General Assembly Meeting — October 18, 2021


WCH – GA Meeting – October 18, 2021 RUSH Transcript — Partially machine-generated [00:00:00] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Good morning. Good afternoon. Good day. And good evening to every single one of you. My name is Dr. Naseeba Kathrada. [00:00:08] I am from the not so sunny city of Durban today. It’s quite chilly here. And on behalf of the steering committee of the World Council for Health, I’d like to invite to welcome each and every one of you to this, our official first live stream. Remember this meeting is being recorded and a special shout out to all of you who are watching us on the live stream. [00:00:28] And how do you get there? Go to our website, and in the newsroom. That’s where you’ll find our live stream. Today as usual, we got a very jam packed presentation. It’s actually our Monday general assembly meeting. [00:00:45] So just a little bit more about the World Council for Health. We have come together as an umbrella organization with over 63 affiliates, and we’ve got quite a few speakers this evening. Just remember we are very happy to be hosting speakers from around the world on our [00:01:00] platform and welcome different perspectives. [00:01:02] We would like to point out however that the opinions about guests, because don’t necessarily represent the opinions of the World Council for Health. We are all about transparency. That is the reason why our meetings are being live streamed. So everybody can see that censorship is not something that we advocate. [00:01:20] And some friendly reminders to everyone. We love to have you here, but you remember, please keep yourself on mute during the meeting, unless you are invited to speak or invited to ask your question, but for the questions, please, can I ask that you put a Q in the chat box before your question to help us notice your questions amongst the amazing comments that you are going to be, that you are going to be putting. And just a reminder, again, we are live streaming and this is an interactive zoom meeting for all the people who are on zoom. [00:01:53] Our affiliates that we have currently, we are worldwide coalition of autonomous civil society, groups, and health focus [00:02:00] organizations who seek to broaden public health knowledge, and sense-making through science and shared wisdom. [00:02:06] And we’re going to have some examples of the affiliates on the next slide. Zoe is going to show us, I think we’ve got more than 60. It’s over 63 affiliates now from countries from all over the world. Perhaps the next slide, please, Zoe. [00:02:19] Okay. So we bought a affiliates from New Zealand, from Canada, from the UK, from the Philippines, from South Africa. We’ve got representation around Europe, South America and all across all across the world, basically. [00:02:33] I’ll just tell you a little bit more about the World Council for Health. Personally, I joined the World Council for Health and here’s the rest of the steering committee members. [00:02:40] As you can see representation from all across the road, we’ve got Canada, UK, New Zealand Philippines, South Africa yeah, all across. And we are always constantly changing and we also have Maria from Austria. So that’s our steering committee members who will all, meeting today. And we have come together because we have [00:03:00] a common vision and a common goal. [00:03:02] All of us work voluntarily for the World Council for Health. We are a nonprofit organization. We are not run by any big companies, big organizations, and we take money from no one we’re doing this because we believe that there is a better way. And together we are going to find it. [00:03:17] So medical lead leadership is needed during this Covid health emergency to relieve the climate of uncertainty and fear. People need care and independent guidance on Covid-19 and emerging health issues, health professionals, and scientists need to support need support to provide ethical services. [00:03:36] People need to be empowered with information to take control of their health. And that is why we need the World Council for Health. So without much further ado, here are the meetings proceedings for this evening. We have amazing speakers starting off with Dr. Pierre Kory, and then moving on to professor Andreas Sonnichsen from Austria, Dr. Jacques Imbeau from New Zealand, [00:04:00] and then we have our affiliate introductions. And then we have our weekly subcommittee updates from our science and medical and legal committee updates. Also, we have our most important for everyone to know that at the end of the meeting, we do have a section for matters arising. [00:04:16] If there’s anything you’d like to bring up or discuss, please bring it up during this this session of our proceeding. And before I hand you over to our first esteemed speaker, I just like to remind you once again, that these meetings happen on a Monday in order for you to get updates on the meeting, it’s simple. All you gotta do is go to our website and subscribe. You’ll also be able to get the link for the, our telegram channel, which is always going to put into the chat box right now. And that telegram channel will give you updates of events that happened with World Council for Health, and you will be able to use that link to the links we put up there for the live link where you’ll be able to watch this live. [00:04:58] If you are an affiliate group [00:05:00] or a group that wants to affiliate to the World Council, contact Zoe from the World Council for Health website and become an affiliate. And then you will be able to be part about interactive zoom part of this live session. [00:05:13] So with that, I’m going to hand you over to a man who needs no introduction! In these uncertain times can be certain that it there’s one man fighting past that is Dr. Pierre Kory. So over to you, you have 10 minutes please. [00:05:28] Dr. Pierre Kory: Okay. Then I will try to be brief, but thank you. Let me just share my slides. So I’ll just get right into it. Thank you for the introduction. One quick comment, is that in that wonderful list of affiliates – my organization is not there yet. I just want you guys to know we’re having little gentle infighting. [00:05:48] It’s just there’s some caution in our organization about associating with such critical thinking, radicals such as yourselves, that everyone’s very nervous. And as you guys know, we’re at war here and [00:06:00] that we’re just so everyone just so tenuous because we just can’t take on any other attacks for anything. [00:06:06] And but just know I’m here in spirit if I’m not here in name or in organization, but I’m happy to come talk today. So what I want to talk about briefly is the World Council for Health put out, the website and the information is just so it’s just so positive. [00:06:21] And I think so helpful to anyone who comes to find that obviously. A number of different approaches to treating there’s many organizations with different protocols. I’m not saying ours is the best. I think there’s so many ways to treat this disease. But I do want to highlight an important aspect of something that we adopted in our protocols, which I think is critical. [00:06:41] Not only from a mechanistic and clinical outcomes perspective, but in more of a pragmatic outcome, there is a war on repurposed drugs and as a, as they went after ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and the choices are becoming less. And just as we’ve talked about, people prescribing ivermectin [00:07:00] are being threatened with loss of license. [00:07:02] There’s a pharmacy blockade in the United States. I know in Canada, it’s very difficult to get and around the world. I think it’s important that you understand another really a potent way to address this disease. Okay. So this is our early outpatient protocol. You guys are all familiar. With a lot of the stuff we’ve recommended a lot of this most of this I think is World Council for Health website. [00:07:22] I can’t recall if you guys have androgens on there. I should say an anti-androgen. So let’s talk about that. Why am I talking about antiandrogens? Number one and I probably shouldn’t start with the first point, but it’s been recognized from the beginning that males fare a lot worse than women. [00:07:38] That disparity and severe outcomes has been absurdly evident from the get-go. In fact, my first units that I saw filling with these patients were overwhelmingly male. And if you looked at, in, in the ages of 40 to 49, about six times more likely to die, two times more likely to die between age 30 and 50. [00:07:58] And so this has been [00:08:00] well-recognized. Now the first paper that came out was actually published in April – a letter to the editor. And it was about a group who was consulted because they noticed in one ICU that it was an inordinate amount of males with male pattern baldness on the ventilators with severe pneumonia. [00:08:16] And they did it in a rather systematic fashion. They assess them for androgenetic alopecia. And they found that the vast majority had some form and most of them had actually pretty advanced alopecia. And what does alopecia mean? It means an excess amount of androgens typically, and it causes baldness, right? [00:08:34] So testosterone and the more potent form of Progesterone. . Why is that important? This is a critical feature of this disease, and this is what I want to communicate is that TMPRSS2 is one of the most important enzymes for this virus to get into the body. So it’s the enzyme which actually cleaves the spike protein into the two subunits. [00:08:55] And it’s that one sub unit, the S one, which actually binds to the ACE receptor. [00:09:00] And it also affects the ACE, a receptor binding domain. And so you can’t get into the cell without this enzyme. Now this enzymes activity is so critical and it’s almost completely controlled by androgens. And so the, it became a natural progression of thought. [00:09:18] If the people with high androgens are doing worse, could suppressing androgens help them? Here’s a couple of other observations. So not only they saw males, male pattern baldness seem to be effected much more strongly. They also looked at women with hyperandrogenic features like polycystic ovarian syndrome or hirsutism, and any woman with those features, they seem to have done much worse, they had much more frequent symptoms, much more prolonged, durations, much more effected by nausea, fatigue, weakness. [00:09:52] And then they started looking at it observationally. If you’re on antiandrogens, is that protective? Answer? Yes. And they saw this in [00:10:00] men. They saw that the men who were on a five alpha reductase largely or on androgen deprivation. So for instance, men with prostate cancer, active treatment for prostate cancer, much lower incidence of the disease, much lower severity. [00:10:15] And so if you look at, in this one, if you were on an androgen suppressant, look at the ICU admissions 8% versus 58%. Absolutely. Eye-popping and this actually, you’re going to see those kinds of numbers throughout this very short talk of which I’m sure I’m running out of time. [00:10:32] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Yeah, if I can just come in there for a second it’s Shabnam, this discussion is absolutely so brilliant. [00:10:39] Can you possibly just change the view on your slide? Devyn’s just let us know if you could please change it to full screen. [00:10:47] Okay. How about, [00:10:49] Ted Kuntz: I think you have to stop screen-share and then come back in again, when you make a change like that. That, sorry guys. [00:10:55] Dr. Pierre Kory: I’m glad you interrupted. Okay. So in case you couldn’t see [00:11:00] before, this was my list of the reasons why, basically the entry into the cells of the TMPRSS2 – its androgen mediated. This was the letter to the editor. These were the disparate incidents of severe symptoms in hyperandrogenic females. These were the males that had some