Police on Guard

We are a group of concerned retired and active duty peace officers looking to see an end to unconstitutional public health orders. Peace officers are being directed to defy their Oath to uphold the rights of the people they protect and this must end.

Police for Freedom

Due to the recent incorporation of new societal norms, mandates and regional laws, our way of living together has changed. This collective tension, uncertainty and pressure is causing confusion and conflicting encounters with the security forces and the citizens, and we have a moral and ethical obligation to come together with the purpose of creating a unified code of conduct when on duty.
We wish to continue to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens equally.

Vitamin C 4 COVID

Vitamin C is a safe, inexpensive and highly effective anti-viral nutrient in the right amount, both for prevention of colds, reducing duration and severity, and for the treatment of covid-19 in the acute phase with life-saving potential. Yet it is classified as “false information”, not recommended by governments and rarely prescribed by doctors. This has to change. Sign our petition.

Humanity Health

Empowering YOU because WE care.

Humanity uk are uniting health and holistic practitioners to unite for humanity. We aim to help empower the public in caring for their health and wellbeing and support them on their journey. Practitioners will support and unite together to merge and deliver the most beneficial treatments and guidance.

c19 Transparency Advocacy Group

We are a group of concerned citizens representing a wide cross section of the citizenry of Trinidad & Tobago. We strongly advocate the sovereignty of the human being and the right to choose what we put into our bodies. In order to make informed choices we believe that citizens must be made aware of the risks versus the benefits of the various measures currently being employed locally and internationally in response to the SARS-COVID19.

Ezra Wellness

Ezra Wellness was established in Sept 2021 in response to the ongoing long-term erosion of the integrity of the Canadian Healthcare system and ultimately in response to the tyrannical mandatory vaccine mandate imposed on healthcare professionals.