Helping Youth to Thrive in a Post-Covid World

On Wednesday, February 15, Sarah Waters led a webinar exploring ways to heal and empower young people to thrive in a post-Covid world.

About Sarah Waters

Sarah Waters is a psychotherapist experienced in working with the effects of abuse, neglect, and childhood trauma. She also specialises in the attachment-based family therapy DDP. 

This webinar highlights what she feels is an ever-widening ‘Science-Practice Gap’ when it comes to healthy child development and explore the attributes that adults urgently need to develop to protect the emotional health of the young.

Sarah is also a member of HART (Health Advisory Recovery Team).

Find this video to watch and share on Rumble, YouTube, Gettr, and Facebook.

For more Mind Health webinars, click here.

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One Comment

  1. Sara Waters, THANK YOU !!! outstanding presentation and the absolute truth as a teacher of of 33 years with a Kinesiology/Physical Education degree from Ontario Canada !
    As you know, our entire study is the connection between cognitive, affective and motor domains and that’s the gift of teaching kids how important it is to be healthy in all those domains!!
    I am going to borrow your Wizard of Oz analogy( my favorite movie by the way) when I speak to people and teach kids who are really struggling shown by difficult behaviour and low academics/self esteem!!
    I am actually on the WARPATH about your presentations in schools/education/politics about your topics today and transgender stuff(sexualization of our children), critical race theory getting rid of freedom , free speech , faith and the DIE departments(diversity, inclusion and equity).
    How can I stay connected with your organization from the Canadian side?? I have enclosed a website which is a program( that I am directly involved with we are taking into the schools
    With lots of love and respect,
    Ann. C Fenton
    BPHE BEd.