sort of androgen suppression therapy and their incidences of ICU admissions was just dramatically different. [00:11:25] Spironolactone actually is an anti-androgen. At levels above a hundred milligrams a day, and it also has profound effects in the same thing. So it . Downregulates TMPRSS2, it increases free ACE-2, which actually can attach to the SARS-CoV-2, and prevent entry. So you actually want high amounts of free ACE-2, and it also, and also decreases the receptors. [00:11:49] And so it also has other pleiotropic effects like hyper inflammatory. And so when you think of spironolactone, think of it as an anti-androgen, as well as an anti hyper inflammatory [00:12:00] effect. And it has a number of them that are relevant, especially macrophages, because as many of the core of this disease is a macrophage activation syndrome. [00:12:10] This is almost completely mediated by macrophages and there are two types, M1 and M2, and you can repolarize macrophages. In fact, a lot of the stuff we’re doing with long haul Covid-19 is actually trying to affect the repolarization of macrophages to the hypo inflammatory type and not the pro. Again, I’m going to go briefly, but the amount of trials to support this, I was just giving you the rationale, which is there’s good mechanistic reason why you would want to suppress androgen [00:12:36] There’s very good observational reasons why you want to suppress androgen. And now there’s numerous randomized and observational prospective trials showing that treatment is hugely impactful, right? So this was the PreAndroCov the female trial. And they looked at women with hyperandrogenic conditions, like I mentioned, and everybody got standard of care. [00:12:56] So in all of Dr. Cadegiani’s trials, he does not go with [00:13:00] true placebo. He does not believe that in this disease, he already knows stuff that works. So all arms got nitazoxanide, which is a highly effective actually as effective as ivermectin or ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. And then he compared the non androgenic to the Androgenic and he found that if you treated the hyper androgenic females, they actually did the best. [00:13:21] And they did best they did better than hyperandrogenic weren’t treated and even better than non-hyperandrogenic females. And that was one trial and then same thing with five alpha reductase. This is actually an observational one and they compared matched groups. So everybody had male pattern baldness, and those who got treated and those who didn’t, if you could see this all of those on five alpha reductase had far less symptoms and far less severe than than those who weren’t treated. [00:13:51] Similarly, they had viral clearance, massive difference in the viral clearance, which should be expected, right? 37 versus 9%, [00:14:00] as well as the degree of patients who resolve their symptoms. This was actually a placebo controlled trial. Again, this is just in men, but they also showed a huge difference in viral clearance, as well as recovery rate and inflammatory markers. [00:14:14] And then finally, another one, very similar, larger trial, same thing with Dutasteride again, big difference in resolution 9 versus 16 days. And then if you look, if you took out taste and smell was even it was as large. Now here’s the kicker. I find these trials absolutely should be on the front page of every, I keep saying that- lots of stuff should be on the front page of every newspaper in the world, and they’re simply not. [00:14:40] But the, this trial of this drug called Proxalutamide, which unfortunately is not available anywhere in any country, because it’s a novel agent used in prostate cancer. It is a highly potent androgen receptor antagonist. And it’s considered 16 times as potent as some of the other [00:15:00] anti-androgens. [00:15:00] But because of this mechanism, it was, there was two large randomized controlled trials done, double blind placebo controlled randomized controlled trials. This was the hospitalization trial. They did an early outpatients. And this is in gamma in Brazil, which is a very violent variant- very violent, virulent variant. [00:15:20] And they found a huge reduction in the need for hospitalization. If you treated early with Proxalutamide. Similarly in the hospital, they did this now in hospitalized patients, pre ventilators and nobody on a ventilator, but keep in mind, look at this clinical score, cause this was the primary outcome. [00:15:40] But if you look at what the prime, the score of seven is seven is hospitalized on event. Eight is death. Six is on high flow. One is not hospitalized, no limitations. This was a trial of 645 men and women in the hospital, not on mechanical [00:16:00] ventilation. They got Proxalutamide for 14 days. If you look what happens at 14 days, the average clinical outcome score in the Proxalutamide trial was 1, the controls was 7. [00:16:12] The mortality was 11% versus 50% in gamma, at that time in Brazil, they had 50% mortality in that region of the country with gamma, it was horrifically bad – it had high hospital mortality rates and you saw this unbelievable impact of the Proxalutamide. And so for me, I find this overwhelming. Now remember in the same class as Proxalutamide, we have a number of drugs that are used in androgen deprivation therapies for prostate cancer. [00:16:42] So there are different agents available. So I’m just going to finish. This is my last slide, but what we advocate for is early outpatient. [00:16:50] And this is done with the close consultation with Dr. Cadegiani who’s really the world expert in the role of androgen suppression in this disease, he’s actually an [00:17:00] endocrinologist- is that we favor spironolactone at a 100 milligrams twice a day for it’s potent anti-androgen, as well as anti-inflammatory effects and then Dustasteride, which is if people use that for benign prostatic hypertrophy at a higher dose than you would use for that condition also for 14 days. And so that’s a good we think approximation probably doesn’t reach the potency approximately to mine, but we think that’s a, an effective and safe way to approach this mechanism of the disease as an outpatient. [00:17:31] And then ill patients we bring out a little bit of the bigger guns, right? Casodex, which is Bicalutamide or flutamide. And we use those, I, for instance, I use those in the ICU with the higher dose of Dutasteride. And know those are all safe and women, they’re safe in men for short term, especially. And when you’re dealing with something as high mortality especially in the hospital as Covid it’s reasonable to use. [00:17:54] And so they’re well tolerated and safe. And I’ll just finish there guys in my whole flat didn’t go [00:18:00] on too long that I stopped sharing. I think. [00:18:04] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you so much. Thank you. That was amazing. And I did say that we have you on our side, so we already stronger. Thank you. So I’m going to take some questions. [00:18:13] Shabnam, do you, I see you have a question for- [00:18:16] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: I do! Okay I was wondering, are there other diseases which also need this type of anti-androgen therapy and what do they have in common? [00:18:24] Dr. Pierre Kory: The other diseases that you use them for? There’s very little in common, right? Because most of the other diseases that antiandrogens are used for are diseases that are caused by androgen excess, or for instance, in prostate cancer, right? You want to suppress the stimulation of those cancer cells, which are also mediated by androgens or things like a male pattern baldness, and also women have hair loss. [00:18:49] So apparently, and I’m just saying this cause Flavio’s Brazilian, but he told me that Brazil the the Brazilian women are the most vain in the world from a Brazilian and [00:19:00] apparently it’s widely used to prevent hair loss amongst women in Brazil. And so one of the things that’s mean, so hair loss, obviously hirsutism, which are males sort of secondary characteristics. [00:19:11] So most of the other diseases are really just androgen mediated diseases. And the thing is you should include Covid-19 as an androgen mediated disease, and that’s why I started off. So I would put Covid in the bucket of androgen mediated diseases because of the disparate outcomes in males. [00:19:31] And this just consistent reproducible impacts of lowering androgen activity associating with better outcomes. And now in two double-blind randomized controlled trials. [00:19:43] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks, Pierre. One more. How receptive is the NIH and the NIAID to repurpose use of- [00:19:50] Dr. Pierre Kory: Are you trying to provoke me- [00:19:53] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Never. [00:19:55] Dr. Pierre Kory: It’s called poking the bear? I’ve been on my best behavior so far. [00:20:00] I think you just want to wind me up and see me go there Shabnam, no fair. [00:20:06] Oh, the NIH had been they’ve been knocking on my door and politely asking me to please share that my data and wisdom with them. It’s every day they stop, they won’t stop calling. [00:20:15] Yeah, that’s all. [00:20:15] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: I’m not sure if you’ve got time for any more, but fear. They might be a couple more in the chat if you want to just address them there. I think Mark has one. The NIH one was from Rob and one last one from Chris. Then, were there any patients in these child that had been vaccinated? Why would this information not be entertained in the media? That’s from Chris Blue. [00:20:36] Dr. Pierre Kory: No, I do not believe they were eh, the vaccination would be- first of all, there was a placebo, an intervention, double blind randomized. So the impacts of vaccination I think, would not be a significant factor. And then the question as to why it’s not entertained in the media let me try and give a short answer. [00:20:54] Yeah, we can spend an hour on that. This is what I’ll say, which shows up in the media [00:21:00] is what’s allowed to show up in the media. And so all I would say is the controllers of the media feel that they do not want Proxalutamide or antiandrogens to enter that space, because keep in mind, they shouldn’t be afraid of Proxalutamide right? Because Proxalutamide has met regulatory approval exactly nowhere. [00:21:18] But if you allow Proxalutamide into discussion, if you look at my last slide, those are our attempts at mimicking Proxalutamide. So then those are all repurposed drugs and we are in a humanitarian crisis. It’s a war on repurposed drugs. So you will not see repurposed drugs show up in the media. [00:21:36] They want to open those lanes for molnupiravir. Let’s just be clear and call it like we see. [00:21:42] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thanks for that bit. There was one more question that I’m going to just and then we’ll then if you can please check the chat. This is from our next speaker. He asks, would you suggest to give anti-androgens to all mild and moderate illness? [00:21:55] I did see you separate them. So would you give it to all? [00:21:58] Dr. Pierre Kory: I got to [00:22:00] tell you this Delta makes me nervous because I used to be pretty confident if I got to someone early, they’re reasonably healthy, I usually could. I could do just. Great outcomes with just ivermectin. Now I’m finding, they forget to them a little bit late, or they’re a little bit overweight or have other comorbidities I need to employ more. [00:22:21] And the one central lesson that I’ve learned in Covid is the one mistake you can make. The only mistake you can make in Covid is falling behind. You do not want to fall behind. And so I have what I call a quick trigger to add to titrate escalate and prolonged durations. And so if I have someone who’s overweight in their seventies and I get them day three or four I bring out the full Monte. [00:22:45] I’ll add the antiandrogens to ivermectin, especially if you don’t have ivermectin, that should be your main stay would be the anti-androgens. And if you look at our protocol, our triggers are this. You should add it for anyone day five or greater from [00:23:00] symptoms, anyone with significant comorbidities or anyone with a lackluster response to maybe your first-line therapy. [00:23:07] So if you treating someone for a couple of days and they’re like, kinda did not, and not glowing and telling you how much better they feel, doc, then I would add to it. And I’m developing a feel for when myself, I just know I don’t want to fall behind. And so these are safe. [00:23:22] You’re using them for short courses. And I would argue that you should have very little hesitation. [00:23:28] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Well, thank you so much for that, Dr. Pierre Kory, in these uncertain times, the only certain things the only certain things is the uncertainty, but thank you for helping us steer our way through this a little less with some robustness, with all your work. [00:23:43] I thank you so much. There are a few more questions. If you have the time to please answer in the chat and thank you so much and I’m quite sure we will get them emailed to you if people reach out to us. If there’s a specific question, because when they ask a question to you, they want the answer just from you. [00:23:59] Dr. Pierre Kory: So yeah, [00:24:00] that’s nice. I will share all my papers that I quoted and more. I have a folder and maybe I’ll send it to Zoe for everyone. Cause I see there’s a question on that. [00:24:09] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Perfect. