra Leigh is the founder of the Global Truth Network, a website dedicated to informing people who have not yet seen through agendas being pushed by global institutions.