Agrupacion de Profesionales de la Salud e Investigadores Independientes (APSIIN)

Somos una agrupación espontánea de Profesionales de la Salud e investigadores independientes, inquietos por la crisis sanitaria desencadenada a fines del 2019 y declarada Pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y en nuestro país en marzo de 2020. Investigamos la información con los conocimientos aceptados por la ciencia médica, biológica, bioquímica, virológica, […]
International Reset Freedom Foundation

To obtain funding for and to deploy autonomous research and development facilities with associated: –1. Natural remedies co-operatives,2. Control group blood banks and associated path labs,3. Legal aid centres and4. Rehabilitation centres5. Situated on off grid Agricultural holdings6. Under an International charitable Foundation7. With commercial outletsTo deal with the fallout from the patented mass formation […]
National Citizens Inquiry

The National Citizens Inquiry has been created to support the following objectives:
United States Liberty Alliance

Our goal is to educate, empower and engage the community of crimes against humanity to save our children and the future generations. To dismantle and the end the reign of tyranny by the globalists and their agenda to disrupt the childrens innocence. To bring back the Constitutional Republic and raise awareness about the dictatorship disguised […]
META-Health International CIC

META-Health International CIC is a community-owned non profit organization which provides a global network of professionals for holistic health and integrative medicine.
Volunteer Medical Association (of Japan)

Founded in February 2022, many concerned doctors all over Japan stood up against the rollout of booster shots and vaccination of children with Covid19 experimental injections. At that time, Omicron variant already showed low toxicity and the majority of healthy people, especially the children, never get seriously ill with this variant.Since we observe sudden deaths […]
Stop World Control

We inform humanity about what is going on in our world, so people can defend their life, children and the future of our world.
Control Group

The Control Group Cooperative is a self-funded, world-wide, citizen-led study to collect long-term health outcome data from the voluntarily (SARS-CoV-2) unvaccinated to be analysed and compared with long-term health outcome data from vaccinated cohorts.
We also provide support to unvaccinated communities around the world.
The Control Group Coop are against mandated health interventions and health passports.
Awaken India Movement

Awaken India Movement brings together people who want to educate, uplift and spur collaborative and creative action, self-responsibility and awareness, about freedom of choice and basic human rights which are rapidly eroding. We present reliable information and resources, that are accessible to those with little scientific, legal or technical knowledge.
FRI ZeroSpike

́Federazione rinascimento italia ́ (FRI) is an Italian civic association headed by lawyers, doctors, scientists, entrepreneurs, professionals, artists, etc.FRI has initiated the ZeroSpike project, in order to find out more about the toxic spike protein and what can be done to eliminate it.