World Council for Health Estonia anchored an informative civil society-led parliamentary meeting and press conference in Estonia on Monday the 6th of May. The conference focused on World Health Organization (WHO) negotiations and the EU Health and Climate Policy. It precedes the WHO’s controversial World Health Assembly 77 vote on the International Health Regulations 2005 amendments and a new pandemic treaty this May.
Speakers included World Council for Health (WCH) Co-ordinator Dr Tess Lawrie, UK MP Andrew Bridgen, and lawyer Reggie Littlejohn (USA) and barrister Una McGurk (Ireland). The prevailing message was that nobody is above the law, that collaboration is key and, in addition to resisting the globalist anti-human agenda, we should seize this opportunity to co-create a better world.

One of the key highlights of this empowering event was an introduction by Dr Tess Lawrie to the service of a Notice of Liability with a cease and desist segment to key individuals at the World Health Organization, facilitated by Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse. Kruse recorded a video clip recorded outside WHO, confirming the notices were served on the WHO’s Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, chief scientist Jeremy Farrar, Covid-19 technical lead Dr Maria van Kerkhove, and Covid-19 clinical lead Dr Janet Diaz. The notices of liability were served in both their personal and corporate capacities, and can be adapted and served anywhere around the world.
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The notice further invites these four individuals to an WCH-led event at which its country councils would attend, and the four individuals would have an opportunity to explain, apologise and offer reparations for the immeasurable harm caused by their recommendations and GMO injections.
Responses from the public were supportive. “Great news! Thank you for taking a stand, may this encourage many others. Diplomatic immunity should be revoked for supranational organisations.”

Diplomatic immunity does not overcome the law
The WHO is not protected by controversial diplomatic immunity. Phillip Kruse confirms, “Any crime that is done by a WHO official through activities outside WHO’s statutory purpose (Art 1. of its Constitution), will not benefit from the immunity clauses of Art. 66 and 67. WCH law and activism committee chairperson Shabnam Palesa Mohamed agreed on the WCH’s Twitter/X Account, “Diplomatic immunity is not absolute. The cases of Cuban Doctors vs PAHO and Jam International vs IFC are evidence of that. WCH advocates for lawful and fair justice systems, with sovereignty at the core.” Moreover, given the blatant conflicts of interest evident in the WHO’s activities, closely connected to commercial interests, immunity is not guaranteed when acting at the behest of those interests.
Dr Tess Lawrie said:
“As courts appear to be compromised by bias or financial considerations, World Council for Health decided to use a different approach by reminding these individuals that they are accountable to us as human beings – men and women – and not just in their corporate capacity. This is an important step in transparency and accountability. Now, neither the WHO nor its employees can claim ignorance, especially as evidence of immeasurable harms emerges daily”.
Call to Action
Civil society, lawyers, health practitioners and others are welcome to adapt the Notice of Liability document, which strongly highlights informed consent, and thus build a pathway to either transparency and reparations, or to hold complicit parties in your country and region to account.
The Notices of Liability can be downloaded here:
- WHO’s Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
- Chief scientist Jeremy Farrar
- Covid-19 technical lead Dr Maria van Kerkhove
- Covid-19 clinical lead Dr Janet Diaz
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