Ryan Cole

In Support of Dr Ryan Cole and All Doctors Speaking Out and Standing Up for Medical Freedom

Idaho pathologist Dr Ryan Cole, MD, who has been licensed in the state of Washington since 2007, is under fire from the Medical Commission in Washington state. Dr Cole has until January 30 to respond to the accusation that he violated state standards regarding Covid-19 and patient care by making “numerous false and misleading statements”, prescribing ivermectin, and more.

Washington’s state medical board initially opened the investigation in 2021. In the statement of charges, Dr Ryan Cole has been accused of making statements that “were harmful and dangerous to individual patients, generated mistrust in the medical profession and in public health, and had a widespread negative impact on the health and well-being of our communities.” 

In a 40-page written response submitted last year, Dr Cole explained, “This has been purely Good Samaritan care for patients desperate for help that was not being offered elsewhere,” adding, “… I provided free medical care out of a real attempt to help those in need.”

Values listed on the Washington Medical Commission website highlight that the commission relies on “evidence-based data” and “health-based outcomes” and strives for “innovation.” Their actions when it comes to Dr Cole speak otherwise. 

The Idaho Board of Medicine chose not to open an investigation into Dr Ryan Cole. 

At a time when innovation and out-of-the-box thinking should be paramount, Dr Cole and many others are being criticized and punished for not towing the mainstream narrative. There is more than enough “evidence-based data” showing that innovation and creativity saved lives while the one-size-fits-all approach that medical boards the world over relied on was and continues to be harmful, if not deadly. 

The World Council for Health (WCH) stands with Dr Ryan Cole and all doctors facing attacks and disciplinary action for speaking out and daring to do their jobs. TrialSite News is now warning of an expected “crackdown on what is considered anti-vaccination or ‘anti-vax’ forces manifesting in myriad forms, from criminal prosecutions at all levels to intensified canceling as well as a range of other tactics and methods.”

Additionally, the World Health Organization (WHO)—an unelected, majority private-funded body—is seeking to curb public awareness further by proposing an extension of its powers that includes censorship of what it deems misinformation. The organization views opposition to the Covid-19 injections—what they call “anti-vaccine activism”—as a “major killing force globally” more dangerous than “gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, or cyberattacks.”

It is becoming increasingly important that people and communities explore alternatives to the current archaic systems that seek to force pharmaceutical drug use, silence doctors who don’t agree, and limit our individual freedoms and choices. We must also speak up and show our support for doctors facing unfounded attacks—see our previous statements in support of Dr Jackie Stone, Dr Peter McCullough, and Drs Pierre Kory and Paul Marik—and celebrate the successes.

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