6. Great Freeset Gifting! 30+ meaningful ideas for Gifting.

You are probably already thinking about what to gift your loved ones, friends, neighbours and even co-workers.

Perhaps you can’t even think of anything suitable. (We might be able to help!)

Expressing appreciation is a beautiful part of human nature, but seriously, holiday season can really get stressful!

So what if we did things differently this year?

What if, instead of buying the usual and often expensive gifts, we choose to be creative, resourceful and meaningful and also not send even more of our cash to the giant corporations.

We present our take on gifting:

Let’s Go Great Freeset Gifting

We put our heads together to come up with a list of ideas that will include something for everyone.

It is a positive experience to give as well as receive and showing that you have put some thought into it will bring others more joy (and you’ll feel good about it too!).

  • Arts & Crafts hand made by you
  • Greeting card made by you
  • Gift a basket of teas
  • A fruit, nuts and seeds basket
  • Write a poem as a special gift
  • A lovely picnic with food you make (or a raincheck)
  • Make a beaded item of jewellery
  • Craft a memories photo album
  • Hand made clothing, made with love
  • Buy a gift from a charity/thrift store.
  • Re-home something you love but rarely use.
  • Give the gift of heirloom (non-GMO) seeds.
  • Give some seedlings or a home grown house plant.
  • A thoughtfully chosen book. See below for suggested ethical book stores.
  • Gift a membership to a class or activity e.g., sports, yoga, meditation, crafts, etc.
  • Gift an experience to a concert, show, outdoor activity, or something else they’ll love to do.
  • Gift a day out with you to a favorite location.
  • Gift someone special time together at a place of worship or spirituality or share meditation time.
  • Prepare a dinner for family and friends.
  • Visit an art gallery together.
  • Offer babysitting as a gift.
  • Offer IT support.
  • Do some gardening as a gift.
  • Sing a special song you all enjoy.
  • Offer a cup of tea and a conversation.

Random acts of kindness and of beauty

Also, consider giving to those you don’t know but who would appreciate your gift.

  • Gift an act of kindness to a homeless person – for example, create a care pack or provide a meal.
  • Gift a bird feeder and seed.
  • Gift a rescue pet a home.
  • Offer to run errands or fix something once a week or month.
  • Teach someone about natural, indigenous, and innovative health. A good source is the World Council for Health’s Asia summit.
  • Illumination is a gift – share a link to our Better Way Conference to inform and inspire – see box below.
  • Offer to give a lesson in something you know well.
  • Gift a subscription to an independent magazine or newsletter.

In addition to your favourite local bookstore, consider buying from these:

Or try ‘Advanced’…

  • Commit to not buying any ‘things’ but rather gift time and experiences
  • Challenge your family and friends to do the same, they can do it!
  • Repeat this Conscious Gifting experience throughout the year
  • Estimate how much money you save and use it to get off the grid!

Suggested further reading

The Great Freeset is not responsible for the content of any outside links suggested here

A site with lots more ideas for gifting and reducing ‘stuff’!

Some fabulous ideas for non-toy gifts for children

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