Anwar Ibrahim

Statement from WCH Coalition Partner MAECC to Malaysia’s New PM Anwar Ibrahim on Covid-19

Media release from Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control (MAECC)
3 December 2022

MAECC congratulates YAB Anwar Ibrahim for being elected prime minister and looks forward to a better exchange of views pertaining to health and Covid-19 with his government’s health officials. This statement is not to tell Anwar Ibrahim’s government what to do or make demands, but to point out scientific facts viewed from clarity of hindsight that were not apparent to the previous health minister and officials.

Bent rules and corruptible science

Never before in the history of medicine where two equally qualified groups are so diversely opposite in thinking on a specific subject as in Covid-19 and its vaccines. Opponents had asked for caution against the experimental and safety-unproven mRNA vaccines. Proponents, backed by the establishment and multinational corporate interest, steadfastly asked to ‘follow the science’. Following what science dictates is not a problem except when rules are bent against scientific evidence, ethics and for corruptible ends.

War against ivermectin

Authorities had decried our call for the adjunctive use of ivermectin to control the epidemic stating that it was “horse medicine” and harmful to humans. This was despite ivermectin being proclaimed an essential medicine and safe by the WHO, and that the MOH 2015 Guideline for Management of Scabies (Adults and Children) has listed ivermectin as one of the treatment protocols. Ivermectin is an off-patent semi-synthetic drug that has been widely used in the African continent that has a relatively low Covid-19 infection rate. Today, more than four billion doses have been prescribed worldwide.

From the beginning when ivermectin was shown to have promising use, there has been a relentless disinformation campaign against the use of the safe and effective repurposed drug. This includes sponsored studies that were seriously flawed and should not have been published, such as the Together Trial and the Lopez-Medina 2021 study. Despite that, Malaysians were not dissuaded. Hundreds of thousands have self-treated their Covid-19 infection with ivermectin and swear by its efficacy. Telling them that it does not work will further increase the trust deficit towards our health authorities.

The general public is aware that ivermectin (and prior to that hydroxychloroquine) has been bastardised to pave for emergency use authorisation (EUA) of Covid-19 vaccines. No thanks to the mainstream media’s partner-in-crime role that also earned itself general distrust by the populace. For the FDA’s EUA approval, there must be “no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating such serious or life-threatening disease or condition”.

Bad science

Mainstream narratives regarding the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines’ proven efficacy and safety have been based on statistical bias. For example, the Pfizer-BioNTech’s BNT126b2 vaccine claims 95% efficacy in preventing infection. This is calculated based on the relative risk reduction (RRR). Relative measures tend to misleadingly convey an impressively high efficacy of an intervention. Relative risk takes into consideration the ratio of those infected between the placebo and treatment arms. It does not take into consideration the ratio of the infected for the two arms in relation to the total population as measured in absolute risk reduction (ARR).

A comparison of the RRR and ARR calculations for the BNT126b2 mRNA vaccine shows glaring discrepancy as such:

Using the RRR calculation – In the Pfizer’s BNT126b2 trial, 7 days after the second shot, 8 cases in the vaccine group got Covid; and 162 cases in the placebo group got Covid. So, 162 minus 8 = 154. 154 divided by 162 = 0.95, multiplied by 100 gives the percentage of 95% efficacy.

Contrasting with the ARR calculation – 8 cases in the vaccine arm got Covid, divided by total in the treatment arm (n=21,720) = 0.0368%. 162 cases in the placebo arm got Covid, divided by total in the placebo arm (n=21,728) = 0.745%. 0.745 minus 0.036 = 0.709%. Hence, the ARR measures show that the vaccine has an efficacy rate of only 0.71%, which is not impressive.

The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement by clinical trialists requires that the efficacy results be reported in both RRR and ARR. Reporting only in RRR is not only misleading and insincere, but it also contravenes basic scientific norms. Shamefully, the WHO and health authorities connive with a closing eye.

