Detox Basics with Health Coach Linda Rae

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We live on a poisoned planet. Whether it’s fluoride in the water, chemtrail agents in the air, parabens in cosmetics, or pesticides sprayed on our vegetables, it’s a challenge to avoid toxins these days. That’s why the Better Way Today session on 12 February 2024 with the World Council for Health’s resident health coach Linda Rae is a must-watch!

This beautifully illustrated talk identifies sources of toxic substances to be aware of, the body’s organ systems they affect, symptoms to look out for, and actions we can take to reduce exposure to toxins and get rid of them from our bodies. From nutritious, protective food choices to homemade deodorants, skin brushing, and castor oil packs, there is a lot we can do. So don’t miss this brilliant introduction to a Better Way to Better Health!

Check out this easy juice recipe from Linda!

Discover this delicious green juice recipe featuring apple, spinach, lemon, ginger, and cucumber. It’s naturally sweet and packed with iron, vitamin C, and vital minerals!

You can also find this recipe video on: Rumble | Facebook | Bitchute | Telegram | Twitter

More About Linda Rae

  • Linda is a certified Health Coach and founder of Blissful Mum, a health coaching service that offers personalised health coaching to empower mothers to prioritise their well-being, ensuring they can create a nurturing and joyful family environment.
  • Drawing on her training as a health coach and her professional experience in occupational therapy and mental health, combined with personal experience of being a mother of two young boys, Linda provides tailored support to help mothers navigate the complexities of motherhood, improve their health, and find fulfillment in their roles.
  • Linda’s mission is to foster happy families by guiding mothers toward a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

View all previous episodes of our live shows here.


