UPDATE May 13, 2022 – The listening session has taken place, but HHS Office of Global Affairs will continue to receive written comments from stakeholders. Submit a comment on this page.
Update – Clip of Dustin Bryce from Interest of Justice, WCH Coalition Partner, at the Stakeholder Listening Session for 75th World Health Assembly
More clips will be added to this post as we publish them. The Stakeholder Listening Session for 75th World Health Assembly was not recorded by HHS.
Submit a Written Comment Regarding Agenda Items
Comment on the 75th World Health Assembly Agenda Items –
Background: The WHO is working towards amendments to the International Health Regulations 22 – 28 May 2022, and simultaneously, a new pandemic treaty to be finalised by 2024.
Note: There is no indication if the written comments will be published in the Federal Register or not — we don’t know if these comments will be broadcast or published by HHS.
Send Your Comment
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This Friday, May 13, the US HHS Office of Global Affairs will host a Stakeholder Listening Session to gather input on the 75th World Health Assembly, including the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, happening later this month.
Stakeholder communities including health and advocacy groups, local and Indigenous groups, private industry representatives, minority health organizations, and academic or scientific organizations have been invited to participate.
We’ve compiled the most important details below so you can quickly and easily RSVP and/or submit a written comment right from this page. The full details are available here.
Take action today by submitting your RSVP to join the virtual listening session happening this Friday, May 13, 2022 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT. You can also submit a written comment whether or not you plan to attend virtually.
RSVP to the HHS Office of Global Affairs Stakeholder Listening Session for 75th World Health Assembly
Date: May 13, 2022 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT
Location: Virtual, link shared with registered participants prior to session
Participation: Open, but requiring RSVP. Please send your full name, email address, and organization to OGA.RSVP@hhs.gov.
Additionally: Written comments are welcome and encouraged, even if you are planning on attending the virtual session.
What is the US HHS and why do they care?
They lead a delegation to the World Health Assembly, which takes places each May in Geneva, Switzerland. At this week-long meeting, “countries agree to resolutions, adopt action plans, supervise finances, review and approve the proposed budgets, discuss key public health issues, and determine the policies of the organization.” According to the US HHS, they prepare by hosting a Stakeholder Listening Session ahead of the WHA during which they seek input from “all communities interested in and affected by” the agenda items discussed during the WHA.
If you encounter an issue submitting this form due to our Spam Firewall, please email your RSVP directly to OGA.RSVP@hhs.gov.
We are a people-powered platform for world health representing 190+ coalition partners in more than 49 countries.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and is available for republishing and use as a Free Cultural Work.
For God’s sake may this draconian controlling bill be squashed for (sake of) sovereignty and happiness of our global family.
Thank you for your tireless commitment to a better future!
Ready to kneel down and serve this feckless lying unethical evil illegitimate organization are you? No way. I will not bow down to any man. The sovereignty of all free nations belongs to its people, not some organization bought by China, delusional as Bill gates or as incompetent as Joe biden. They’ve lied to the world and have been accomplice to mass genocide!
Rebecca-Anne Stich Pember
We must call for a General strike immediately. This cannot be allowed . Our representatives must call a special council and stop this from being voted on. Its absurd to think they want to have the right to rule over and make decisions on the people in this country and others. Every representative in all 50 states should be stopping this immediately . SAY NO!
This madness must end .. no singular organization can push its draconian objections on sovereignty of body and state. It’s pure evil…
stop this insanity. We’ve had 2 years of insane behaviour from the powers that be!! Enough is enough.
The people are at their witsend now. What sort of insane works are you trying to create? And who elected these people to tell us how to live
I’m a free soul. Not about to be sold, ever!!!
I implore you… this CANNOT be voted through. No one organisation should have that much power – over the ENTIRE GLOBE. And certainly not an organisation that is ultimately controlled by those who fund it.
Everyone knows what this is about & it is not about health.
The past 2 years have made it abundantly clear that the orchestrated world model of lockdowns was a disaster. Let’s not repeat that failure by giving our sovereign power to a foreign entity, like the World Health Organization, to orchestrate another global public health meltdown. We can’t keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.
This is what I wrote to the WHO:
Dear HHS Office of Global Affairs administrator,
*I represent Citizens for Truth & Accountability (BC Canada) and am writing to voice our objections to your proposed IHR Amendments. It is a recipe for world tyranny under the guise of “public health and safety.” We have already suffered badly under the horrendous overreach of the “covid pandemic” and want no more of such unscientific, draconian and entirely unnecessary oppression of our freedom and dignity. Please cease and desist this project, for the sake of all of humanity.