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Always a pleasure to have you. And with that, thank you again Pierre. With that we are going to move over to our next . Speaker. [00:24:18] I’m going to now hand over to professor under Andrea’s Southern accent from Austria, and he’s gonna talk to us and how dangerous is Covid-19 and is giving us a perspective from Italy, Austria, and Germany. Professor, you have the floor for 10 minutes. [00:24:33] Professor Andreas Sonnichsen: Thank you very much. [00:24:34] Thank you for the invitation to give a presentation in this meeting. My name is Andreas Sonnichsen, I am from Germany actually originally, and I’m now working at the University of Vienna, in the medical university as a professor of general practice and family medicine. Thank you, Pierre Kory for this very nice presentation on the treatment. [00:24:56] I am looking on there on the [00:25:00] completely other side of the disease because for the majority of the people that that contract Covid 19, the disease will be either asymptomatic or with very little symptoms, especially younger people and with, and people without without co-morbidities. [00:25:17] What we are facing is that probably by the measures that have been taken- the lockdowns and now the vaccines- we are probably causing a lot more damage than good. And I will want, I would like to give you a perspective on what really happened in Italy, Austria, and Germany during the past one and a half years. [00:25:40] So let me share my slides. [00:25:43] Well, first I would like to declare my conflict of interest because I’m quite in a, quite a strong disagreement with my university. I am more or less obliged to say this in the beginning of any presentation I give I’m professor of general [00:26:00] practice and family medicine at the medical university of Vienna. [00:26:03] I am a member of the chairing committee of the German network for evidence-based medicine and former chair of this network. And I’m a, I’m an associate of the Institute of worldwide information management in medicine, Salzburg, Austria. And my statements in this presentation are based on science and on data that are publicly available to the best of my knowledge, but they’re are not necessarily in accordance with either my employer, the medical university or the German network, or IWIMED. [00:26:35] I do not have any conflict of interest with any pharmaceutical industry. [00:26:40] You all remember March 20, 20, the horror in Bergamo? That was the title in the largest newspaper in Austria, the standard. And it tells us below the headline for a number of weeks, SARS-CoV-2 has demonstrated [00:27:00] its cruelty in the Lombardian City of Bergamo, now authorities are preparing for the battle formula. So it’s a very warlike vocabulary that has been used to, to increase the terror and the fear of the disease. [00:27:18] And let’s take a look at the numbers. What really happened in Italy during the first 12 weeks, 2020, and then the rest of the year? [00:27:28] In Lombardia, we had 22 Covid deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in Italy, total. We had five Covid deaths per a hundred thousand inhabitants and in Italy until calendar week 12, which is about that date, we had 294 total deaths per a hundred thousand inhabitants. So a very small percentage of the deaths were actually caused by Covid: 1.7% of the all-cause mortality. [00:27:59] And even if we [00:28:00] look at the complete year of 2020, There were 122 Covid deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. And the total mortality was 1,160 per 100,000 inhabitants. So Covid fraction of all-cause mortality was 10.5% and there was not differentiated between dying with Covid or caused by Covid. And then of course, the median age, this is very well known by now that Covid affects mostly very old people. [00:28:34] The median age in Italy was 80 years and 98.8% of the patients that died from Covid had at least one relevant co-morbidity. [00:28:46] So this is a disease of old people and people with comorbidities. [00:28:54] Now let’s take a look at Austria. We can see the epidemiological curve here, [00:29:00] the four waves, the first wave. It’s nothing. [00:29:05] It’s really nothing that, and the first lockdown started when the numbers were already going down. So actually what really was bad was the second and the third wave. And now we have the fourth wave- the Delta wave which has a lot of numbers of people testing positive for Covid 19. But as we will see in the next slides, it has become much less dangerous than during the first and the second and third waves. [00:29:36] Now, interesting. Austria has been the world champion in testing. We had 92 million tests by now of these PCR tests in one and a half years, so that every Austrian was tested about 11 times in one and a half years on average. Test-positive we had [00:30:00] 774,000 and that’s about 8.7% of the population. So this again, shows that even though this this pandemic has been very much in the foreground of the news, of the media, it only affected a small proportion of the population. [00:30:20] It’s not a pandemia that everybody has had and acquired during the past one and a half years. And we are talking about one and a half years and four waves, but still only 8.7% of the population tested positive. And probably about 30 to 40% of these tests were symptomatic. And probably about 20% of the tests were double testing because every positive test was counted as a new case in this statistics. [00:30:52] So it, this does not represent actually the number of active cases. Even if we do [00:31:00] pretend this to be the number of active cases, the test positive rate was 0.83%. So very small. Most people tested negative in these past one and a half years. Now, if we take a look at the deaths, the next slide we had compared to the number of test positives, we had quite a few deaths during the first wave. [00:31:26] We had done an enormous number of deaths during the second wave, a lower number of deaths in the third wave and almost no deaths we are having now in the fourth wave. If we take a look at the age of the people that died from Covid, then 80% of all Covid deaths were more than 75 years old. [00:31:48] And you can see in percentage of the population affected below the age of 45 it is nearly zero. [00:32:00] It’s- there’s nothing. There very few solitary cases of deaths from Covid 19 in that age group. And actually the main problem we’re having is in the age groups above 75. And as Kory already said, men are affected about twice as much as women from the deaths. [00:32:22] And very interesting, thank you for your presentation because I learned a lot because I was not aware of the androgen problem. [00:32:32] Okay. Now let’s take a look at the case fatality rate, and this shows very clearly that we have two phenomena. The first is we did not treat patients correctly in the first wave. [00:32:48] Actually we intubated and ventilated patients way too much, way too early during the first wave. And that is probably the cause of a very high death toll. [00:33:00] During the first wave, we had a case fatality rate that rose up to almost 20%. Now in the second and the third wave, the death toll was very much lower. [00:33:12] And now we are here. It is nearly zero, even though we have quite a few numbers of new infections right now, coming up with the Delta wave- we have very few deaths. As you’re all aware of the study of Ioannidis, the systematic review he did covering 338 studies from 50 countries. And the infection fatality rate globally was about 0.15%, which basically is not much more than regular or a little stronger influenza peak that we have every couple of years. Like in 2018, we had probably as much deaths from influenza as we had from Covid this past year. [00:33:57] Now, let’s take a look at the [00:34:00] hospitalizations and the intensive care unit workloads and Austria. And we see the government has been telling us we have to do a lockdown. We have to do all these measures against the pandemia because our hospitals are overwhelmed with Covid patients. And this is basically has been a lie and the lie is still being carried on. [00:34:20] The maximum of the workload was about coverage of 60% in intensive care and about 55% in the hospitals. And it was comparably nothing in the first wave when they made us believe that we needed a lockdown in the first place. Now, this is another graphic that shows very much that the danger of Covid has been reduced by improvement in treatment. [00:34:49] During the first wave the ratio of hospitalized to test-positive patients is quite high. Almost there, there were spikes up to 25% [00:35:00] and we have come down to very few percent being hospitalized or having to be hospitalized in the second and the third wave. It’s come down to almost nothing right now. There are very few people in the hospital and in the intensive care units with the Delta virus. [00:35:17] Now we’re switching to Germany and we don’t have such a nice graphic. We don’t have these data from Austria. That’s why I’m switching to Germany. [00:35:26] But I think basically the numbers are quite comparable. This shows the hospitalizations due to severe acute respiratory infections. The SARIs which are taken from 72 Sentinel hospitals of the Robert Koch Institute, the government institution in charge of influenza surveillance and in 2021- they not only did influence surveillance they say also did Covid surveillance, of course. [00:35:56] And as you can see, we have seasonal [00:36:00] fluctuation in the hospitalizations due to severe respiratory infections and these peaks and the gray shaded areas here in the graphic are the influenza waves. And we did not have an influenza wave in the winter of 2021, but instead we had a Covid wave, a two peak Covid wave, but as you can see, it was not much higher. [00:36:26] It was a little higher than the influenza waves in the year, before years before, but it was not much higher. And the interesting thing, as you can see, the red curve, that those are new barns and a very small children below the age of five. And they always are affected quite heavily by, by the influenza waves. In both the years, 2018, ’19 and 2019, 2020. [00:36:55] And during the Covid there was nothing! We did not have [00:37:00] young