Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: About SAVAERS

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed joined us from South Africa to introduce us to World Council for Health Coalition Partner, SAVAERS.

The South African Adverse Events Reporting System (SAVAERS) is an independent, voluntary, public interest vaccine effects reporting system designated by the people for the people.

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on February 7, 2022. The full General Assembly Meeting is available in our multimedia library.

This clip is also available on Rumble and Odysee

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Here’s what WCH members, staff, and coalition partners are saying about Shabnam’s presentation:

“Great work and presentation Shabnam.”
-Christof Plothe

“Excellent proud to be part of this initiative and having such a wonderful person such as Shabnam leading the way.”  -Fahrie Hassan

“Thank you sooo much for your work! So important! 🙏💕” -Catharina Roland

“Shabnam, thank you so much for this work – so important and other groups will hopefully do the same in their countries.” -Tess Lawrie


[00:00:00] [00:00:30] Dr. Katarina Lindley: For our coalition partner today, we’re going to have Shabnam Palesa Mohamed. [00:00:35] She’s an award winning, activist, journalist and mediation practitioner as a South African activist. She advocates for human rights across the world from the right to health, to children’s rights, pro poor work and anti-war campaigns as a journalist, she produces her human rights focused show called The People’s Voice.. [00:00:57] She also produces a trailblazing health focus program called Catalyst for TrialSite News. She’s also co-director of Transformative Health Justice, which advocates for safe, effective, and affordable healthcare. And she holds an independent vaccine adverse effect reporting system called SAVAERS. She’s a committee steering committee member of the World Council for Health and steering committee member of the international Legal Alliance for Health. [00:01:27] Welcome Shabnam. [00:01:29] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you very much, Dr. Katrina Lindley, and I’m really feeling the love in this gathering that we have today. And I want to just share that the other side of Love, the other side of the coin that is love is solidarity. And with that being said, thank you for that wonderful introduction. It is my honor to present to the general assembly of the World Council for Health the SAVAERS project, which is a project of Transformative Health Justice based in South Africa. I’ll be sharing my screen. [00:02:04] So it’s a, this is a data and advocacy project for transparency and accountability. The South African Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. Ultimately what the project does is a platform to report jab effects, injuries, and death. [00:02:22] It is independent, alternative and in the public interest very briefly in terms of background, we quickly realized in South Africa that we needed to have an alternative and independent reporting system for ‘inverted commas’ "vaccine" related harm injuries and death. And so our mission is transparency, accountability, and health. With the vision, being a healthier and more informed population living within our country, our objectives are three. [00:02:53] And that is to give jab victims and survivors a voice to raise awareness through the data and to enhance attempts at transparency and accountability. Our values can be summarized in one word, and that is Ubuntu, it is south African and Guni language word, which means oneness or humanity, or in other words, I am because you are. How is data collected? Members of the public that includes victims, um, or their families, survivors, healthcare professionals with friends and neighbors reporting into the website [00:03:35] Very quickly a data summary to date, but first to mention the under-reporting factor, which is very important, my good friend and expert in VAERS Dr. Jessica Rose has calculated that the under-reporting factor is at least 31x. So when you’re looking at any database of adverse effects, remember to multiply it by at least 31x to go to her Substack, um, unacceptable Jessica, you will find her reasoning and how she explains this under-reporting factor. Two to also remember that socio economic factors play a massive role the reporting or non-reporting of adverse effects. In South Africa, for example, given the fact that the masses of our people are unemployed and live in poverty, naturally, they will have an impact on their ability to know that such a system exists to have internet data, to report into the system, very expensive here. To have access to technology, to do the report. [00:04:33] And of course the other issues that people face is sometimes they’re too sick to do the reporting or they feel, "What is the point of