Caution on mRNA affecting human DNA

In March 2022 MAECC issued a statement suggesting a pause in Covid-19 vaccine mandate. This was after the publication by Swedish researchers, Alden et al (2022) in an In Vitro study confirmed the messenger RNA from the Pfizer Covid vaccine was able to enter human liver cells and convert into DNA. If the Alden et al study is not enough of a wakeup call, the following three recent studies should.

A collaborative study with National Institute of Health by Sattar et al (2022), Nuclear translocation of spike mRNA and protein is a novel pathogenic feature of SARS-CoV-2, has discovered that both mRNA and spike protein co-localised within the nucleus of human cells. The study of Singh & Singh (2022), S2 subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 interacts with tumour suppressor protein p53 and BRCA: an in-silico study, demonstrated that spike protein models could interact with tumour suppressor genes p53 and BRCA1. The study of Nunez-Castella et al (2022), potential autoimmunity resulting from molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 spike and human proteins, has demonstrated homology of spike protein with about three dozen human proteins.

Summarising the three studies, we have: (1) Presence of pathogenic and lethal proteins (now known to be genetically modified) within the nucleus of human cells and the genetic code. (2) It is possible for spike protein to interact with tumour suppressor genes, possibly causing cancer. (3) Homology of spike protein with dozens of human proteins. With so much similarity to human proteins, it is no wonder mRNA and spike protein could easily enter the nucleus of human cells. Question arises as to whether the genetically modified organism has been created to ‘invade’ mankind. Although the studies are not conclusive, the ramifications of findings are alarming – multi-systemic side effects, autoimmune disease and cancer.

The findings of above-mentioned studies necessitate the use of ivermectin more than ever even in the current endemic setting. Ivermectin has several mechanisms of action against SARS-CoV-2, among which are the blocking of the virus entry into human cells and inhibiting the protease for viral replication.

We said it before

MAECC has from the very beginning cautioned on the unknown mid and long-term side effects of the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. Caution was also on the possible antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a phenomenon whereby the antibodies generated by vaccination cause the immune system to overreact. ADE phenomenon was observed in prior failed animal model studies. In scientific norms, when an experimental vaccine fails in animal studies, it must stop there and not progress to clinical (human) studies.

Today, globally, after two years of Covid-19 vaccines rollout, there are reports of fast rising cases of myocarditis, anaphylaxis, thrombosis, low platelet counts, liver damage, cancer, sudden adult death syndrome and rise in co-morbidities. Some countries are starting to report a much higher infertility rate than before. The worst it seems has yet to come.

Let’s rebuild our country

Our nation is in dire need to act fast to prevent a general decline in health among the populace. MAECC’s intention is not to point fingers or calling out blood-in-hand of those who fervently promoted the experimental vaccines and disparaging dissenters as anti-vaxxers. We must now gather our collective minds and effort to help rebuild the health of our nation and the health of the Malaysian people.

It is in this spirit that MAECC hopes to have constructive exchange of ideas with the new health minister. We also hope that the health ministry officials will from now seriously follow the science.

May the Almighty bless our nation in this new political beginning.

Capt Dr Wong Ang Peng (Rtd)
MAECC Secretariat

This statement is co-signed by:

  • Dr Suresh Rajoo on behalf of the members of SAHAMM
    (Society for Advancement of Hormones and Healthy Aging Medicine Malaysia)
  • Dr Vijaendreh Subramaniam on behalf of the members of MAAFIM
    (Malaysian Association for the Advancement of Functional and Interdisciplinary Medicine)
  • Connie Lee Yoke Kwan on behalf of the members of MSCM
    (Malaysian Society of Complementary Medicine)
  • Saroja Theavy Balakrishnan on behalf of the members of SNH
    (Society of Natural Health Malaysia)
  • Prof Dr Chong Wee Fong on behalf of the members of NMAM
    (Naturopathic Medical Association Malaysia)
  • Dato Nadzim Johan on behalf of the members of PPIM
    (Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia)
  • Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, Initiator of the World Ivermectin Day – Malaysian Chapter, on behalf of Cheng Ho MultiCultural and Education Trust
  • Haji Mohideen Abdul Kader on behalf of CAP
    (Consumers’ Association of Penang)

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