UVC: Prof. Arne Burkhardt: Autopsies: Evidence for Jab Related Harm and Death
The inaugural Understanding Vaccine Causation Conference, convened by World Council for Health Steering Committee Member, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, took place on Feb. 5, 2022. The WCH Law and Activism Committee brought together legal practitioners, doctors, scientists, and jab victim data and advocacy groups to explore a key question: How are jab adverse events proved?
Prof. Arne Burkhardt joined the Medical Practice panel to share his presentation, Autopsies: Evidence for Jab Related Harm and Death.
[00:00:06] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: we’re moving on then to another speaker under our medical practice session. And he is Dr. Arne Burkhardt. Born in 1944 in Germany, a pathologist with more than 40 years diagnostic and teaching experience at the Universities of Hamburg, Bern, and Tübingen. He is the author of more than 150 original publications in international journals, currently engaged in autopsy studies of persons dying after taking the Covid vaccine.
[00:00:37] And Dr. Burkhart, before you deliver your talk to us, perhaps your thoughts first on why this conference on causation… bringing together multi-disciplinary experts is so important.
[00:00:50] Prof Burkhardt: Well, first of all I thank you very much for the invitation and the kind of introduction that you gave about what I have done in the past.
[00:01:00] I think it’s very, very, important to have an international communication on this subject because last year in may, April, I was confronted with some relatives of persons who died after vaccination. And I tried to establish a national registry of these persons dying.
[00:01:23] And I tried to get autopsies done in these persons, but the national associations of pathology here, didn’t reply to this request by myself. So when relatives continued to ask me, ‘ Where can I get some solution to this problem?‘ Finally I said I can examine these organ probes that have been taken during autopsy and we can try to get some other pathologists sent.
[00:01:52] Maybe I can show my first slide now, because if we talk about morphology about pathology, it’s not possible without looking at pictures and slides of tissues and cells.
[00:02:04] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Professor Burkhardt the topic is autopsies evidence for jab related harm and death. Dr. Burkhart, you have 15 to 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of Q and A, the mic is yours.
[00:02:17] Prof Burkhardt: These are the most relevant data on our study. We have eight cooperating pathologists, physicians, biologists, and they are internationally from Germany and other European countries, and also some outside of Europe.
[00:02:33] So by now we have 30 autopsies and three biopsies from vaccinated persons. 15 cases have been evaluated in the step one that has reached Routine Histology. Three cases are in step two Advanced Methods. I will explain what I mean by this.
[00:02:52] And just to give you a rough Impression it’s seven men, eight women, 28 years to 95 years, Death seven days to six months after the last injection and vaccination, the typical vaccinations that are used in Germany.
[00:03:09] So one important fact is that most of these persons that we examined have not died in the hospital, but at home on the street in the car. And that is very important because in these cases, we can exclude that there are interference with therapeuticle measures like artificial respiration and things like that. So only four were in intensive care medicine before they died.
[00:03:37] We had 15 cases with autopsy elsewhere which we examined in step one. And all of these 15 cases were classified by the pathologist of legal medical persons who made the autopsy as natural and unclear. And the relatives insisted on a second opinion. And we in Reutlingen, in our group, looked at the specimens of the organs that were taken. Our follow up gave very probable correlation with the vaccination in five cases. Probable in seven. Unclear/ possible in two and no connections with only minimal changes we saw in one case.
[00:04:21] So what were the organs where we saw lesions? The target organs and the main lesions in her space, Vascular Lesions. Not only to the small vessels, the Endothelium, but also to be Vesselwalls to the muscular and elastic wall components.
[00:04:39] In five cases we found unidentified intervascular material that might stem from the vaccination material. Then spleen and lymph nodes had changes. Heart, lung brain, and finally a phenomenon that we call Lymphocyte Amok. That means that we’ve found applications and nodular infiltration of lymphatic tissues and organs and tissues that are non glymphatic.
[00:05:09] So what are our methods? First of all, routine histological preparation with conventional stain and then Immunohistochemistry first send the markers for lymphocytes inflammatory cells. But mostly emphasis one of the aims of this study too, we try to demonstrate the spike protein in the organs and tissues set were damaged.
[00:05:36] And first of all of course, we examine the specificity of our antibody to a spike protein, and we did this in cell cultures and you can see here net negative control, positive control, and here a larger magnification. So it seems to have a very high specificity for this spike protein.
