Menzi Maseko: Contextual Approaches to Food and Seed Sovereignty

Menzi Maseko is the Cocreative Knowledge Officer at Green Ankh Works, co-founder at the Institute of Afrikology, director at Transformative Health Justice, and a co-founder of Ikhambi Natural Healing. Menzi is also an essayist, translator, and occasional poet.

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on March 14, 2022. This presentation is also available on Rumble and on Odysee. The full General Assembly Meeting is available in our Video Library.

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Here’s what WCH members, staff, and coalition partners are saying about Menzi’s presentation:

“Food is medicine. It is very important to have this presentation. Thank you!” -Dr Pri Bandara

“Many of Sri Lanka’s indigenous rice varieties now exist only in the Philippines Rice Institute.” -Feisal Mansoor

“Africa has huge opportunities, unspoiled soils.” -Stephan Becker

“Your message is absolutely fundamental to our survival. Thanks you Menzi!” -Dr Mark Trozzi

“Thank you, Menzi! Great presentation.” -Michael Alexander

“Thank you once again for an excellent WCH production.” -Fahrie Hassan

“Thank you son of Afrika, Mayibuye! The World Council for Health appreciates your service and leadership in seed and food sovereignty.” -Shabnam Palesa Mohamed (South Africa)

“Thank you so much Menzi! Your presence has been a true blessing!” -Zoe

“So much wisdom Menzi! Thank you for joining us.” -Karen McKenna

“Thanks Menzi – such valuable information.” -Maeve


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One Comment

  1. There is a UK business that operates as a club so they can sell a variety of heirloom seeds (not necessarily EU recognised). They always send instructions with their seeds of how to save and share these traditional vegetable seeds. They are I have no conflicts of interest.

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