Press Conference: March 22, 2024 at 14h00 CET
Location: Central Geneva, address upon registration
Livestream link:
Press Contact: Nic Robinson at [email protected].
A panel of international scientists invited to attend a UN HRC side meeting during the 55th Regular Session on Human Rights has been cancelled at short notice. The side meeting to have been held on the 21st March at noon CET would have been the first publicly available recorded UN HRC meeting on Health and Human Rights, andspecifically on human rights violations during COVID.
The expert panel was to include Prof. Sukharit Bhakdi (Germany), Prof. Christian Peronne (France), Christof Plothe DO (Germany), and Dr Tess Lawrie (UK).
During the COVID crisis, governments around the world used the declaration of an unjustifiable health emergency to deny people their fundamental human rights and freedoms, including the right to bodily autonomy, freedom of expression and opinion, freedom of thought, freedom to move about, freedom to work, and to assemble.
In addition, many people worldwide have had a deterioration in their health and many including children have died as a direct result of the novel COVID genetic vaccines.
The significance of cancelling this UN Human Rights Council meeting on COVID human rights violations cannot be overstated. It confirms that at this time there are no institutional safeguards protecting inalienable human rights.
The international panel presentation and discussion on Health and Human Rights during COVID will now go ahead in a separate location in central Geneva in the form of a press conference. To attend this landmark press conference please contact Nic Robinson at [email protected].
Speakers: Prof. Christian Perronne (France), Dr Astrid Stuckelberger (Switzerland), Christof Plothe DO (Germany), Dr Tess Lawrie (UK). By video submission: Prof. Sukharit Bhakdi (Germany), Izumi Kamijo (Japan), Dr Peter McCullough (USA), Shabnam Palesa Mohamed (South Africa), Dr Gilbertha St Rose (St Lucia)

A PDF of this press release is available here.