[00:05:59] And I will just show you a few examples of the tissue damage that I have listed before. So here you can see a normal, small vessel, and you can see the Endothelium that is like a wallpaper and very small elongated spindle cell nuclei. And here in one of the cases, you can see that the Endothelium is in the lumen. And it is in there mixed with Lymphocytes and Erythrocytes and the nuclei is swollen.
[00:06:32] So in some cases the small vessels even are completely destroyed by inflammatory infiltrates, mostly Lymphocytes. And this proves to me that it is an intravital reaction and not an autorhythmic phenomenon caused by degredation after death.
[00:06:51] So we get the spike protein, immunohistochemistry on these cases and we see, you see here a very marked and specific, eh, the mark of the endothelium in these patients. And not only in the small vessels, but also in the smaller arteries, you can see it in the inner part of the vessel. And you can see here there’s decemated endothelial cells.
[00:07:21] So not as I said, not only the smaller vessels were affected, but also the aorta and the larger arteries and two cases have died of a ruptured artery. And actually we found arteriosclerotic changes, but as you see here, it’s not very pronounced. But you can see inflammatory changes around in the deep layers of this aorta and also you can see some disturbance of structure of the smooth muscle and the elastic fibers. And if you have a higher magnification, you can see these small areas where the elastic fibers and smooth muscles are destroyed.
[00:08:09] And again, lymphocytic infiltration proving that it was an intravital process. And here another case. We found it in, in five cases so this cannot be a coincidence. And we did the spike protein, and you find a marked positive expermeation of spike protein in the myofibroblasts of the arterial wall. This is the aorta. And also in the [unintelligible], you can see very strong expression of spike protein in these areas. And this I think is a very important finding.
[00:08:54] So how often did we see this vasculitis, this endovasculitis or some call it endothelitis, in 11 cases with focal lymphocytic infiltration, then vasculitis paravasculitis in 10 cases, fokal media-necrosis in six cases, and thrombosis caused on this area in two cases.
[00:09:19] So similar lesions are caused by toxins and drugs cytostatic drugs, and in some food poisoning like Lathyrism. And so we think also here a toxic element, the spike protein might be the causative agent.
[00:09:39] Now another, other lesions that we saw in the spleen. We first overlooked, but the more we looked, the more we found it. And this is one phenomenon that is known as onion-skin, arteritis of the spleen, which is seen in some autoimmune diseases like lupus erythematosus.
[00:10:01] And in the course of these arteriolitis we saw focal destruction of follicular arteries in the spleen and products of the lymphatics follicles. Now, first of all, this picture is an overview of two organs in one paraffin dock. You can see here, the liver and here, the spleen. And so both organs have had the same preparation, the same fixation and everything.
[00:10:33] So you can see easily that the liver is practically non-reactive. You can see some small vessels, the epithelium is positive, but the liver itself is negative. And then in contradiction, the spleen has a very pronounced mark around the vessels and small arterials. This is a liver now, and you can see the liver cells itself are negative, but the small vessels, the capillaries have a strong, positive reaction of the endothelium.
[00:11:10] And this is this reaction that is called the onion-skin phenomenon, which is seen in some autoimmune diseases. You can see the wall of the artery is split up in, in a way. And also here we can show, as we saw on the overview that there’s a strong reaction for the spike protein.
[00:11:35] And this is a phenomenon that none of the pathologists that I work together have ever seen. This is the small artery in the spleen, and you can see the wall has a focal defect and the lymphatic tissue is protruding into the vessel. So it also changes in the lymph nodes. We have seen a case of a pseudolymphoma, as I can show you here. It’s at least three centimeter large. And then in another case, we saw a focal central infarct of the lymph nodes.
[00:12:15] Now the myocarditis is now I think it’s internationally known that it is a side effect of vaccination. And you can see that in our cases, we saw these lymphocytes marching up in the small vessels here. You can see the intact muscular fibers. And in this case, you can see that they are destroyed by the lymphocytes that are infiltrating in contradiction to the infarction to the true infarct of the cardiac muscles. Do not see granulocytes in these areas. Only very few when some macrophages, of course. So we come to the lung here, you see a normal lung. You can see here all the white areas of the lung alveoli.
[00:13:02] And what we found are very pronounced changes in which you might call a lymphocytic alveolitis, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia. And you can see that only very few areas where there are still aveoli. These, the infiltration is mostly T lymphocytes, CD3 positive.