reporting? What is actually going to happen in our country?" For example, not one person has been compensated yet for vaccine related adverse effects, injuries, or harm. [00:04:49] So currently we’re involved in the process of collating all of the data between two of our SAVAERS forms. [00:04:57] Uh, but I’m going to take you through what is available the preliminary data currently. In December, as you can see on the left 46 deaths and 498 other reports post jab on the right is a form based essay. There’s a form B, which we’ll be using going forward because it gives us more granular data that is both qualitative and quantitative. [00:05:19] And you can even see the worst effective provinces in our country, uh, to be confirmed, of course, 699 reports and climbing, unfortunately, 60 deaths, what kind of adverse effects are people experiencing? [00:05:33] So if I look at the type or the form that we are utilizing, I’m able to tell you the range of adverse effects that people are experiencing. [00:05:42] This goes from physical effects that we ask about, which includes, uh, body pains, migraines, tiredness, dizziness, anaphylaxis, chest pain, coughing, loss of appetite, heart arythmia, palpitations, uh, blurred vision. Um, and so it goes on and on visual, bell’s palsy, COVID-19 infection, menstrual issues, et cetera. [00:06:05] So a whole range of adverse effects that people are experiencing. What SAVAERS also does is asks about any mental, emotional, or cognitive effects after having taken the job. 39% of respondents say they have insomnia, they cannot sleep. 36% sadness, anxiety, depression, 29% confusion, amnesia, memory loss, 25% irritation, anger, or aggression, 5.7% breakdown or psychotic episode, suicide, dementia. [00:06:35] And of course, more than one response is allowed so that people can have a voice to express what it is that they’re going through. Uh, in terms of the form, we ask the five classes of questions. The first is of course, details of the ‘inverted commas’ ‘vaccinated person’. Number two, please tell us, uh, about your health prior to taking the job. [00:06:57] Number three, please share your experience of taking jab. Number four, what happened after taking the job and number five communications and consent. And here is where my training as a lawyer is extremely important. We have to have informed consent from everyone who reports into the system and we have to respect their right to privacy, dignity, um, and, and human rights in a, another question that we ask, which you can see 3L has the vaccinated person recovered. [00:07:26] You can see 56.2% of people. They know that again, in a country like ours, with a, uh, fractured at best public health system. This is an enormous problem for those who cannot access health services. And that is the problem being experienced by victims when they approach both the public, as well as the private health system, because neither is equipped in how to deal with them or treat them, or in fact, denies that it is related to the shots. [00:07:55] Uh, another Christian, if an extreme adverse effect was experienced, what was the result? As you can see 57% experiencing long-term illness, and we will have to think about the effect on the economy, uh, as well as of course, the psyche of the person who’s affected and may not be able to work and look after themselves or their family. [00:08:15] This is another interesting question that we ask in a very important one, who do you believe should be held responsible in their personal professional capacities? You can see the percentages there. Um, and they probably will shift as we continue to develop the, uh, the, uh, the data that’s coming in. And as people realize who is responsible and where they should be more transparency and accountability. 4D- do you believe that the vaccinated person was lied to et cetera? [00:08:43] You can see 34.2% say yes, of course, deeply problematic because they will now have trust issues in the public health system, in media that may not have told them about adverse effects. Uh, and of course, in the, the government officials, um, who signed up into these agreements and rolled them out. We are seeing, of course, both children and adults reporting into the SAVAERS system in terms of advocacy. [00:09:13] We are also engaged in interviews, as well as the creation of awareness videos. And we have, uh, invited advisors and advocates to join the SAVAERS community. And their very glad to accept, I’ll be introducing them to you shortly, in terms of international support. Of course, we’re very proud to be a partner of World Council for Health. [00:09:35] And if we have time I’ll touch on the cost benefit analysis of the jabs and becoming a survivor or a victim of the injections. These are some of the personal experiences being shared with SAVAERS on the left. I took my child to the doctor. They did a blood test and found that he has no