Laura Aboli: Changing the World One Person at a Time

Speaking at General Assembly Meeting #65 on Monday, November 14, Laura Aboli (🇬🇧) gave an inspiring speech about changing the world one person at a time.

Who is Laura Aboli?

  • Laura’s entrepreneurial career started in the year 2000 when she co-founded World-Check, a database of Politically Exposed Persons and heightened risk individuals and organisations, which soon became the de facto standard for identifying and managing financial, regulatory and reputational risk within the world’s financial and legal institutions. Following World-Check’s success, she co-founded Wealth-X in 2010, which went on to become the leading provider of intelligence on ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
  • Having exited both companies by 2014, she continued her life-long passion for interior design, by establishing a property development and design company which she continues to run. Having been born into an artistic family, Laura has a passion for art, sculpture, music and dance and her critical and inquisitive mind has led her into the realms of metaphysics, spirituality, health and psychology. Her experience and her dedication to helping others have led her to step onto the public arena in order to share what she considers to have been important life lessons in her own journey.
  • In May of 2020, prompted by the way events surrounding the global pandemic were affecting people’s livelihoods, civil rights and mental health, Laura Aboli founded the United Democratic International Movement for Awareness and Freedom, an organisation dedicated to creating a better world through awareness, inspiration and the relentless pursuit of truth.

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on November 14, 2022. This video is also available on Rumble, Odysee, YouTube, and Bitchute.

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  1. You are a very smart lady. I will be working on myself and my concept of self for a long time yet. I am amazed at how much information you have given us and understand what we need to do as a person. Thank you so much.

  2. Laura! Thank you for this beautiful and timely Presentation! I have been following you on Telegram but only just became aware of who you are and found lots by a search!

    I am going to blast this very positive message out to my Global Supporters from the IAHF list, a double opt in newsletter that I’ve been writing since 1996.

    I haven’t sent a newsletter out I slightly more than a year mostly due to Depression caused by all that’s going on but your powerfully uplifting message has got me feeling very happy and I want to share it with my health freedom people!

    I was the first person in the world to call attention to the UN Codex International Threat to Health Freedom And have been fighting Big Pharma & the FDA professionally since 1989!

    This activism flows from my own personal healing via Orthomolecular medicine more than 40 years ago

    More also

    Am in. a documentary film that I also helped make please watch “We Become Silent The Last Days of Health Freedom”
    It’s narrated by Dame Judi Dench who donates her time and energy to help Kevin Miller make it

  3. Laura! Your attention to the rhythms of the spiritual and physical are inspiring. Following you on telegram has been a pleasure but mostly good to see likemindedness in others.
    You are on the right track(heavenly sent info).
    Keep it up!!
    R. ( from South Africa)

  4. Thanks for reposting this. After last night’s Twitter space and all the statements of the participants on censorship and fighting back, it’s hard to decide where to focus for solutions. We’re all well aware of the problems by now, and connected to like-minded warriors for truth. Action in the real world is our challenge. Person to person. As sovereign men and women with rights and power.

  5. Laura, this is david and maybe we chatted financial … Your face popped up on telegram and the person was leading into protecting monies in the Quantum system.. was this actually you?There was a spotwheretheamou t was 150.00 and the person chatting me to increase the amount to 1000.00 …. I ask if thars an actual transaction and the answer came back as a yes. I stopped and decided not to proceed any further….
    If it was actually you, then I’d like to continue our getting to know each other….. david

  6. Wasn’t sure if you had seen this…

    Mikki Willis: Psychological Warfare, a Hypnotized Society, and the Way Out [ATL:NOW]

  7. Go hard and get the truth out ,the energy of light outways the deep of all darkness.LOVE from AUSTRALIA THE LIGHT AUSTRALIA 🦘

  8. Very nice what you said, however do you know the Lord Jesus Christ, He said in His Word He Will return, all this chaos is because people have forgotten about Him and pushed Him out of schools, universities, hospitals, government even the churches.

    He will return the signs are all there. Who can know the heart of mankind but Him. We are ALL sinners needing a Saviour. Return to Him.

    God bless you and yours.


    1. That is a very important point you made, Jo. Human beings appear to have decided to keep God out of their affairs. But God is in His Holy Temple, He cannot be removed and we will not be sold for naught. Jesus paid all the price for our redemption and total freedom. Connecting to Jesus is the Answer/Solution for all the problems of humanity, from now to eternity. Laura, Jesus loves you. Share your story, the Christ connection. He’s the Way, the Truth and the Life!!!

    2. life is a struggle between good and evil God and satan. look up the fatima ,portugal apparitions 19 17 the warnings are all there for anyone to see. God gives enough for those who want the truth. we believe in builders when looking at a building ,,why not in GOD when looking at the world???

  9. Laura, you are an inspiration. The last three years are an epiphany and have been growing spiritually stronger through the storms.

  10. I just found out about this amazing woman after seeing a video of her this morning talking the talk. Laura, you speak my language and you are a blessing to humanity along with more like you who are coming to the forefront to speak your truth in hopes of awakening the masses.

    Love & Prayers to your beautiful spirit shining light in the darkness !!

  11. I enjoyed this message, in particular, when you mentioned Jesus Christ as the one who came to set us free. Below is a a section of scripture that is where Jesus first proclaims who He is and why He came.

    “And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.””
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭4‬:‭17‬-‭21‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    Below is another scripture that applies to your message.

    “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    Thank you and God bless

  12. Excellent analysis and presentation based on factual perception. Gotta link up with this group of rational thinners.

  13. Just recently tapped into a bit of Laura’s wisdom on a TikTok video. I look forward to hearing more of what she has to share.