New Additions To WCH Country Councils

Six More Countries and a Working Coalition Join World Council for Health Country Councils

Change is officially in the air. World Council for Health Country Councils project is growing apace and has now reached 43 countries and coalitions. We are delighted to announce that Country Councils for France, Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Finland and a Scandinavia working group are new signatories. Like the existing councils, these new councils are extremely keen on the forwards-thinking, upbeat network that is encouraging people to stride on a Better Way path, towards health, sovereignty and wellbeing for all.

The singularity of this decentralisation project is that honourable men and women from all around the world have read and profoundly agreed to the premise that there are immutable laws of conduct and exchange that have existed since the beginning of time, and which guide harmonious living on this planet, and which they feel can be revived to create a better way.

The Better Way Charter lists seven principles that bridge cultural, geographic, racial, political and religious divides with which ordinary people have been manipulated for centuries. The principles encourage free thought, debate and disagreement, without which we cannot have new ideas. They encourage respect, ethics and equitable solution-finding, without which we risk harming those around us. They encourage humility, but also fierce compassion, knowing that we are part of a greater universal life force, for which we must stand up, and which cannot exist without our creative energy. They encourage warmth and kinship, that rises above the false divides we have been seduced by, without which we cannot co-create our futures. They encourage the best in all of us, and help us to put our most bountiful, positive and creative feet forwards, together.

Each Country Council has a focus that respects the needs of people locally, all whilst forming part of the greater WCH network to discuss and share positive solutions. WCH France is embracing positive inter-national dialogue to refashion the highly centralised government and corporate French medical consensus through the continuation of a series of international conferences embracing holistic and integrative health care. WCH Norway is working to encourage community-led change in a small country that has been run by banking interests for several decades. WCH Sweden is in a similar position and the representatives of both countries, Finland and Denmark are working closely together to refashion public discourse, both medical and other. WCH Netherlands, led by a cutting-edge team of dedicated integrative doctors and other health professionals, are joining to be part of the positive co-creation of a better way. WCH Spain is deeply embedded in the local healing landscape with time-honoured local and natural solutions, backed by science and lab-testing, showing what decentralised health can really look like on the ground.

The Better Way is not just about finding solutions to man-made health problems when countless millions of people have already been harmed in the Pharma Age. It is about creating frameworks of respect and mutual assistance that move away from the accumulated perversions of corporate, greed-based and war-mongering control, to place decision-making and sovereignty back in local hands, with local elders and change-makers, where it counts. It is agreed, even by the new US presidency, that the burden of ill-health is now so extreme that the first mission of the government is to Make America Healthy Again. However, how will they do that?

The World Council for Health already has an empowering plan, called the Better Way Movement, which is being reflected upon and developed by wise elders on our councils all around the world. It does not seek to control people into a corporate masterplan for health, but to start rebuilding the public access to knowledge and trust in nature, trust in oneself as a sovereign being with a local and autochthonous identity, basic personal responsibility for health, wellness, family, food and community relations. Wealth, like health, in the corporate master plan is always expected to ‘trickle down’ to communities, which it never does. True wealth, in health and sovereignty, can spread like wildfire, as it has in recent years, when the heart of darkness has been revealed and we all stand together to chase the darkness out with light.

To start a country, regional or local council, please contact the team at: [email protected]

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