platelets. The doctors now want to diagnose him with ITP. [00:09:57] We went within two weeks after the vaccine from barely seeing the inside of the doctor’s office to being hospitalized with zero blood platelets. He has to take medication every day in the middle. Think about it carefully and weigh your options. Once you have a permanent adverse reaction, you can’t reverse it. [00:10:13] So if you’re a single parent or sole breadwinner, who will or can fill your role if you can’t? And the right government, hospitals and doctors do not seem informed about negative symptoms post Jab but how to test and treat you. If you want answers, you will be paying a private test to be done. My experience has been awful. [00:10:32] This is a sample of some of the interviews that we have been doing with survivors. As you can see Sean Cowley, a healthy 40 year old male now has experienced paralysis, muscle pains, and more. [00:10:46] This is Adelaide Niewenhuys. I’ve interviewed her a couple of months ago. Her husband, again, a healthy happy man, a healthy, happy family passed away after having taken the jab, uh, due to pressure at work and has left three children behind and Adelaine to pick up the pieces of her life. SAVAERS is, um, is also very proud to be associated with the World Council for Health, because we do encourage the voices of victims and advocacy groups to be heard, uh, and hopes to encourage and organize a round table with organizations such as no more silence and others. [00:11:26] And more details will be shared with the World Council for Health community as soon as they become available. In terms of how our advisors and advocates as I mentioned, as you can see: Professor Dr. Nathi Medlala, top left, who’s been with the project from the beginning, Dr. Sakhiwo Yako, he is both a doctor and a traditional leader, Dr. EV Rapiti very popular and well-known in South Africa, Dr. Shankara Chetty recently presented in the European Union, Dr. Pinky Ngcakani a very outspoken as well. Dr. Herman Edeling, um, very proud to have him onboard, Dr. Ivan Jardeen is a loyal supporters, Dr. Tess Lawrie, of course whose support means the world to us, Dr. Jessica Rose, whose analysis you will see on VAERS has done analysis on SAVAERS and we look forward to working with her in future. Dr. Peter McCullough who’s just agreed to also come on board as an advisor and advocate on the bottom left to be announced very shortly, a very exciting person to have joined the advisors and advocates committee, Dr. Mark Trozzi who was also on the legal and activism committee of the World Council for Health. Fahrie Hassan, who is a molecular biologist and activist Adv Sabelo Sibanda, who spoke at the Understanding Vaccine Causation Conference also on Saturday and attorney Bongani Luthuli currently engaged in stopping the child jab case here in South Africa. [00:12:47] Dr. Zanemvula Sakhiwo Yako as you can see involved in doing videos to raise awareness, especially amongst poor in rural communities so that they can report into SAVAERS. We’re very appreciative on the left there Dr. Tess Lawrie uh, endorsement of SAVAERS last year. Thank you very much. And on the right Dr. EV Rapiti was very active in creating awareness content and always encourages people. [00:13:12] As you can see at the bottom there to report side-effects on SAVAERS. Very happy to also share that SAVAERS did a presentation to the cases in KwaZulu-Natal parliament on the 26th of January here in South Africa. And we focused on efficacy, safety, necessity, and affordability, the presentation was met with applause and the honorable premier made a ruling that a debate would be called for, with anyone that disagrees or would like to oppose the information that we presented. [00:13:43] Of course, our committee is very interested in doing presentations anyway, any parliament to any organization and with any media platform, I must of course highlight the work, of hope for humanity, a magnificent group of community and healthy leading activists here in South Africa who have assisted us to put up billboards around the country, translated into different languages, as well as digital screens, public transport nodes, so that more people know that exists and they use their right to, to report and create more awareness. [00:14:19] Again, you can see objectives, health, transparency, and accountability. These are some of the organizations, some of the many organizations of course, um, that our friends allies and partners with SAVAERS were very grateful for that. Uh, this was the understanding of Vaccine Causation Conference that, um, you would have hopefully watched, but the videos will be coming up soon on the World Council for Health website. [00:14:44] Um, SAVAERS did present at this conference and we look forward to engaging in more, uh, more events, uh, around this topic of causation and advocacy through the data and also solidarity. And of