children affected by Covid. And so we did not have affected young adults. They were higher in the influenza waves and adolescents. And what is very interesting now we are seeing this rise in the hospitalizations of very young children. [00:37:21] And this is not new to Covid because that wasn’t the summer and we didn’t have Covid then. It is due to respiratory syncytial virus, which usually comes in the summer. You have the summer peaks here and here. And the pre influenza and the fall, and we all have this very tremendous rise, probably due to low respiratory syncytial virus infections in the past winter season. [00:37:48] And now this is coming back. Now this is interesting if you go back a few more years and I had, you see, I had to change the scale of [00:38:00] the 2018 to 21 graphic to fit with the years before. This is the boundary of 500, right? And you can see the tremendous spike in 2018. That was the very heavy influencer wave in Germany and in Europe, in, in the spring of 2018. [00:38:19] And we also had a, quite a high in of wave in in the spring of 2017. And we almost have no influence in 2016 though. So these are yearly fluctuations. There are years with quite high numbers of SARIs and there are years with lower numbers of SARIs and actually the Covid here does not stick out of the regular pattern that we have during the past decades. [00:38:45] Now let’s go to excess mortality. We did have some excess mortality to Covid 19. Obviously not only in Europe, but all over the world. And these are the data for Germany and you can [00:39:00] see the rise of the Covid mortality excess mortality in the fall of 2020. The first wave in the spring of 2020, the red line here is this very small, tiny peak that you can hardly distinguish from the other curves. [00:39:16] And directly next to it this is the peak of the influenza excess mortality in 2018. And also interesting, you have smaller summer peaks almost every year due to the heat waves in the summer. So this is basically showing, of course we are having excess mortality. We are having a number of deaths due to Covid, but it does not really stick out compared to influenza years of the past decades. [00:39:50] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Can I just interrupt you there? We do have a few questions for you and we’re going to have to move on to our next speaker, but there’s something really important that we would just like for you to give us a comment on, please. Regarding the [00:40:00] PCR tests that you spoke about, do you know at what cycle threshold the PCR tests were being done at? [00:40:05] Professor Andreas Sonnichsen: This is not reported in Austria and Germany. It is not reported. Which is a big problem because a lot of the PCR tests are probably are with CT cycles of above 30 or even above 40. And the public statistics, the data that are available publicly do not report the CT cycles, which is a big problem. [00:40:27] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: And is there a link, a correlation, or do you have a slide to show us when the vaccines, the rollouts offered in each of the countries you are presenting? [00:40:35] Professor Andreas Sonnichsen: No, I did not get into the vaccines because this is a totally different topic. Let me just- [00:40:43] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: The question was just a correlation between- [00:40:45] Professor Andreas Sonnichsen: Can I just show you this, explain this last slide, maybe? [00:40:50] I hope I didn’t use too much time. Because I think this is very important. It shows a systematic review with a number of studies[00:41:00] that investigated the infection fatality rate by age. And as you can see, this is a logarithmic scale. [00:41:09] The 10 year olds have an infection fatality rate of 0.001 and people of 80 years or 85 they have an infection fatality rate of 10. So Covid 19 is 10,000 times more dangerous for old people than it is for children. And this is very important, especially if we get into the vaccine question. We are now in Germany and Austria, we are obliging school children to be vaccinated. And of course the vaccine is comes along with a lot of dangerous side effects. [00:41:51] And it’s not, it’s, I think it is ethically not acceptable to vaccinate children against Covid [00:42:00] 19 because they are not affected by the disease. [00:42:03] I would go through this very, very briefly- the main problem of Covid are the old people- almost 40% of the deaths are occurring in nursing homes in Germany and Austria and some countries it’s even more. [00:42:17] And if we look at the death percentage of the 75,000 nursing homes residents in Austria, the first wave killed 0.4%. And the second wave killed more than 3% of all nursing home residents. And if we calculate the number of deaths per 100,000, it’s 3200 per a hundred thousand for nursing home residents, and it’s 46 per a hundred thousand for the general population. [00:42:43] So this is the big problem. And this is my last slide or my penultimate slide- covid 19 is not dangerous for children as adolescents and young adults. It’s less, actually less a dangerous than influenza. [00:43:00] It is comparable to influenza for middle age adults and is more dangerous for older adults and especially nursing home residents, as well as people with relevant co-morbidities. [00:43:11] So I think and this is my personal opinion, the lockdowns and the measures we have been taken to, to to fight this pandemic have done more damage then good. And they have violated one of the, one of the most important issues in medicine. This is, first of all, it do not do harm. And we have caused unemployment, poverty, depression, loneliness, violence, hunger, lots of education, deterioration of medical care, spread of other infectious diseases and halt of vaccination programs in low and middle income countries for the well-known vaccinations, not the Covid vaccinations, which has led to a loss of life and years life, years and quality of life. [00:43:59] [00:44:00] Okay. So thank you very much. This has been my presentation, my few on, on the danger from Covid-19. [00:44:09] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you so much, professor Sonnichsen, and, you, you raised such important questions- points there, regarding the children which is so important with the over the vaccine rollout moving towards kids at the moment throughout the world, and a very important point about the nursing home. [00:44:22] We had a speaker a few weeks ago on our general assembly who spoke specifically about that. So I thank you so much for that. There are a few questions for you in the chat. If you will please privilege us with some answers, if you can just type them out to the people in the chat. And thank you so much again for that enlightening talk with such great data, numbers don’t lie. [00:44:42] Thanks for that, professor Sonnichsen. [00:44:43] So we’re gonna move on to our next speaker, who is Dr. Jacques Imbeau from New Zealand. He’s going to be talking to us about the indigenous situation in New Zealand and the opportunities they provide. Over to you, Dr. Imbeau you’ll have the floor for 10 minutes. [00:44:59] Dr. Jacques Imbeau: [00:45:00] Thank you. I will just share my screen. And now I’m going to pick up on what our last speaker- that speaker said. [00:45:10] In New Zealand, we have very few cases of Covid-19. Most cases are actually PCR cases. And I would say. I’ll put the information in that chat there, most people are pretty sick. However, what we’re facing is serious damage from all the coercive measures that have been implemented by our government, which is really the main issue that we’re facing. [00:45:42] That we’ve been trying for many months to enter into a rational conversation with the New Zealand government to no avail. We’ve asked them to provide scientific evidence in support of their actions and that they have [00:46:00] been unable on the main to provide any significant evidence. And any evidence that they gave we counteracted with better evidence. So they stop basically replying to us. [00:46:10] As you are aware, this is a worldwide problem, and it’s not about Covid because we just heard that Covid is not much worse – even less in some cases than the flu. [00:46:23] This is a totally different problem, which led us to look for another approach since we cannot find irrational solution, as it’s not based on reason, it’s based on an agenda designed to for another purpose all together. We formed a subcommittee to interact with our Maori indigenous population. [00:46:49] Under subcommittee we have doctor, we have Dr. Anna Goodwin, Dr. Tessa Jones and myself. So a few months ago we started [00:47:00] to get in touch with some Maori spokespeople. And we ended up being a very fruitful conversation with the Maori government of Kaunihera Huaora. To make a long story short. This started of course before the foundation of New Zealand as a country. Maori of course, where the occupant of this land and in 1835 they met then the British resident, James Busby. [00:47:30] And they basically signed a proclamation, which is basically called the proclamation of the reigning chief of  translated as the declaration of independence based on four pillars. Subsequently in 1840, there was a treaty that was negotiated between Maori and the British. And this treaty is called Te Tiriti o Waitangi which is translated in English as the [00:48:00] Treaty of Waitangi. Sadly, the English translation is flawed and doesn’t have really equal standing. However, those in the government for a long time has use the English translation to mislead the population and leading them to believe that Maori had actually ceded their soverignty to the British crown. [00:48:24] Okay, so there’s been a problem right from the start, because the treaty was breached very quickly by the representative of the British crown. Mainly, the colonial government started to sell land – Maori land – to British settlers without their consent. [00:48:44] This led to what we call the land wars, where the Maori rebelled, and this was crushed brutally by the British army, which has led to a lot of Maori assets including their Maori [00:49:00] bank that was burned to the ground and Maoris were then gradually colonized and this is now well accepted and the government has continued on this course for a long time. And they have a lot to answer for. What people, I don’t know if I should say this on this forum, but the current government is not what people think. Yes. So I won’t get into this on this forum but there’s a huge issue there as well. [00:49:28] Needless to say that Maori, because of the tricky, clear, legal rights and historical basically change and the government does recognize Maori law as a valid stream of law. There are two streams of law and one of them is Maori law. So they have their own legal system and they have their own traditions and so forth. [00:49:53] And we have decided then to work with them, to look at the different path. The path [00:50:00] that doesn’t involve fighting the government, because this government is not making progress at all. The path that is designed to bypass the government by using a unique situation based on the free Wakaminenga people. [00:50:19] As part of disagreement, the Maori government has established Wakaminenga Health Council. It’s basically is designed as an alternative-and it is- alternative to the current system of the New Zealand government, which is based on having different council, the medical council, data console, nursing console, and so forth, which regulate professionals with what I would call a increasing need for control. [00:50:58] In New Zealand, [00:51:00] our council have indicated that health professionals are vaccinated and they’re expected to repeat what the government says we should say. And any information contrary to that, or that talks about adverse effects or about complications related to vaccination are deemed anti-vax and could be