Welcome to today’s presentation on detoxification basics. I’m Linda Ray, a health coach based in the UK. Today we’re going to explore the practical aspects of detoxification and how it relates to our health. so what’s detoxification it’s the process of eliminating toxic substances from the body a toxin is a harmful substance that can cause illness very simply put toxins can be found in various sources first of all in our water it may contain substances like chlorine ammonia fluoride remnants of pharmaceutical products and hormones Our food can be contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, artificial colourings, synthetic additives, microbial toxins, genetically modified organisms and hormones. Other sources are alcohol, tobacco smoke, environmental pollutants, cosmetics and cleaning agents. So apart from ingesting or inhaling toxic substances, they’re also very much absorbed through the skin. The skin can absorb harmful substances found in cosmetic products, for example. These could include sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, propylene glycol, aluminium, artificial colours and synthetic fragrances. It’s actually estimated that the body can absorb up to 70% of the substances applied to the skin. The absorption of these toxins has been linked to various health issues including, but not limited, to breast and prostate cancer, heart and liver diseases and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. By applying deodorants we inhibit sweating and they often contain harmful chemicals. So ingredients like parabens and aluminium have been detected in breast cancer tissues in both men and women. So basically it’s advised to avoid using antiperspirants. What are the other options? Consider using deodorants that are free from aluminium and parabens. And actually in this context, what I like to do is I like to use the Yucca app, which is available here in the UK. I imagine it’s also available in other countries. It’s a useful tool that allows you to scan the barcodes of such items like food products and personal care products, which gives you an easy to understand rating of their health impact. And you can make your own deodorant. There are also ways to reduce the amount of sweating by being aware of what can actually cause increased sweating. For example, consumption of coffee, eating junk food, physical exercise, which is obviously something to recommend, and as well as emotional states like stress and excitement. The skin is sometimes referred to as the third kidney. So when the kidneys are less effective in eliminating toxins, the skin, particularly through sweat glands, takes over this role. Here’s a depiction of the variety of toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, which is particularly relevant if you happen to be pregnant, as those potentially harmful substances can be transferred from the mother to the foetus. So medications, both prescribed and over the counter, along with substances like alcohol, food additives and caffeine, recreational drugs are all sources of potential toxins. Additionally, antibiotics and hormones present in meat, dairy products and water, as well as various environmental pollutants also contribute to the body’s toxin load. So what are the common signs of the body saying it’s too much? Unexplained fatigue along with symptoms such as mental cloudiness or brain fog as we often call it, anxiety, low mood, headaches, they’re all common indicators. Other signs include dark circles under the eyes, skin breakouts and various digestive issues. recurrent infections that can also signal poor immunity, while an increase in cellulite, bad breath and signs of premature ageing are also potential indicators. When considering the various sources of toxins that can affect our health, we must be quite vigilant. So tap water, for instance, may contain heavy metals, vaccines and certain dental fillings may introduce mercury into our system. So when it comes to our diets, the choices we make play a crucial role. By prioritizing organic whole foods, we can reduce the intake of harmful substances that non-organic produce might carry. In the realm of consumer products, it’s important to opt for items that are environmentally friendly, steering clear of those that can contribute to our body’s toxic burden. So that means a diet that is rich in minerals provides a strong foundation for detoxification. Vegetables in particular are excellent sources of the minerals necessary to support the body’s natural detoxification processes. So let’s get into how to detox. For this, it’s important to know that certain organs are essential for the process of detoxification. The liver plays a central role in this process. Its primary task is to transform toxic substances into forms that can be safely removed from the body. So besides the liver, other key pathways for detoxification include the digestive system, skin and lymphatic system, the respiratory system and the urinary system. for those who are not sure about the lymphatic system, actually. It’s a crucial part of the immune and circulatory systems. It’s a network that includes lymph vessels, lymph nodes and lymph, the fluid that circulates through the system. Unlike the circulatory system, though, the lymphatic system does not have a pump like the heart to move the fluid through the body. Instead, lymphatic circulation is primarily driven by the movement of our muscles. So regular exercise, deep breathing and practices like dry skin brushing can help support the flow of lymph fluid through the body. Which takes us to our next slide which is about dry skin brushing. So dry skin brushing is a simple and effective way to support your body’s health. Here’s what it does for you and how to do it. It stimulates the lymphatic system, which means it helps your body get rid of toxins. It boosts immunity by stimulating lymph flow. It improves circulation, encourages blood flow through the body, exfoliates, so removes dead skin cells, making your skin smoother. increases your energy by just the brushing itself can make you feel more energized and perhaps one of the most immediate rewards is the sense of calm and stress relief that comes with this self-care ritual. Taking a salt bath can aid in skin detoxification. The natural pH of human skin is around 5.5. Salts such as sea salt, Epsom salts and Himalayan salt have a higher pH of about 8.5. These salts can help draw acidic toxins out of the body, moving them from the skin into the bath water. Benefits of salt baths can include increased energy, improved skin and joint health and an alkalizing effect