course, if you would like to support SAVAERS you can email that’s, uh, reports are being made to the website, [00:15:11] You can also view a downloadable data where remember the data is currently being updated and the collated results between the older form and the new one will be up shortly. Um, and if you, uh, as a country or organization would like assistance in setting up your own alternative system, please feel free to contact us. [00:15:29] We have been contacted by another African country, uh, that we are working with to set up their own system. At this point, I must add that there are numerous, uh, WhatsApp and Telegram groups, for example, that exists, which is important for people to have a space, to vent with some basic data to be collected. [00:15:45] But we do encourage people to report in South Africa, to SAVAERS it is the system. It has an ecosystem, um, a vision, it has objectives, and it is certainly showing the results. We also plan on doing road shows around the country, particularly in our poor and rural communities. And there of course we will need to translate, uh, flyers and we’ll need to teach young people in communities, how to help the elders to report. [00:16:10] So lots of plans ahead of us. Um, and if you have any questions or if you would like assistance in setting up a system and alternative reporting system in your country, please do let us know. I must mention that SAPRA, which is the regulatory authority in South Africa did reach out to SAVAERS wanting to collaborate. [00:16:28] Uh, this was a good sign and after much discussion and discussion, we did reach out to them and say, well, for us to have that discussion, we need to understand what ideas we have on collaboration. Unfortunately, we haven’t heard from them since, but it is important to have an alternative to the government, uh, reporting system. [00:16:47] And so that is where SAVAERS comes in. And again, any other organization requiring assistance from THJ uh, in terms of SAVAERS-like system is welcome to contact us. So that brings me to the end of the presentation. Uh, I’ve tried to keep it as brief as possible, mindful of time sensitivity. [00:17:08] If anyone has any questions, please let me know. I’d be happy to accommodate your comments, your questions, and your ideas back to you. Um, Maria! [00:17:19] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: Hi, Shabnam. Thank you so much. Um, what a great, what a great thing. Um, the SAVAERS. We have some of the questions in our chat. Sorry I have a three year old son that is still awake and just entered the room, but this is real life. [00:17:35] So, um, okay. So we have one question here, um, from, uh, Fahrie Hassan, "Of course, a major problem in South Africa is the lack of official adverse reporting systems in South Africa, noting also that the organizations responsible for collating, um, uh, collecting the data such as SAPHRA, um, national health service, are all captured. [00:17:57] So vaccine injuries, injured victims get little assistance from the officialdom. Is that right?" [00:18:06] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: This is absolutely correct. And I can lead you to a question within the Typeform that establishes what kind of support people are receiving from the officials designated to do so. So I’m speaking from a position of the data. [00:18:25] We do ask how many days of work people have missed. We ask what effect has the injection experience had on the vaccinated persons life. And we ask, did you contact SAPHRA, the department of health, the injection manufacturer, or anyone else who’s relevant to your experience and what happened. And most people say, no, we haven’t. [00:18:46] And that’s because people don’t think anything will happen. Um, others have said yes, but they haven’t been contacted since, um, or they’re too sick to actually report. Uh, somebody says not answering the phones, I will try with emails, so certainly there is a lack of response from the officials. And that is also why it’s incredibly important for us to have an alternative reporting system. [00:19:11] So thank you for that, Fahrie and thank you for your support of SAVAERS. [00:19:14] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: I can give back a compliment from Fahrie, "Excellent, proud to be part of this initiative and having such a wonderful person, such as the Shabnam leading the way. So this is, uh, from [inaudible] the thing is, um, we have other questions and comments and so many problems, uh, all, uh, from all of the people around the world, say how great this idea is to put your own VAERS system for your own country. [00:19:41] Um, in, in, uh, in the public, that is really important. And we have here, um, another question, um, "As we are still in a trial shouldn’t we expect the collection of the data, Shabnam, just lifted from each injected person. A simple app would do, would