subject to disciplinary action from Council. We’re focused on the I can only get Health counsel there’s other aspects as well. [00:51:35] The approach of course is totally different take on health by embracing of course Maori values. There, their traditions, but also will, are quite willing to embrace us as well. So we’ve come up with basically 10, if you wish that is based on some basic concepts that [00:52:00] are applicable to every human being. This being of course, at the core of it, the respectful for free will and personal responsibility that comes from its application and the understanding that the application of free will can determine outcome in a person’s life. [00:52:24] That person makes correct choices. This brings positive consequences. So the person makes poor choices brings adverse consequences. And of course, we’ve also come up with what we call universal laws. Again, very basic principles that dictate, everything that exists in every human being. There are seven of them. [00:52:51] You can see them on the screen. The law of movement or reciprocal action, the law of attraction of honogenous species, the law of balance, the [00:53:00] law of spiritual brevity, the law of rebirth and Divine grace. And of course I mentioned the importance of freewill, freewill versus bad will. [00:53:10] So it’s very important to understand the impact of Bad Will. Most people don’t realize that their freewill has been impact negatively by the unresolved consequences of their past choices. This is very significant for forever, but for everything well, and we’ve actually what is called Pehipehi which are traditional Maori’s ethics and principles, which are forced. If we look into it, detail meshes, like we just discovered before. And these are very traditional values that are out of the present for very long time in Maori society. There for example, when somebody as done the transmission, they call it Ara which is the way of truth. [00:54:00] And the way to basically, or from one actions, which is actually very encouraging to see that there’s a meshing of value, that what we ourselves. [00:54:14] As . Practitioners, we have our vision, which is quite different of course, than what the government is promoting. And of course, maybe a look of our colleagues. You have some, again, very important principle of access to health provider being a privilege, not an entitlement that is first and foremost, the personal responsibility or our practitioners can support and assist if they themselves act responsibly. We are health facilitators working in partnership and do not accept blame when our advice is not followed. Those do not wish to share any personal responsibility, or are unwilling to exchange value for the sake of health and freedom. [00:55:00] Should that raise this issue before engaging with, in fact, I’m going to get health practitioners as this is morally and spiritually forbidden. [00:55:06] The goal of the council is to help restore, facilitate and promote health and personal empowerment. If you have an unforeseen accident that you can miss, you may need to seek care the appropriate disease or illness based hospital, which you move in access of course will help people. So that’s still a place for emergency medicine or what we call mainstream medicine. [00:55:31] We expect that your health improve significantly, the need for new services will gradually begin to dwindle. There’s also of course, the code of ethics and conduct, which all practitioners have to abide by and in their practice, you have English and Maori version. So at this stage were setting everything up and we’re getting ready to begin registering practitioners, into the [00:56:00] council. And practitioners initially we’ll have a fast-track process where we would recognize their existing annual practicing certificate in the corresponding councils. [00:56:12] So that we can be basically registered on their Maori jurisdiction, which means that it will be under Maori law rather than the law of the New Zealand. [00:56:25] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you so much. We have a very important question that has just come up. This is absolutely amazing what you’ve done and it is something that the whole world is probably going to want to follow suit. [00:56:36] And we will definitely put your website details in the chat for anyone who wants to go into the website in more detail. I just have a really important question that somebody has asked. I’m going to just take one question and then if you can help answer the rest of the question in the chat. [00:56:49] What practical advice can you give? Where to start? Just one, one idea where to start for other countries who want to do something similar? What advice can you give? [00:56:59] Dr. Jacques Imbeau: [00:57:00] Oh, the first step is please engage with indigenous parties, your country, and begin the conversation because these people, they are actually, despite of everything that has happened,my experience is that they’re very open hearted and they’re more than willing to fail. [00:57:20] In fact, [00:57:27] I have been touched by the Wakaminenga [00:57:37] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you. [00:57:37] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: We welcome your emotion. [00:57:39] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Yeah, it is exactly what we need right now. People’s passion and we can see that this means so much to you. [00:57:46] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Can I speak for a moment and just a carry- Jacques, thank you so much. Jacques and I are chairing and we started a committee on for Indigenous people because we see this as [00:58:00] a powerful way forward to help people in countries around the world. [00:58:04] So we welcome as much information as you can send to us and questions, and we will certainly do our best to be a resource for you as Naseeba, you asked like the perfect question and Canada we’re definitely ahead of the game as far as lockdowns. And it’s been very interesting communicating with indigenous people across Canada and seeing how much help they need. [00:58:29] I was hoping we could turn to them for help, and I realize it’s going to have to go backwards and forwards a lot before we move forward, but we definitely are going to get there. Thank you. Thanks. [00:58:40] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thanks so much Dr. Imbeau, there are so many questions, people and comments, for the amazing work that you’ve done and for pioneering this journey and setting a trend setting, and that’s exactly what it is. [00:58:51] And, I applaud you for your innovation and this will actually, I’m actually looking at the exact same thing in South Africa as well. I’ve actually engaged in a [00:59:00] few talks after having chatted to Tracy and having seen this it’s really, truly inspiring. So thank you for that. If you can perhaps just to answer some of the questions Jennifer, if you have some can help as well, that are questions that perhaps you can, there are quite a few that are coming up in the chat. [00:59:16] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: I’ll help answer them. Thanks very much. [00:59:18] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you. Thank you so much. Zoe, can you perhaps share a one slide before we move on to our our affiliates introductions. So this is a very exciting part of our general assembly, where we get to tell you – where we get a few affiliates to introduce themselves. [00:59:33] This is the slide that we’ll just put up. How many affiliates we actually have in the World Council for Health at the moment. So I think it’s well over. I think we close to 70 now from all different countries and yeah, that, that’s the one and it just looks amazing. And every time I see this and I remember seeing it starting off with quite a few and it just grows every week and this is absolutely amazing. [00:59:58] So be part of our family, if you [01:00:00] belong to an organization join us at the world council for help and let us all take a page from ducting in boat and let us innovate and not imitate. And with that, I’m going to hand over to our first of two affiliate introductions. We’ve got two today. [01:00:15] The first one is from the Children’s Health Defense, and the second one is from Trust in Humanity. So I’m going to hand over to Mary Holland from children’s health defense over to you, mary. [01:00:26] Zoe Strickland: I can’t actually see her in the participants. I don’t know if she’s, maybe she’s not managed to get in. So maybe start with Masha. We can move to mashup from trust in humanity. The floor is yours. [01:00:36] Mascha Orel: My name is Mascha Orel. I’m born and grew up in the Soviet union, which says pretty much about myself, about my motivation, about my . Involvement. I’m also second generation of Holocaust survivors, which says even a bit more about my involvement and let me just start sharing the screen. [01:00:57] I prepared the very last minute [01:01:00] presentation without beautiful pictures, but stupid, perhaps something to get back to them. So we have for humanity and subtitles, I chose “Time for a new narrative” just to get to the point. This is what we would like to manage with your help with things that a new narrative is justified and quite urgently necessary. [01:01:27] So what is it about and who are we? We name ourselves human family. We are not organized in a way because we do not want again to suggest that there is a new organization to get over and to rescue everyone, people need to take responsibility and this way the group was initiated by Holocaust survivors and their descendants. [01:01:52] But in the meantime, we’ve got many supporters over 5,000 and our family is open to anyone who would [01:02:00] like to join us and share our values and aspirations. We say about ourselves that we present it represent interests of all people in the world who aspire to leave. [01:02:11] You just need to change the view. So I see my own presentation, excuse me, who aspire to live in freedom, self determination, dignity, and truthfulness. [01:02:23] What are our goals? Make reasoning heard. So let me explain and let me elaborate quite briefly. We realized that the division of our societies all over the world, even though our families has been completed successfully so that the communication is hardly any possible because we became two hostile camps. [01:02:49] So we thought maybe people will listen to someone who speaks not out of conviction of this or another kind, but rather out of experience [01:03:00] and really notice that people do open the hearts and ears and eyes a bit more when we are speaking. [01:03:10] Call a spade a spade. We also realized that the anti-Semitism and NASAD controls have been a deflationary abused for years for many years. And it was something quite worrying and being brushed as antisemitic because he recognized the science of what we recognize as well. [01:03:35] They said, now it’s time just to stand up, to protect it and to use the chance to name the things, what they actually are. And in this way, we hope to escalate the topics we are confronted with to a new level. So what have we [01:04:00] got right now? This is image sent by __. She survived a Nazi camp as a child, and she is a real fighter. [01:04:10] She is sure that heart of our moment. What do you see does need to understand in French? You’ve got just comparison, July 8th, 1942 versus July 8th, 2021, which contained more or less just. Limitations left-hand to the Jews righted to the not vaccinated. And the holocaust didn’t happen overnight. [01:04:40] For us these realizations is dominant realization, so shock and one was called for action and we started action. What have we done so far? We wrote an open letter to the defence of Sucharit Bhakdi. It is important in so far that [01:05:00] we, I would say the first time, since the second world war named a spade saying, look what you are doing right now.