Joan Higgs
Thank you World Council for Health for your tireless leadership and making it possible for us to know the latest info and take action. I have written to the HHS and requested to be at the meeting using your forms, for my organization. Without your leadership it is hard to keep abreast of the latest power grab or opportunity to have input. Here in Australia we face a federal election on Saturday 21st of May and most of us are distracted with this, especially trying to get our minor parties and independents elected. For many this is about the lack of integrity of the current government. For others it is about that and the draconian methods used on us during the recent viral outbreak of concern. Please pray for us to maintain the courage.
Hopefully my written response went through. I agree with the comments written here. These amendments would create a one world health dictatorship. Such control failed. Many more people died because of secrecy and censorship. We still do not know the complete ramifications of the vaccines. Some people have died and/or suffered greatly. This all can not be figured out per force or dictation. We all need to come together through collaboration and support. Secrecy and censorship are detrimental. It should not be about amassing power. What is proposed by these amendments are pure evil.
As sovereign beings we hold body integrity and governments cannot take this away without consent
To the World Council For Health I express my deepest gratitude for your efforts in keeping the People safe from the W.H.O.’s wicked attempt to exert their unwanted authority over the Nuremburg Code. The vote must be absolute no! You are in my prayers.
Maybe just look at how this was handled in CANADA by Tam a WHO rep
We thank you “World Council for Health” for the representation on our behalf at the WHO’s May 22-28 meetings. We are a common sensed free nation that can make our own decisions as to what works best for this country in a pandemic. We Americans have always appreciated our founding freedom and let that “ring” loud and clear. This complete agenda is an overstep of who we are and the leadership of this nation will not sale us out. Let the sounds of a free people rejoice. We say “no” in participating with the WHO and “ no” to dictatorship. In GOD we trust!!!
Please stop this experiment on humanity. It’s not right. People all over are suffering, dying, and now contracting new ailments & diseases because of the experimental chemicals. Please end this madness.
The United States needs to keep its sovereignty in all matters, but especially in regards to public health. The COVID-19 response should be proof of that. Big pharma, big money backers, and corruption need to be stopped.
Do Not Give Our Right To Govern Ourselves In America To The WHO One World Government!!!!
This abrupt seizure of our sovereignty by the unelected bureaucrats in the current administration is a stain upon our government. Where are our elected officials? Why are there emergency powers still in place? This is a republic and we are not being served by this government. This action by HHS has to be stopped. Stop the amendments!
I Never got my link to watch the session. This is censorship. What else are you hiding?
I Never received my link to watch the session this morning!.
*I represent myself as a US citizen and I am writing to voice my opinion on Amendments which would cede US sovereignty in the event of a world wide health emergency to the WHO (World Health Organization). I do not give my consent, offer my approval, or authorize you to act on my behalf in this matter. The people of the United States of America already have a Government which is tasked with the responsibility of acting on the behalf, and in the best interests of, the citizens of this nation. This nation’s guidance comes from our Constitution established to provide life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for a nation which exists under God and with his blessing and provision. So, our sources of provision and protection come first from God Almighty, and then our duly elected representatives. We do not want nor ask for council from a non-citizen, non-elected conglomerate which has no interest in the people of this nation beyond requesting their tax dollars in order to ensure their continued existence. You good people of the HHS however are a part of our government and we will gladly offer you the opportunity to serve the best interests of the citizens of this country. I would request that you announce at the Assembly the immediate withdrawal of the US from both the WHO and UN. This to include all funding which is required here in this country to secure our southern border and prevent unvetted and potentially unhealthy people from introducing another pandemic in our country. The following verbiage lays out the specifics of the amendments and issues at the assembly
The WHO is not a representative body and no consent has been given by the people of this world. The fact that the US president submitted the amendment speaks volumes on his agenda and wants to impose his will on the world. What nation in their right mind would submit to this unless they are part of the evil in this world.
Do not vote to join The Who . I want freedom to do what we like to do. No WHO organization at all !
This power-grab by the WHO and it’s puppets at the OGA HHS division of Biden’s regime will not stand. We the People of this great nation see this as an act of treason. We do not and will not cede our sovereignty to a bunch of unelected bureaucrats being controlled by the likes of the WEF, Klaus Schwabb, Bill Gates or any other technocratic billionaire. We demand that you cease and desist immediately or criminal charges will be filed against you. We see you and will not comply if you attempt to move forward with this authoritarian agenda.
There are several avenues in motion aimed at reducing western populations and securing control over remnants. Use of Electromagnetic Pulse to cripple transport (Food Distribution primarily) is not a hidden strategy: Western Nations’ Food Supply and distribution is a well described target of native language speeches and military doctrine position papers coming from adversaries of Civilization such as China, Iran, PDRK and Russia. Ukraine is already being shown as a world food supply battlefield, with Chinese willingness to aid & abet Russian military aggression, with Iran and North Korean acquiescence.