have one says one of the people here. [00:20:02] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Right, let me just read the question, Maria. [00:20:06] As we are still in the trial, shouldn’t we expect the collection of data enlisted from each injected person, as simple as do, would have done. Uh, so Christophe, if you’re suggesting that we create a simple app, this is also in the working, uh, of course it requires resources and funding to do a lot of what it is that we do. [00:20:24] Um, and we have plans in phase two and phase three, uh, to be able to, um, do more for SAVAERS and more so for the survivors, the victims, and those who support them. I also wanted to mention that we are collecting data on batches. So we’re asking those who report to tell us about their batches so that we were able to track the adverse events versus the batch numbers. [00:20:47] Uh, and we’ve also asked interestingly, what outcome would the vaccinated person like to see after their experience, uh, 71% say I want the facts about treatments to be known so that people have access and options. 56% "I just want honest answers", 43% commission of inquiry into vaccine adverse effects and censorship, 31% compensation for pain and suffering 19%, I need my bills paid 16%, I want an apology from the stakeholders or decision-makers 13%, I want to sue/ open a criminal case, 2.7% I lost my job, a nice compensation, but remember the under-reporting factor of 31 at least. [00:21:28] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: Yeah. Uh, thanks. Thank you so much, Shabnam. There is another question from Mark, um, concerning the 31, 31 times under the reporting. [00:21:38] And, um, Mark says, um, Jessica Rose said, Rose said 31 times underreporting. Is that number specific to the US VAERS I think in Canada it would be many times higher. What’s hard to calculate. Canada has a government driven industrial cover-up of deaths and harm from these injections. Well, beyond the criminal line. Alternative reporting systems like SAVAERS are the key. [00:22:03] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Absolutely. And of course we’d have to utilize the methodology and the formula that Jessica uses, which is based on expected adverse effects versus observed adverse effects, and then apply them per country using for example, SAVAERs data, but remembering we’re dealing with particular socioeconomic circumstances, which would inflate that number of 31,, um, exponentially, I would think. [00:22:26] And I’m certainly going to be discussing that with Jessica. How do we factor in socioeconomic conditions when we’re looking at the under-reporting factor? [00:22:34] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: Thank you so much. Um, Dear Shabnam,, I think there are no more questions in the chat, if so, maybe you have a look by your own here Shabnam, and I think as you’re used to host or cohost or meetings, I think. We have all the questions answered from you now. Thank you so much. Brilliant work, keep up the good work and we’re, um, we’re really proud of. [00:22:56] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks very much, Maria. [00:22:58] And I just want to add that if you, as a country or an organization wants to set up an alternative system, hopefully it needs to be one system. So there is no dilution and duplication, right? We need it all in one system. Remember you need to ask a question about education. Did the vaccinated person receive enough information about the ingredients negative effects and what to do, uh, in our data, 35%, they absolutely did not. [00:23:22] And we also need to ask that you sign an indemnity form. Was it explained in the language you understand, and were you given a copy of the form and here 72% of people say, no, it’s important to think about the questions within the context of your country. And again, a THG and SAVAERS are available to assist anyone who requires it. Thank you very much for this opportunity to present to the World Council for Health General Assembly. [00:23:46] Thank you, Shabnam. Uh, your work is very important and thank you and your team for putting it together. A lot of people who have had adverse reactions feel like they don’t have a voice. And the work that you guys are doing is very, very important. So thank you for sharing it with us. [00:24:02]  

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One Comment

  1. Absolutely brilliant initiative.
    Yet I believe we are not giving enough attention to the massive geopolitical implications of state Regulatory Capture by the onslaught of global pharmaceutics and their sponsors on State Health Authorities. A vicious underground, heavily redacted, onslaught on societal freedoms.
    A question or two to address this issue, to gather data at the coalface, may provide the WCH with sufficient information to address this challenge and raise further public awareness.