Japan Earthquake Update from WCH Japan Physicians on the Ground

On 1 January 2024, the Noto Peninsula of Japan was rocked by a magnitude 7.4 earthquake. There have been several aftershocks since with more expected over the coming days and weeks.

To all the people of Japan who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami that struck on January 1st, the World Council for Health and our international colleagues extend our heartfelt condolences. It is deeply saddening to learn that many people have lost their lives, suffered injuries, and lost their homes with many others still in the midst of evacuations. We encourage all our friends in Japan who are able to please support those who have now been left without a home or job. 

History shows us that the people of Japan are incredibly resilient, having previously demonstrated their ability to recover from similar disasters such as the Tohoku Pacific Coast Earthquake in March 2011. As such, we firmly trust in the power and ability of the Japanese people to recover once again and indeed become stronger—setting an example to the world of how the human spirit triumphs over adversity.

We are grateful to the physicians from World Council for Health Japan who are helping those affected by providing emergency medical care, as well as keeping us updated about the situation on the ground.

The World Council for Health team and WCH Country Councils around the world hold the people of Japan in our thoughts and continue to pray for the safe and swift recovery of all those who are affected by this disaster. 

The following photos were taken in Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, near the epicentre of the earthquake.

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Left – A barbershop whose doors and signboard collapsed due to the earthquake.
Right – A house whose walls were ripped off by the earthquake, exposing the interior.

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