[00:13:30] Very important are the changes that we found in the brain. We found an transfection-associated encephalitis, then lymphocytic infiltration, and focal destruction of intracerebral and arachnoidal blood vessels, subarachnoidal hemorrhage without an anuerysma. There is an in young people, focal lymphocytic infiltration is also in the Dura mater. In one case necrosis of the Hypophysis partial necrosis of the Hypophysis.
[00:14:03] Now this, just for those that are not familiar, this is Dura mater. And here we found infiltration by lymphocytes. This is the, the, arachnoidea where we found a perivascular inflammation, and we also found it in the brain. This is Dura mater, you can see this focal infiltration by lymphocytes. This young 26 year old died of hemorrhage. No, no aneurysm, and you can see that the vessels in the brain and in the [inaudible] have a focal lymphocytic infiltration, and, probably that caused a rupture, also infiltration by lymphocytes.
[00:14:52] And this is a case of the encephalitis, which we observed. And in this case, we could demonstrate a spike protein, again, in the smaller vessels. And here, a small artery here, very pronounced, positive reaction. Another area where you can see this definitely and very, clear positive cells. It’s mostly in the small vessels, but also in some neural cells.
[00:15:26] And now in a phenomenon that we call the Lymphocyte – Amok, which is a lymphocyte accumulation in lymphocyte predominant tissue destruction outside of the myocardium and the lung where I’ve already demonstrated is. It’s definitely the danger of a prolonged auto immune disease.
[00:15:49] In this, we found in non lymphatic organs and tissues. There are some autoimmune diseases which are related to this phenomenon. And this is in the lung. In the lung sometimes you find a small lymphocytic elements, but I have never seen before [inaudible] quasi lymph node with reaction centers and activation.
[00:16:13] And this is the frequency that we found of these lymphocytic infiltrations, the thyroid glands, the salivary glands. And by the way, of course, we found this in two cases, but we only had these organ specimens in two cases. So it was found in 100% of the cases that we examined. So in the aorta, I showed you before, skin liver, kidney, lymphocytic pyelonephritis, nephritis, in the testis, in one case, and in the Dura, I showed you this phenomenon.
[00:16:49] So these are the organ changes. And just as the last lesions that I would like to show you is unidentified foreign material in the vessels, especially in the spleen vessels. And this is something that we could not identify. No pathologists that have looked at it knows what it is. First we saw these cells but they have an inner structure like [inaudible] and then we thought it might have been a contrast material but this patient died at home and was not in the hospital for a long time.
[00:17:29] So our theory is that these are the nanolipid particles, which when they come into the body and a warmed up which coalesce and form larger particles that might at one point stick in the system, in the vessel system. And this was one case in the spleen, and this is another. This one was only a few days, and this is after some longer period of time. I might add that this is a coincidental finding because this was not macroscopicly seen, but we had it by coincidence in our sections.
[00:18:11] I will show you a case report. Over natural death uncovered as caused by vaccination-induced vasculitis of the coronary artery.
[00:18:21] It was a 50 year old man, two vaccinations, and he died 123 days after the second vaccination. And there was no doubt this was myocardial infarct. The primary autopsy was [inaudible]. They saw a discoloration of the cardiao muscle and said, well, yes, he died of a myocardial infarct but then we did histology of the coronary artery and we found these changes.
[00:18:59] And in addition, in the muscle we found the myocarditis, as we found typically in the other cases, as I have shown. Now this is the coronary artery and yes, you see it’s clearly there. Is thrombus formation inside. And yes, there are arteriosclerotic changes. But look at these areas and here around the vessel. There’s definitely inflammatory reaction.
[00:19:26] And you can see these disturbance of texture of the smooth muscle and the myofibroblasts here and you can see also some discrete lymphocytic infiltration. And then around the vessel, around the vessel, there’s this dense lymphocytic infiltration. So we concluded that the vessel, the coronary artery, had an inflammation induced by the vaccination, by the spike protein. And the thombus was built on the ground of these inflammatory changes and led to be infarct, which definitely was present.
[00:20:15] But also the fact that there was a concomitant, myocarditis, very strong evidence that this secondary, because of the vaccination. And for many, we spent many hours looking at all these slides. And for a long time we were thinking, well, we are chasing a Phantom and we looked at each other and ask each other, do you see this? Do you see this? Is this real?
[00:20:45] And we are now at a point, and especially after we could prove the presence of spike protein for months after vaccination, we are come to the conclusion, no, we are not chasing a Phantom. Further studies are necessary and I think it’s a very exciting field that we are coming to, but also a very depressing and very scary phenomenon. Thank you.
