The World Council for Health (WCH) stands in solidarity with the freedom convoy movement growing rapidly, worldwide. The inspiring Canadian convoy that launched this worldwide grassroots movement was initiated in opposition to the restrictive vaccine requirements at United States border crossings. Freedom convoy movements have begun in the United States, Austria, France, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico and several other countries.
Around the world, people are standing up to tyrannical governments that have negatively impacted the daily lives and the wellbeing of millions of people through the removal of freedoms, the restriction of movement, the shuttering of businesses, and requirements to take an ineffective and experimental injection.
Corporate media are not representing the truth about international harms and hardships occurring as a result of global Covid-related strategies. As such, regions across the world that are launching convoys and conducting rallies are rarely featured in reporting.
Across the world, citizens in convoys of trucks, cars, tractors, buses, and even people on horseback, have had enough of these harmful measures. Ordinary people are uniting and standing up for our inherent rights and freedoms. The light was lit on Parliament Hill in Canada where the caring love of our fellow man was shared with the world.
Justin Trudeau, PM, enforcing the Emergencies Act (formerly known as War Measures Act), has attracted international attention by his misdirected leadership and lack of care for those who elected him. Instead of upholding his oath to serve Canada’s citizens, he has become a tyrannical enforcer, endorsing harm to peaceful protesters seeking accountability, freedom, and transparency.
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In New Zealand, protestors have peacefully gathered outside the capitol building in Wellington, fighting for their right to health freedom with tactics inspired by Canadian truckers.
“New Zealanders are aware of their right to be at Parliament. Our rights under Common Law are increasingly being evoked, along with the rights for the Maori people who claim sovereignty over the parliament lawn,” Camp Wellington protestors told WCH via email, “The atmosphere is electric, with a coming together of many groups, all with one aim: to end the mandates. Old and young, ‘left’ and ‘right’, vaccinated and unvaccinated, farmers, veterans, religious leaders, and the odd ex-politician are united against the segregation of our community. Right now, the goal that unites us with millions across the globe, is that of freedom. We are here to stay.”
WCH stands in opposition to any and all divisive tactics being used to condemn peaceful protesters in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere. Our Council, comprised of more than 130 international partners, opposes any level of violent acts and the misreporting of actual events unfolding around the world. WCH demands that the voices of the people are heard and their rights upheld.
The people of this beautiful world know there is a better way and stand united to say enough is enough. WCH sees you, respects you, stands with you, and will co-create the better way forward together with you.