Dr Tess Lawrie

Dr Tess Lawrie is the Director of E-BMC Ltd and the founding Director of EbMCsquared CiC, a community interest research company. Tess is committed to improving the quality of healthcare through rigorous research. Her range of expertise, based on experience in both developing and developed countries, uniquely positions her to evaluate research for a variety of healthcare settings. Tess is a frequent member of technical teams responsible for developing international guidelines. Her peer-reviewed publications have received in excess of 4000 citations and her ResearchGate score is among the top 5% of ResearchGate members.

Tess envisions a healthier world in which science and learned wisdom are brought together to empower people to take responsibility for their own health. She believes that what defines us as human beings is our capacity, desire, and freedom to choose. We can choose to live in fear and separation, or with joy, trust, love, and compassion together.

Subscribe to Tess on Substack here.

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