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[01:05:09] Mascha Orel: You aren’t misuse and Holocaust to prepare and unfold a new Holocaust. We expresses the wound that another Holocaust is unfolding on the bigger and more sophisticated which has actually used, or put it another way. If you wish misused our a bit special statues our capability. Alone is to speak up in this ways because no one else is allowed to, without gated, but the way back to your walls, what have we done else? [01:05:45] Which you lynched EMR, we transferred actually hand deliver it appeal to demand demanding then that their vaccination complaint to be stopped immediately, [01:06:00] that we are dealing with medical experiment to which November code is to be applied. And we did so on August 25th, we recorded our transfer. So if you wish you could double check on the link. [01:06:18] I am displaying right now behind the link, you will find the recording of there let’s transfer as well as our letter to E M a N 10 languages and last but not least also call for support of our demands to our supporters all over the world. On September 15, EMA responded in a way in which EMA actual insulted us just on not itself. [01:06:50] And this later, if nothing else is approved of criminal intent, which our Dutch friends used to file a [01:07:00] criminal. Claim against EMA in the Hague. So in the Hague at the same time, four months, it’s now being kept in limbo, a team of lawyers from UK, France, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. The joint request for investigation has not been proceeded now for month and 34, we joined to support them. [01:07:30] This is the press release regarding our joint into these proceedings initiated by Kira McCallum and Melinda may. We hope that more lawyers get churned that more experts provide the sworn debates so far. We’ve got Dr. Fleming as well as Dr. Professor Dr. Montagnier and Dr. Kevin McCarren [01:08:00] who gave their sworn affidavits among others. [01:08:05] We hand deliver it our letter in that time. Which means we. Provided reserve nations first, but not last. We are going to put pressure on to increase pressure by double checking on the statues and SAS on September 20th, a lawyer from Israel, Daniel to go hand, deliver it our letter one more time and use the occasion to also drop the criminal claim against E M E Y to drop because the prosecutor are they employees where the court refused, accepting the paper because they were scared that we could, content to them. [01:08:50] The might’ve be contentious to them. That was the reason. So you’re going to find behind this link, the recording of submission, as well as our [01:09:00] later, what we would like to do, how we would like to proceed and what we are hoping, what kind of support we’re hoping from all of you on from. Networks. We think that it’s obvious that there is only one way to stop it. [01:09:17] Neither the politics, the politicians, not just no Turners Namibia will stop the morose agenda, no matter how damaging the evidence, no matter how many health diet and will die, what it will be do must address to the pupil. Only if they observe what’s happening in the Hague, then maybe this criminal claim make sames good, make sense. [01:09:49] And we would like to be used as ambassadors managers for a mentioned two reasons. We may speak matters, [01:10:00] which are the people count without being hindered. We just want to use our EBIT special, still added special status statues and to do we need a global support to be heard. [01:10:14] And if we are heard the question, what would we say to the people out there? You really think a quiet, justified and urgently, not necessarily. Narrative change. That is a medical experiment. I’ll go, Nuremberg code must be applied. And consequently, since this is violated, we need to call for Nuremberg trials. [01:10:41] They can bend the national laws and they do so they even create new lows, but they cannot change the Nuremberg code. They can protect at least from accountability on the national laws. [01:11:00] But judges also had to answer at Nuremberg in 1947. So there were trials against doctors, again, judges, and they should be made aware of this. [01:11:14] So this is the main narrative to make people listen. I think we need to entirely shift focus to the children because children are the only common denominator in a divided society. This is perhaps the only topic we can agree on between the two camps created by the politics. By saying investigation. [01:11:42] The hae is to protect the children as well. The NY trials are necessary to protect the children. Should I assess. It’s got, and by the way, this is also the narrative [01:12:00] of which Dr. Flaming is pushing or holding out [01:12:04] Any question, Debbie. Okay. [01:12:08] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you, Mascha if you want to just round up how do we proceed? So we have one moment and then we’re going to move on. Thank you. [01:12:15] Mascha Orel: Okay. Thank you. So how we would like to proceed the first set was sealed. The act of resistance is not to the system, but to the fellow human being, I actually don’t know who is the author, but I entirely agree. [01:12:28] I think the solution is to make people doubt and the evidence is to convict the criminals and the rest, some ideas which we have been discussing in our team with lawyers, with doctors who are supporting us. There are two appeals, which we hope to to gain supporters. This is the one I displayed already. [01:12:53] And another one, which should invite people to support the claim in the [01:13:00] hake. We would like to use the database created in this way as ambassador, we are going to proactively correct. Their support us via email and by doing so, we would provide them with messages and of course, ask them to support us actively. [01:13:18] As I said, they need to take responsibility. I would like to create a fact sheet for the media, but not just a locally, the way we’ve been doing forever, but rather internationally and simultaneously just to make sure they cannot say they didn’t know it. We know that I know, but this time we should point out that it’s about the personal responsibility under the Nuremberg code. [01:13:46] I am not a doctor. I am not an expert. And this way I can say it’s not doable to a normal human fellow to understand scientific papers. So what we need to move to the [01:14:00] trivial facts again around our children. Here are some, just a few examples and we hope to be able to create short fact sheet sheets with support from you and other networks. [01:14:13] P E this is Paul Elrick Institute in Germany reported on September 20th. That actually these are reliable advisors. 20 times small children are home. By a vaccine or Sukkos vaccine than by Covid. So here are a couple of numbers, 2028 counted from Fern percent vaccinated kids and 1,225 from all children living in Germany. [01:14:44] Vaccination versus Covid. Pfizer is running tests on orphan babies. They’ve got a whistleblower and sense. So in Poland, there are sheriff is involved in sense that at least five other countries are involved. So embryonic tissue, [01:15:00] as of the whistle blower in Pfizer preparation, surely in others at latest, when it comes to the children has to be addressed for religious and ethical reasons. [01:15:11] So these are facts which do not need much of scientific proofs, but which address obviously to the people’s front, specifically to, towards their children and to their note fair such as for example, accelerate rated cancer development scene in their vaccination. I would say like teams in the meantime, and that’s that’s eat the, my, the other possibilities to support the most important initiatives. [01:15:43] For example, Renate Holzeisen is looking for witnesses and said, we need support in the Hague. I have no time to, to discuss possible approach. So I am thankful. Thank you. I think I’m grateful for [01:16:00] any kind of support for any ideas, how to proceed, but I hope that the general approach is something you could accept and provide your support to us, which is I used to say help us to help. [01:16:19] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you so much Masha, I have to say that your, the name of your organization is enough to give us all hope it’s trust in humanity, and that’s what we want to bring back, trusting humanity. And that is why we all gather at different times of the day on a Monday for two hours doing our general assembly meeting so we can hear messages. [01:16:39] And if it’s by people like you and your organization. So I thank you so much for sharing with us. And again, I must say I absolutely loved the name trust in humanity. That gives us hope. And with that hopeful note we are going to proceed without committee updates. And we have several committees and we are like you all know part of this [01:17:00] pandemic, we building the plane and flying it at the same time, the proverbial plane. [01:17:04] So we have some committees set up and we have new and evolving committees. And our work council for health is growing as the need arises. So I’m going to hand you over for us for a science and medical update science and medical team update to Rob Verkerk. [01:17:20] Dr. Robert Verkerk: Thank you very much, Naseeba I’ll attempt to share my screen now. That should work. We have lift off. There we go. Okay. The first thing we just want to summarize to you is we were asked to look at the Marburg issue, and I think some of you have heard Karen Morrissey raising the alarm bells, there are many alarms out there, not least of which is Gavi itself. [01:17:47] You will see that they are getting more and more active preparing ourselves, putting it in plain sight, that there is a very active vaccine development program working away [01:18:00] for Marburg. And one of the things