North American (Canada/Lower 48/Mexican) dormant rail corridors linking breadbasket regions with consolidated rail mains must be re-established with all due haste. Canadian Wheat Trust Provinces were most the most recent rail abandonments, arguably the most crucial rail mode holdouts. Many authorities such as Peter Pry, Anthony Cordesman, and Richard Clarke have authored books and white papers warning of dire impacts of combined EMP and kinetic sabotage including mass starvation with nearly absolute rubber tire transport based food distribution. Early Covid periods of massive USA food lines were due in part to trucking shortfalls owing to illness; imagine the scene with coming AI trucking ass espoused by there solid state oligarchs. Spreading significant portion of crucial food transport back to rail mode will save millions.
American Short Line Regional Railroad Association and recommissioned Military Railroad Operating Battalions (see Ft Eustis VA template) will prioritize and supply engineering expertise to assure rebuilt rail links are smoothly meshed with the consolidated trunk lines now extant. Food supply enhancements including replaced railway capacity & reach must be critical FAMINE HEDGE component as western populations confront evil machinations of dictators and (particularly) their useful idiot oligarchs…
American County OES officials and 3000 County Planning Bureaus should obtain hard copies of existing & former raiul corridor in their respective jurisdictions. Circa 1950 Thomas Bros City map give rai spur layouts to warehouse districts; Walker Publishing offers all-time USA Regional Rail Map Atlas Volumes for USA/Canada/Mexico: spv dot co dot uk for info. Just-In-Time stocking and inventory tax must be dropped in context of assuring food supplies in populated area storage and associated local rail links. Taxation of railway links to food traffic must be taken off the books as well. This writer has ability to answer questions…
These are existential in coming events. See WWII military RR lingo:
I am a Hungarian citizen and I totally reject anything that WHO would even think of pushing on Humans. It is time this oligarch to be taken down for good!
The WHO and mr globalists want to rule and control the world. We the people do not consent to this power grab. Its up to the HHs to say no absolutely not we want a strike now . Please do the right thing and you know what that is . Because you are all living here as well so it effects EVERYONE. Say no to this vote . Do not attend . We are sovereign people with inalienable rights under God . Why is it this is happening so sneakily behind the scenes hardly anyone has been aware of this until a week before the vote? We see you and know what’s going on . We won’t stand for this in any way shape or form . The WHO has to go .
The path to enslave us and circumvent our constitution. I think not especially to a group that got nothing right to begin with. This is an evil regime Bidens .
USA Republic will not have individual citizens diverse health needs ruled by the WHO
Attention: The WHO and the WHA delegates need to BACK DOWN from this extreme power grab or they will be sued to kingdom come and eventually dismantled
אני לא נאיבי, אני יודע שלא באמת הולכים להתייחס ברצינות להתנגדויות. אבל חשוב להגיש אותם, וכמה שיותר.
אני מלאתי בצורה הבאה:
Dear HHS Office of Global Affairs administrator,
*I represent the free citizens of the State of Israel and I am writing to voice my opinion on the proposed amendments to the IHR”
I wish to help bring awareness about the treaty to the people of Pambula, NSW, Australia.
Do you have any advertising the you could send so I can display in my shop window and put on notice boards?
I have had my 11year old daughter Mirriam removed from my care and ordered to be covid vaccinated through the family law court in February 2022.
My address is P.o.box 456
Pambula, NSW 2549
The corruption must end.
Those who are complicit in this will face Justice in this life or the next. May the traitors burn in He-double-hockey-sticks for all eternity. God Bless.
this bill you are trying to pass is ludicrous. I was born in Canada with the right of freedom of choice. Yes there are laws of the land that I do abide by , but I will NEVER give up my freedom for you or anybody else. You want my freedom ,then put a bullet in my head because that is the only way you will get it
Can you please publish guidelines on how uk and Europe citizens can voice their opinions against this treaty that will effect everyone not just Americans
Can you please publish guidelines on how uk and Europe citizens can voice their opinions against this treaty that will effect everyone not just Americans
By my constitutional rights, I should have control over my body, not any organizations.
Any Legislator, Government employee or Politician participating in any way with this Anti American proposal, will be held accountable, as an enemy of the people of the United States of America.
Well done with your new recycling programme of using the j effects to turn into pox. The general “useless eaters” are not as stupid as you assume. There too many of us with god in us, and jesus will prevail.
I suggest y’all slither away under the nearest rock, like the spineless reptiles you all are. Because you will NEVER be able to become the pathetic “gods” you think you are. There is only one god and he will send Jesus back to wipe you all out.
We know exactly who and what you are, and all your bullshit signs, symbols and rituals . So good luck trying to control humanity. You WILL NOT WIN!!!!!