Meet the Founder of Bright Light News: Glen Jung

Joining us live from Canada on Monday, June 26, 2023 at General Assembly Meeting #93, Glen Jung spoke with former BBC presenter & WCH host Jemma Cooper about Bright Light News, an independent media organization he founded in September 2020.

Who is Glen Jung? What is Bright Light News?

  • Bright Light News was launched in Canada by Glen Jung in September 2020 as a non-partisan, independent media outlet to offer the public data and expert voices suppressed and censored by government officials and mainstream media.
  • Formerly a teacher, Glen Jung has interviewed leading experts on Bright Light News such as Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, and many more.
  • To keep up with Glen’s excellent work you can follow Bright Light News on Rumble, where there are more than a hundred important interviews with leading experts shining a light on the science and data of Covid-19.

Find this important video to share on RumbleFacebookOdysee, and Bitchute.

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly Meeting on June 26 2023. Darren Nesbit also spoke at this meeting.

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  1. Frontline doctors were right all along and many of us discerned it. Rand Paul was right and never got a vaccine yet went and worked with patients after he had COVID and developed his immunity. Obama is the first who funded the Wuhan Lab before turning it over to Fauci to clean his hands. Obama put Biolabs into Ukraine giving Putin the excuse to invade and the news media covered all of these things with total bias toward Democrats in power.

  2. I find the majority of your articles to be positive.
    If I know what is going on then I can find a route to safety.
    eg If I know that supplements are going to be banned, I can take action and stock up, write letters, and protest.
    Your are the balance/other side to the MSM.

  3. To Glen, Bright Light News
    I find the majority of your articles to be positive.
    If I know what is going on then I can find a route to safety.
    eg If I know that supplements are going to be banned, I can take action and stock up, write letters, and protest.
    Your are the balance/other side to the MSM.