WCH Nursing aligns and embodies the Better Way Charter, in particular point 1:

We act in honour and do no harm

We do our best to live by this statement and enact the principles within this charter.

World Council for Health Nursing focuses on the individual nurse’s empowerment and knowledge to advocate for their own human rights to be upheld first. Once this is established, these individual, empowered nurses can then truly advocate and protect the inalienable human rights of peers, patients, community and humanity as a whole. 

We first empower ourselves and protect our own inalienable rights, then we empower others.

A Genuine Emergency

What you need to know

To be lawful and legitimate a State of Emergency


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Strategy Summary

Focus Points for WCH Nursing:

Provide a safe, ethical space for nurses to discuss all things nursing at the local, state, national and international level

Educate on rights and self-determination

Raise awareness on the root cause of disease

Co-create new, ethical and better systems that respect and support human health and self-determination

Join WCH Nursing


Are you a nurse who has become disillusioned with the standard of care and direction of travel over the last four years? Do you believe in providing care that prioritises the well-being of patients over profit-driven motives? World Council for Health Nursing is a community built on the Better Way Principles with colleagues who uphold the highest standards of care with no corporate interest or influence. Together, we can redefine healthcare and make a true difference to the lives of those we serve.

See our upcoming WCH Nursing events HERE.


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