that we do within the science and medical subcommittee, the same with the umbrella of well cancer for health generally is take on board a very wide range of opinions, and then basically consider these and come up with a view. [01:18:19] In essence the summary of the view where we’re at is first of all, recognizing that there is a significant threat. You can look at any any indication of infection, fatality rate, for example, Marburg is a particularly nasty pathogen. It was first determined if you look at Lancet in 1967 as a bacterium. It was taken from vervet monkeys because they were basically culturing cells for developing polio vaccines back in the sixties. [01:18:49] And these were very diseased monkeys that were full of pathogens. To us, it wasn’t a great surprise that the original causative agent [01:19:00] was probably miscategorized as a bacterium. And it very quickly was determined to be a unique a unique virus, which would sits in its own taxonomic category. [01:19:11] Bottom line is that there’s been very few cases. The original Frank first and Marburg cases were lab leaks, so that there are also commonalities with the situation that we’re dealing with at the moment. And the key concern that we’d like to really raise is the very fact that Gavi and others, the scientific community, the vaccine community is definitely in full tilt in terms of developing. [01:19:40] Vaccine vaccines gene therapy products for four for Marburg. And just as we’ve seen a lab leak for Covid, it would be very suspicious if we now saw Marburg. And in the context of what we’ve just been listening to today, one of the things that we see consistently is actually a [01:20:00] pattern of the existing Varients being actually less lethal the lethality, the deadliness, if you like, of the certainly of Delta that’s become dominant is considerably less than the original veterans. [01:20:15] And that’s part of a process in which the pathogen is adapting to its new host. It’s something to keep an eye on. And that is essentially a summary of our view. Now, I just want to just run you through some very quick data looking at where we are on gene therapy, products or vaccines in single adverted commerce. [01:20:35] As a committee, we’re not very happy with the use of the term vaccines. We understand that we have to use the term because that’s understood by the public, but they do not want. As vaccines and the conventional sense of the word. And to some degree, it’s strongly arguable that the public is being deeply misled. [01:20:55] And one of the areas that is being very heavily misled is this continuous [01:21:00] use of the term effective, safe, and effective in relation to these gene therapy products. This is a very up-to-date view on where the science sits. Obviously nearly 46% of the planet has now had at least one dose. The fascinating things in those low income countries that are now being pressurized to hit this target of 40% vaccination. [01:21:25] You’ll see, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, there is a very low risk from Covid. So the question has to be asked, what is the medical need for forcing this intervention? When so much of the health care fit should be spent on dealing with TV, malaria and other issues when you’re looking at. [01:21:45] The U S population. One of the leaks that emerged a few weeks ago late September was the Q metrics dataset that looks specifically at a cohort about 5.6 million people over the age of [01:22:00] 65. And as we’ve been hearing from the German and Austrian Daisa, we’ve got conditioned to believe that this is the age group that is still most at risk. [01:22:10] And what we’ve gotta be very careful not to do is to assume the data patterns that we saw during 2020 are the same as the data patterns we see June, July, August, September, now into this winter with Delta verus variant being dominant. And this gives us a very clear view. CDC has these data as well, and of course it’s being very muse on it. [01:22:35] So here’s a little bit of background on the number of breakthrough cases, what this particular cohort where it comes from the CDC is looking very closely at it. What you’ll see is from may, as recently as may, this year, there was only 4% of the total number of cases in this over 65 cohort was Delta by 28th of [01:23:00] August. [01:23:00] It was 97%. So the difficulty is that we rely on a Lancer or new England journal of medicine publication prior to these. We’re going to be looking at data that’s non comparable. If you look at the blue bar chart and especially towards the right, you’ll see in dark blue, total cases and light blue breakthrough cases. [01:23:23] And what you’ll see is this dramatic increase in breakthrough infections. As we move to the current time this patent goes on, we see a massive drop in vaccine effectiveness to the point that now in the over 65%, we have only a 41% effectiveness score with people like fat. She’s still claiming high levels of effectiveness. [01:23:49] So talking about those telephone number data that came out of the original phase three interim study results. So we’re seeing a big failure, both in terms [01:24:00] of overall breakthrough. And we’re also seeing waning effectiveness within four or five months. So people were vaccinated six months ago. [01:24:10] There is a serious risk that the vaccine will provide zero protection. And if they’re doing nothing else, and particularly if they’re now going to be exposed to younger people who are being vaccinated and potentially releasing a lot of spike protein, when they become infected shedding, huge amounts, much larger amounts of of full size Coby to proper viral shedding, there could be a new risk to these older populations. [01:24:36] So it’s almost like a cycling of the problem. If you look at the UK data, which is one of the most detailed data sets, you’ll hear still a narrative suggesting that the unvaccinated younger people pose a major risk and they are the ones who are dying much more frequently. And you’ll see, in the top line there, the [01:25:00] under 50 is from the latest data in the UK. [01:25:03] Actually the infection or case fatality rate is actually marginally low in the unvaccinated in the vaccinated. In the over fifties, from the data we see in the UK, it is significantly higher on the unvaccinated, but there are complex reasons for that. If you look at the overall population. Look at all of the numbers of the people who are dying versus those who have been fully vaccinated or unvaccinated, you’ll see a trend for lower numbers, about a quarter of the number who are dying, who are unvaccinated. [01:25:38] So again, there’s something of an illusion of this message that’s being put out by governments. When you look at the global trend of now that we have very high levels of vaccination, you pick say the 10, most vaccinated countries in the world, you’ll see that there’s no evidence here. As an analysis, just looking at the [01:26:00] figures in boxes are the percent vaccine coverage. [01:26:05] And then you’ll see in the blue or the green, the blue is the number of cases per million of population. And the green is the deaths per million of population. And what you’ll see in countries like UAE high vaccine coverage very low deaths. And but a lot of cases you’ll see in Spain still high vaccine coverage, but the cases and the deaths are relatively high. [01:26:30] So Qatar, again, it’s not particularly well correlated. So one of the most comprehensive studies has been done by [01:26:39] Subaru. And what they’ve done is a correlation between 68 countries. And by now, if the vaccines were starting to have an effect, we’d start to see a positive correlation or regression between the percentage that are fully injected versus the number [01:27:00] of cases. And actually what we see is a mild tendency for a reverse relationship. [01:27:08] In other words, the more people who become injected the greater the cases. Now this should sound major alarm bells around the world, coupled with, the sales core cohort that we’d be looking at the MIS identification of risk for vaccinated between unvaccinated people. And we’re not seeing that. [01:27:29] So if you go back to excess mortality and you look here at the Euro Momo data that pulls together data from mainly Europe, 29 Euro MoMA partner countries, that started off as a new project looking at flu, but it is now looking at excess mortality across the board, and very useful for getting, looking at patterns in relation to Covid. [01:27:52] What we’re starting to see is a really disturbing trend for 2021. And we start to see it for the first [01:28:00] time now, an excess mortality across all Euro MoMA countries above the age of 15 and up to the age of 74. So this is not the 70 fives or the 80 fives and older, it’s the younger people with no alarm bells ringing anywhere as to what’s going on. [01:28:20] And so if you look at the complex of factors that may be playing into this, we could be, see, seeing an early signal for antibody dependent enhancement. We could see the fact that people being locked in, locked down and under extreme chronic stress for many months. Now that is causing an immune system dysregulation that may be impacted by the injection program. [01:28:47] That could be further development of auto immunity. We could also see an independent effect from spike protein toxicity. Are we looking at massively unreported, adverse [01:29:00] events as well and all the collateral damage. So it’s almost certainly a complex range of factors, but it speaks to this point of the fact that there are many things going on and right now younger people are being negatively impacted. [01:29:13] They’re starting to die at an unprecedented rate, and there is no evidence that there is a medical need for these injections on these younger groups. So briefly at AAR’s obviously a lot of systems out there.