on the body. For an effective salt bath, use approximately one kilogram, which is 2.2 pounds of salt and avoid adding any other substances like bubble bath. Soak in the bath for a minimum of 30 minutes. After the bath, take time to rest and make sure to drink plenty of filtered water to stay hydrated. Using a sauna helps your body get rid of toxins by making you sweat. The heat improves blood flow and brings more oxygen to your cells, which is good for your heart and can help your immune system work better. Relaxing in a sauna can also reduce stress, help you sleep better and balance your hormones. After you use a sauna, it’s good to take a cold shower. This cools you down and makes you feel refreshed. Just remember to drink lots of water before and after the sauna to stay hydrated. If you have heart issues, talk to your healthcare professional before using a sauna to make sure it’s safe for you. Walking barefoot on grass activates the entire body by stimulating reflex zones on the feet. It enhances blood circulation, helps in stress relief and acts as a grounding exercise which can have anti-inflammatory benefits. Ensure your feet and body are warm both before and after the walk. Avoid barefoot walking if you are prone to or currently have urinary system infections and limit the walk to a maximum of five minutes when the grass is cold. Using castor oil packs. It works by soaking a piece of flannel or cotton cloth in organic castor oil and then place it on your abdomen. Cover this cloth with a layer of plastic wrap and then place a hot water bottle over it to warm the pack. Keep the pack on for about 45 to 60 minutes. This method is known to enhance lymphatic flow and reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. Its benefits are for the liver and gallbladder, aids in improving their function and for the stomach, it enhances digestive health. It boosts blood flow in the pelvic area, which can help alleviate pain and congestion related to PMS, endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome. The liver’s role in detoxification is that it’s the primary organ responsible for detoxification in the body. It acts as a filter for toxins and bacteria present in the bloodstream. It plays a key role in detoxifying and deactivating hormones. It works to neutralize toxins by converting them into forms that can be excreted through the kidneys and bowels. And the liver that has suffered damage has actually got the ability to heal and regenerate with the appropriate support. So ensuring effective liver detoxification is crucial for the breakdown and elimination of harmful toxins. And to enhance liver detoxification, consume organic whole foods which supply essential nutrients needed for liver detoxification. Minimize or completely stop alcohol consumption. Steer clear of caffeine. Refrain from consuming artificial trans fats. And if you don’t know, they’re present in fried, processed, fast food, frozen dinners, margarines, peanut butter, ice cream, cakes, biscuits, pastries and crisps. Limit the use of medications that are not essential. Reduce exposure to plastics that come into contact with food and avoid other previously mentioned toxins, including heavy metals. Consider fasting as a method. and incorporate foods in your diet that are rich in nutrients essential for liver detoxification. These include cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, vegetables such as asparagus and beetroot, along with fruits like lemons, broccoli sprouts known for their high nutrient content, mung beans, alliums like onions and garlic, herbs such as rosemary, berries, blueberries, pomegranates, artichokes, They’re all known for their liver support properties. The kidneys also play a crucial role in filtering both metabolic and toxic waste from the body and help in maintaining the body’s pH balance. So use diuretic plants to enhance urine production and facilitate the removal of toxins. Consume teas like dandelion leaf, nettle and celery seed to support kidney function. It’s important to drink a minimum of two liters of filtered water every day for proper hydration. To lessen the strain on the kidneys, it’s advisable to avoid table salt and reduce the consumption of high quantities of animal proteins. Now keeping your bowel healthy is very important for your body and here’s why. They’re basically there to take the good stuff from the foods you eat, which are the nutrients. And it also helps get rid of what your body doesn’t need. To help keep your bowel healthy, eat fiber. So foods like linseeds are full of fiber, which helps your bowel work well. And drink water or stay hydrated to keep things moving. When you’re detoxing, it’s really important to have regular bowel movements. This helps you get rid of the toxins your body’s trying to clean out. Ways to support the health of your bowel. Here are some natural ingredients which may help. So dandelion root and globe artichoke. These are not just plants, they’re helpers for your bowels. They work by making your body produce more bile. And what’s bile? Bile is a fluid your body makes to help break down fats. But it also acts like a natural laxative, helping you to have regular bowel movements. And why bitters are good? Well, dandelion and artichoke are known as bitters because of their taste. These herbs are great for your digestion. They help your body process food better and keep things moving in your gut. when it comes to detoxing and boosting your health what you eat can make a big difference obviously so here’s a simple guide on what foods and habits can help again cruciferous vegetables sulfur rich foods bitter foods detox supporting herbs like turmeric green tea garlic rosemary that can help your liver’s detox pathways and also have antioxidant effects which protect your body from damage So, think of a morning ritual like starting your day with lemon juice and warm water, which kickstarts your liver and gallbladder. And drinking kidney support teas like teas made from dandelion leaf, nettle and celery. They can be good for your kidneys. It’s generally best to gradually and gently add these foods and habits into your lifestyle Well, the goal is long-term support for your liver and overall health rather than a quick fix. This kind of diet is generally suitable for most people and focuses on supporting liver detoxification. And lastly, here’s an example of a gentle detox recipe. So thank you for listening to this presentation on detox basics. I hope you found the information useful and that it helps you in your health journey.

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