Expert Hearing: Covid Vaccines: Where Do We Stand in 2024?


We’re now in the fourth year of the worldwide distribution of a novel, experimental gene therapy distributed to more than half of the world’s population.

Whilst US courts have removed the rights of these injections to be called a vaccine as it does not prevent infection or spread and thus should be called a medication, and a court has labelled the injections a bioweapon, countries like Brazil continue to make the Covid injections mandatory to children.

It’s time for a resume on the safety and efficiency of this technology. That’s why we’ve invited some of the world’s leading experts to give us a summary of where we stand right now!

Increased censorship is making it difficult to remain up to date with what we all should know. Please take the time to watch this event and make up your own mind on this important issue. Whether you’re a health care professional, a scientist, a journalist, or you just want to empower yourself with the essential knowledge to navigate into the future, this is a must watch event.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to watch this extraordinary and important event featuring Assistant Prof Dr. Byram Bridle , Dr Jessica Rose, Prof Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Kevin McKernan, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Maarten Fornerod, Prof Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse, Dr Janci Lindsay, and Katie Ashby-Koppens as well as hosts Dr Mark Trozzi and Christof Plothe DO from the World Council for Health.

Time zone guide: 11 am PDT, 1 pm CDT, 2 pm EDT, 6 pm UTC, 7 pm BST, 8 pm CAT, 3 am JST (25 June), 4 am AEST (25 June), 6 am NZST (25 June)

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