Politicians Worldwide Can No Longer Claim Ignorance of the WHO Power Grab

As December 1st Deadline Looms, Politicians Can Still Choose To Serve 

Politicians worldwide can no longer claim ignorance of the attempted power grab by the supranational entities vested in the World Health Organization (WHO) but it is not too late to choose to serve those whom they are privileged to represent.

On the matter of the WHO power grab, expert WCH Policy Briefs have been delivered to named politicians, translated into many languages, thousands of hours of discussions and expert interviews have been recorded, petitions have been signed and have qualified for debate, and millions of letters of concern and information have been shared with politicians by members of the public. However, to date most political representatives around the world have failed to take the matter of surrendering national sovereignty in emergencies to the WHO seriously. 

The WHO is an unaccountable, unelected and conflicted supranational entity whose policies are disproportionately influenced by the dystopian World Economic Forum, the governments of the United States and the European Union, the Chinese Communist Party, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other powerful actors. 

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On May 27, 2022, the 75th World Health Assembly adopted amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). The deadline for rejecting or making reservations to these amendments is December 1, 2023. Two of the amendments, both to Article 59 of the IHR, are problematic as they shorten the time period within which future amendments can be rejected from 18 to 10 months and the period within which future amendments go into force from 24 to 12 months.

In effect, this reduces the time and opportunity for people and civil society around the world to respond, raise awareness and reject future changes to the IHR, especially those tabled for adoption in May 2024. This is worrisome because the proposed amendments that will be put to a vote in May 2024, if adopted, would provide unprecedented powers to the WHO posing serious questions with regards to national and individual sovereignty in times of actual or potential public health crises.

WHO conduct during the Covid-19 crisis has been less than effective

Over the past three years, citizens in every country have been subjected to exceptional curbs on freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of commerce, freedom of information, bodily autonomy and self-determination by our governments via the leadership of the WHO under the pretext of their announcement of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

During this time the WHO was found to be ineffective in the performance of its basic tasks;  it declared undue certainty on COVID origins; it misinformed the public of the infection fatality rate (IFR); it was incorrect about the efficacy of lockdowns and masks; to this day, it does not have a recommended early treatment protocol for COVID, and it has not opened an investigation into significant numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths recorded in both national and its own WHO vaccine injury systems.  

In light of these substantial failures, any organisation should certainly be subject to a full and transparent review of its capabilities.  Instead, however, the WHO is attempting to extend its powers, its structures and its financing to take even greater control over our freedoms and with even greater scope, under the vaguely defined One Health program.  Under One Health, all plants, animals, people and the environment come into scope for WHO control.

Thus, under the amendments tabled for adoption at the next World Health Assembly in May 2024 the WHO would be able to:
1) Unilaterally declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), or even the POTENTIAL for one, in any domain of One Health
2) Claim sole leadership of the response to the PHEIC
3) Implement surveillance measures on people (Digital ID) and States
4) Mandate experimental treatments
5) Maintain sole determination over the conditions by which the PHEIC will terminate

The World Council for Health, on behalf of its international Country Health Councils and members of the public in all countries, is hereby reaching out to each and every political representative once more to alert you regarding the upcoming December 1, 2023 deadline to REJECT THE AMENDMENTS to Article 59 adopted in May 2022.

We request that you collaborate with other members of your parliament or Senate and deliver an urgent letter to your Head of State insisting that they reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations adopted in May 2022 as a matter of urgency, before the deadline of December 1, 2023. 

We call on you to immediately and publicly reject the amendments to the IHR on behalf of the people whom you serve and, in doing so, reinforce the sovereignty and constitution of your great nation.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

John F. Kennedy, 1961

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Categories: Statements

12 Responses

  • J apprécierai qu il y ait une lettre type de laquelle on pourrait s inspirer pour écrire à nos députés

    • To each and every member of the Senate and the House of Representatives:


      For seventeen months YOU HAVE FAILED TO SPEAK OUT AND YOU HAVE FAILED TO TAKE ANY ACTION to demand that President Biden reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that were adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022.

      I want you to reach out to each and every member of the Senate and the House of Representatives to alert them regarding the upcoming December 1, 2023 deadline to REJECT THE AMENDMENTS.

      I also want you to collaborate with other members of the Congress and the Senate to write and deliver a letter to President Biden insisting that he reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations before the deadline of December 1, 2023.