[00:21:13] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you, professor Arne Burkhart, for your incredible contribution to health science, and humanity. We are slightly over time, but I believe everyone is really appreciating this conference on causation. So I’m going to ask my colleague Mark Trozzi to take two questions for the professor before we hand the mic over to Dr.
[00:21:32] Ryan Cole, who will be talking to us about the proof is in the blood causation in pathology. Mark?
[00:21:41] Dr. Mark Trozzi: Thanks, Shabnam. Thanks very much Dr. Burkhart. I’ll be brief in my admiration and thanks to you, but I could go to great length in that, but thank you for showing us in unquestionable terms, what is seen through the microscope and what has been happening to our fellow humans who have been given these injections.
[00:21:58] So I’m going to pick two questions. One is very sweet and it’s an anonymous attendee who says, “Professor Burkhart, do I understand that you came out of retirement to help us, the people of the world in need?”
[00:22:10] Prof Burkhardt: Well, actually, I was just retiring a few months before I started to study. I gave back my license for the health insurance in April last year. And in May, I was contacted and they asked me if I would do this study. And I, by the way, I also have some consulting contracts with some other laboratories.
[00:22:39] So I’m not retired in the way that I am not active anymore, but I’m retired in the sense that I am not responsible to anybody and that I cannot be thrown out of my job. I’m independent.
[00:22:58] Dr. Mark Trozzi: Thank you very much from all of us present and otherwise. One other question comes from [inaudible]. By the way, Dr. Burkhardt, I hope you have the time after. There’s some great questions. Lot of people keen to ask a question.
[00:23:10] Please forgive me, those that I was not able to get to, but this person is asking about toxicology test. What types tests on body fluids should a forensic toxicology laboratory do to prove death due to vaccines? Histology is usually requested by pathologists and clinical lab tests will test for traponin in living people, usually that this is not done in forensic toxicology laboratories. So I think in summary, for people that don’t have access to histology and autopsy, do you see there being laboratory tests to help prove causation?
[00:23:45] Prof Burkhardt: Well, I’m a pathologist and I’m not doing laboratory tests on blood or serum or anything. But if there are any lesions, I recommend to take a biopsy and if there are lesions found in the microscope to do immunohistochemistry in the future. So, maybe Ryan Cole can answer this better than I.
[00:24:11] Dr. Mark Trozzi: You’ve brought forth the powerful point that there’s no replacement for the histology and proper staining. So thanks for your leadership.
[00:24:17] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you, Professor Arne Burkhardt. We are grateful for your time and your commitment, and we look forward to you perhaps spending more time with us in Understanding Vaccine Causation Conference Number Two. Thank you very much for joining us from Germany.
Thank You for your Dedication to The Truth
Kindly consider having a discussion that focuses on medical ethics and the need for informed consent before administering the injections.
Thanks for all the help and dedication.
Site Feedback: If you want to get the word out about your important work, please link to the videos that we can actually embed into our sites or download…
I have been diagnosed with carcinosarcoma of the lung, and on October 17, 2022, I will undergo a lobectomy to have the 2.4 cm tumor removed.
Considering how rare carcinosarcoma is, I would like to donate the tumor to a team of researchers who are currently studying carcinosarcoma, or alternatively, cancers that potentially are influenced by Covid vaccines.
My operation is just a few days away, so I ask that anyone with knowledge where I can donate the sample, please let me know immediately so I can leave instruction with my authorization to perform the lobectomy
Stupidly, no one can download (or share) videos from this site. Do you not? want people to watch these?
Thanks to Dr. John Cambel from the U.K. For steering me to this link. Dr. Arne Burkhardt was very informative and explained clearly with the slides. I live in the states and mandated to take 3 of the Moderna shots, no history of cardiac issues up until now. I have been referred to a local Cardiologist for what my last EKG was S T segment junction depression. I think it was caused by the vaccine. No one in the states will do any outside clinical study of a broader impact of damage caused by vaccines to health care workers who are heading towards retirement. They are relying on a study based off of electronic health records from various health systems in the U. S. Another issue is the cost of getting a second opinion if a loved one died of “natural causes” which that info is unfortunately HIPPA interferes unless you get permission from families of the deceased!
Thank you for seeking the truth
Terrific work! This is the kind of information that are supposed to be shared around the web. Disgrace on the seek engines for no longer positioning this submit upper! Come on over and discuss with my website . Thank you =)
Thank you for the dedication shown for justice, truth and humanity.