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[01:29:28] Dr. Robert Verkerk: It’s difficult to get hold of really detailed information, but obviously there’s still remains one of the key areas to get data from. [01:29:38] This is actually the UK yellow card system. And I just want to flag here. One of the things that, again, we should be reading on the front page of the newspapers is that Moderna fatality rate is 40 times, and this is what’s being given to the young people, 40 times the rate of the Pfizer. So there is a clear signal [01:30:00] there that we should be learning about. [01:30:02] And another clear signal is that while the us, the Biden administration is telling us that Covid vaccines are the solution. Not only are they waiting, not only is there low and low effectiveness, but we’re seeing a very significant death rate that you can no longer call these products safe. Given that we’ve got a 7.5 per 100,000 fatality rate reported in valves. [01:30:30] Yes. They will say that these are not causally related, but it’s, we’re already roundabout, half the number of people that are being killed in motor vehicle accidents and road fatalities in the United States. That’s a very significant killer. One of the reasons that you have. Had licensed drivers and you have seatbelts and motorcars and huge expense on safety is to reduce that. [01:30:55] And yet young people are being told guys, go to the nightclubs, get [01:31:00] yourself vaccinated. These things are safe. And the concern is that this adverse event rate is a dynamic. We’re looking at snapshots here, it’s changing rapidly. So it’s something that we have to keep a very close eye on. In the process, all the major pillars of medical ethics are being totally sidelined. [01:31:20] These are issues that we all have to deal with. And just if anyone wants further information on the analysis we’ve just put two articles up last week, sorry, the week before last and this week, looking at effectiveness and on safety that has a detailed analysis of these issues on [01:31:40] And we’re obviously very pleased to be working so closely with counsel for health on that. So that’s the update. [01:31:47] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you so much for that, Rob I’ve got already got requests for your slides and for your presentation and we will definitely make that available. [01:31:54] And thank you for sharing the stuff that’s going to be alternate on your website. While Zoe is [01:32:00] sharing the screen for me for just something to add on with science and medicine from the committee I signed to make an, I actually went to just just affirm that, we had Rob talk on a very sensitive subject right now, which is the Marburg virus. [01:32:12] And as a committee, as the World Council for Health we are definitely looking at more data and at all different angles before we come to a stance that we will be taking regarding this and for future updates regarding the work council for health and our view on the Marburg virus and things to come, you will have to tune in to our next meeting. [01:32:33] So we will let you know. I also wanted to add that because we are, we aim as the World Council for Health to put it, to give you the real time up to date data. With all things concerning this pandemic or this narrative that we’re going through. We are having a round table robust discussion, not a webinar, it’s a discussion that will be held monthly. And as part of the World Council for [01:33:00] Health I would like to invite all healthcare practitioners from around the world who are on this call, or if somebody who is treating patients with Covid no matter where you are in the world to please contact me. [01:33:12] I will put my email address in the chat now we will, we are having a discussion tomorrow. There will be two sessions. We will be discussing Covid treatment. We’ll be discussing vaccine injuries. And we will also be discussing treatment of vaccine injuries because we want to make sure that there are lots of people who have taken that the vaccine without having a sound evidence and now are experiencing side effects, adverse events, we would like to help all of them. [01:33:38] And we want to get together as a community of healthcare workers across the world and discuss our experiences and share ideas of treatment right down to dosages that we are using. So I will put my email address if you’d like to be part of this discussion that is going to be happening tomorrow in two sessions to accommodate people from all over the world. [01:33:58] And I’m going to hand over [01:34:00] to our legal committee Charles Covess. You’re going to give us an update. [01:34:05] Charles Kovess: I am. Thank you, Dr. Kat and our of shameless screen. I will be very quick because I know we’re tight for time and we are progressing and remember everybody, we are Eagles, not chickens. Our philosophy is that what we’re doing requires us to be Eagles as a human being. [01:34:28] You are actually Eagles, and we’re getting lots of evidence from that from various presenters, URI reported on the Czech Republic, election results, or they check lawyers group is working on a bio freedom. A coordinator’s important as think of a buyer security strategy. This is a code designed to be proactive, creative, and take into account all aspects of life in government decision making, not just Covid response and a disarray. [01:34:58] Who’s all our steering who’s on the [01:35:00] world. Council steering committee report on the lawyers declaration of rights, and this ties into we for humanity. Okay. And also the indigenous groups that have their philosophy and Anna’s done a lot of work. It’s 200 pages so far, we agreed to support this. It’s a unified document, abused by lawyers global. [01:35:20] It goes back to first principles of 2000 years of human rights and common law. Interestingly goes back to the queen of England oath model of 1688. As sworn by the current queen to uphold the law and to act consistently with God’s laws, which are also natural law, which is also common law. Like the Rome declaration of physicians, like the great Barrington victory will be a lawyers declaration. [01:35:48] She has also crafted a notice of liability to serve, to be served on politicians for their failure to observe the law section 60 article 61, the magnet Canada is relevant. [01:36:00] The right to life is paramount. As Tim always reports we’re hearing today, the right lives are not being held to be paramount relevance of you and declarations of conventions. [01:36:13] And if we are at warrior Covid are the injections, bio weapons. Now in Australia and Canada, they’re all many countries, United nations and global treaties. And the Nuremberg code for example, are in many cases, not binding in those countries unless local enabling law makes them binding. So please be aware of that. [01:36:37] And part of the relationship between doctors and law is that we need to work on is to, is for both parties to communicate in a way so that when they go to the courts or any fora, they work in tandem. So obviously that’s why we have a legal committee here now, recent new south Wales case in Australia in one sense [01:37:00] was disappointing. [01:37:00] In another sense, not unexpected. I won’t go through those decisions, but I will point this out to you. There’s a magnificent case. Lindel Dana deputy commissioner in the fair work commission in Australia in a case called the Kimber case is worthy in its scholarship and reading for the key principles around mandatory vaccines, making something mandatory. [01:37:24] So if anyone would like that I’ll put the judgment in with Zoe so you can access it, but worth reading. Now we need data and research has very little of it globally and has been mentioned, made an already of the vast range of negative impacts of Covid responses. Ana has access to the UK department. [01:37:44] Politicians make disproportionate decisions. So the needed data includes these elements. A B you can read that deaths of despair in the USA. Each 1% increase in unemployment, clearly leads to 58,000 deaths of despair. [01:38:00] These numbers are not available in Australia. For example, mental health impact of children, not all the health impacts of mass loss of career prospects. [01:38:09] We are still researching best data collection systems to handle all the legal cases coming from everywhere. The question of definitions, are there really emergencies happening? The definition of vaccine has recently been altered on medical director pictures online. Please take note of that because that’s how they pull the shifty or suddenly it pandemic. [01:38:31] The definition of pandemic was changed in 2013. And now the definition of vaccine is being updated to include gene manipulating technology. Here’s an item 11 lawyers need good evidence that can be produced in court verifiably with supporting EFA. Davits four examples of blood videos before and after jabs by the doctor. [01:38:54] And we can now use global evidence from experts. Any of the experts here to give [01:39:00] this evidence. Now, the last thing I want to bring to your attention is to snip the public and politicians out of mass formation at a mass hypnosis requires pattern interrupt. And today you can see all sides can go on all the research. [01:39:17] You cannot come before a judge and give them 50 reports. What we’re looking to put together. Is a way to to snip people out of their hypnosis. And there I have listed from a to M the types of big ideas that can go bang. And obviously the first is that what a blood, what blood looks like before and after jabs adverse event numbers we’ve reported on this before most politicians have no idea of the number of actual adverse events. [01:39:50] So South Africa has got adverse event collection capability, external to government. We’re doing the same thing in Australia. Each doctor [01:40:00] listening to this college affiliate should be collecting their own data on adverse events so that we can report without government. Without government interference in that collection process. [01:40:12] And we’ve got lots of work on our agenda plus methods from previous meetings. And we employ you when you’re dealing with doctors and RA. And I said before, Robert Brennan has joined this meeting today. He has been attacked. Doctors are being attacked in Australia, around the world by government. [01:40:29] That should show you that this is not a scientific debate. And we adopt rhino full Mitch’s report to the world that this is a grand plan path and the science with a wonderful science here, but the judges and the court systems and people it’s people power. As Marcia said, we adopt the principle of people power and so jointly working. [01:40:57] We need to break this best hypnosis. [01:41:00] That’s what we’re working on. Thank you, Dr. Kat. Thank you everybody. Well done for all your work. [01:41:05] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thank you so much Charles I have to say that every time we attend these meetings, I just realized that I absolutely love that we end off with your tone, you give us so much hope in the way you present. [01:41:15] And it really makes me feel hopeful that we’ve come together. We started off with presentations. We have an update, brilliant update by Rob, with how our committee is doing. And when you talk about what’s happening on legal, with that tone and that passion it really makes me feel hopeful. [01:41:29] So thank you for that. [01:41:31] And on that note, knowing that collaboration is key and courage is contagious. I would like to draw this meeting to a close I’d like to say, thank you to all to all of you for attending and taking the time out to be here with us today, whether it’s morning, evening, or afternoon. Thank you for that. [01:41:48] Thank you for your courage. Thank you for your time. And also, I just like to thank all the steering committee members. We will support backup, and those, if you were taking questions and replying to the people in the chat, thank [01:42:00] you. We are stronger together. And I’d like to leave you with this thing, because many times we all wonder whether we are doing the right thing or whether we should just take the damn job and move on. [01:42:09] And then we realize, you know what, there’s something bigger. And then all of us and definitely are stronger together. So with this, I want to leave you tonight. It says, is right. Even if everyone is against it and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is void, there’s a quote by William Penn. And on that note, I’d like to say goodnight and Salani Gottlieb as they say in South Africa. [01:42:31] Good night to everyone

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    1. Quercetin should be available over the counter like here in NZ. It’s a natural version of ivermectin and is being used in the z-stack formula to treat covid. 500mg.
      You can take ivermectin from a vet but you need to be very careful about the amount. It’s the same drug as the “human” packet but ensure you are taking the right amount for your body weight. If unsure ask a vet how much you should give an animal weighing around your weight.