      The Biden administration originally sought to amend Article 59 of the IHR in order to shorten the time period for entry into force from 24 months to 6 months in an attempt to ensure that any amendments adopted at the 77th World Health Assembly would come into legally binding effect within their term of office.
      https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf (page 12)

      The amendment to Article 59 serves no legitimate health-related purpose. It will not improve the health, nor will it enhance the safety of any American. The primary purpose of the amendment to Article 59 is to reduce the time to reject the next round of amendments that are being negotiated in secret by the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations. When the original package of amendments submitted by the Biden administration was rejected, they then attempted to save face by submitting a second, smaller and DIFFERENT package of amendments in violation of Article 55 of the IHR on May 24, 2022: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_ACONF7-en.pdf

      The submission of these proposed amendments by the Biden administration was in clear violation of Article 55, Section 2 of the International Health Regulations which states:

      “The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration.”

      The International Health Regulations:

      The version of the amendments to the International Health Regulations that were adopted on May 27, 2022:

      Video recording of the amendments being adopted:

      The amended Articles to the IHR, as they will be if they are not rejected by December 1, 2023.

      To my knowledge, none of this information has been published in the Federal Register, nor have members of the House and the Senate been properly informed of these details by the Biden administration.

      I expect you to take immediate action upon this issue. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.


      – Download the PDF below, print it out and mail it to your Senators and Congressional Representative:

  • I actually have a comment from the Welsh government claiming sovereignty is not being given up to WHO on matters of health.

  • Thank you for your excellent work in helping to stand for freedom and humanity. There are many of us seeking to do the same, as here in Britain, and we will succeed.

    Light always tries over darkness. Truth will vanquish lies. Please keep up the good work and let us have faith that we will see victory.

  • I sent this email letter to my mp. I had previously been told that Steven Barclay was the mp who needed to be lobbied re the IHR amendments but it seems now perhaps it is David Cameron who has the power to reject amendment 59.
    I received a reply to an earlier letter about same from my mp’s office assistant asking what action I wanted my mp to take, so I sent this follow up message though I’ve received no reply to date.

    Re: Rejecting Amendment to Article 59 of the International Health Regulations Adopted in May 2022

    Please ask Steven Barclay to reject amendment 59 to the IHR by Dec 1st 2023


    I am writing to you Sir as my MP and representative in Parliament, to ask for urgent action and lobbying of the Secretary of State of Health and Social Care, on my behalf.

    Amendment 59 is one of the five so called minor amendments to the IHR that must be rejected by December 1st 2023
    These five minor amendments ae automatically adopted unless the government opts out by Dec 1st 2023

    You should be aware that on 31 May 2022, the delegates of the WHO World Health Assembly formally adopted five new amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005).

    One of these five minor amendments, Amendment 59 seriously shortens the time that the next round of IHR amendments get to be investigated and considered before they are officially adopted. With so many proposed new amendments, I think there are around 300 there will not be sufficient time to scrutinise all the amendments in detail when the scope of the new amendments being considered is potentially so far reaching.

    Please ask Steve Barclay to reject the so-called minor Amendment 59 to the International Health Regulations 2005 adopted by the delegates of the World Health Assembly, this must be done by 1st December 2023. The government must opt-out or the amendments are formally adopted.

    Thank you in advance.

    Regards etc.

    • Thank you for this example Paul, I have been wanting to write to my MP about this but wasn’t sure of how to word it. I have copied your email and added a little bit of my own.

  • I fear for the sovereign rights of every individual, if the WHO should be allowed to continue on its wilful power-grabbing trajectory over nation states and private citizens. I believe we must all wake up and stop this happening.

  • As a sovereign individual woman , I do NOT consent to any of this nonsense and furthermore No One has the ability or right to hand over my God-given rights to anyone else. If these poor excuses for humans much less leaders think they’re gonna bulldoze their way through this ,then it’s gonna get real ugly because I know I’m not alone on this! The bigger they are the harder they fall.

  • I know very little about the WHO. I will be trying to educate myself about the WHO, by all the standards I have gatherd from bits and pieces it is not looking to good.

    I think you are doing a wonderful job in keeping us informed, so please keep up this very needed good work, you are doing!

  • I have signed all petitions calling for my government to refuse the WHO controls & attempts to override our sovereignty.
    I wrote to my MP, who has just been made Sir ‘Brown Nose’. I didn’t get a response. I don’t see that we’re actually achieving much leverage with this. No one responds with a progress report. Others ignore the comments knowing we’re powerless.
    I’m now going to join the Common Law Assent lot & declare my sovereignty as being above this lying, money-grabbing, evil government & its cronies and the Monarch.
    Feeling lost.
    Thank you for keeping me company in the fight against despotic, self-serving, manipulative crowd of fascists