General Assembly Meeting | November 15, 2021
Rewatch the full November 15, 2021 World Council for Health General Assembly Meeting video with guest speakers Dr. Paul Marik, and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche.
Dr. Paul Marik: Lawsuit filed as hospital handcuffs doctors’ ability to save dying Covid-19 patients
Dr. Paul Marik, M.D., FCCM, FCCP, is a Professor of Medicine who has been treating Covid-19 patients in a critical care setting. He joins WCH’s General Assembly meeting to discuss his lawsuit against Sentara Healthcare System after they instituted a policy preventing him and other physicians from administering proven, life-saving treatments.
Legal filing: Dr. Paul Marik v. Sentara Healthcare
A clip of Dr. Paul Marik’s talk can be found and shared here.
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: The impact of mass vaccination on the innate immune system and how to remedy
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has served in various roles at several vaccine companies throughout his career, including vaccine research and development. He joined the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team as Senior Program Officer and later worked as Senior Ebola Program Manager at the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). In 2015, he questioned the safety of the Ebola vaccine used in trials by WHO in Guinea. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is currently conducting his own research on vaccines while also serving as a Biotech/Vaccine consultant.
A clip of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s talk can be found and shared here.
Affiliate introduction videos can be found here: The Testimonies Project
[00:00:00] [00:00:56] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Welcome to the World Council for Health general assembly. Because I’m in South Africa and very blessed to be hosting this meeting today, I will greet you in some of our languages: [00:01:08] [Speaks African languages] and welcome. My name is Shabnam Palesa Mohamed. I’m a journalist and mediator, and an activist, and most importantly steering committee member of the World Council for Health. So on behalf of our brilliant steering committee: thank you to our friends, our allies, and our colleagues around the world for joining us with this edition of the World Council for Health general assembly. [00:01:33] At this point, we’d like to ask you to please share the link to the website where people can access this conversation. The World Council for Health is all about creating access to information people can trust to be able to make informed decisions. They go to the newsroom on our website, they will be able to access conversation, even if they’re not in the zoom right now. So take a minute to do that, if you can. [00:01:56] The disclaimer on the screen, of course, is they’re nice and clear. We’re hosting brilliant speakers as always, and we welcome different perspectives. Of course, our guests may have different views, not necessarily the views of the World Council for Health. The meeting is live, so of course, it’s going to be robust and vibrant. [00:02:14] Couple of friendly reminders, please, to keep your mic on mute during the meeting, unless you invited by the chair to speak, your questions will be in the large Q section of the chat, put a large Q before your question in the chat section. There is a code of conduct that most of us are aware about. If you don’t have it, Zoe is very willing to provide it to you. [00:02:35] But basically that we’re going to have respectful and an open discussion as we are live. If you don’t want to appear, please turn your camera off. And of course you can add the email addresses on the screen to your context. [00:02:49] Introducing our translator, a very warm welcome to Christof Plothe from Germany. [00:02:54] Thank you very much for creating greater access to the World Council for Health and everything we have to share for health and transparency. [00:03:02] And of course, a warm welcome to our affiliates. Growing a big family around the world, it’s a worldwide coalition of autonomous civil society, groups, and health focused organizations who seek to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making to science and shared wisdom. This of course is our steering committee. [00:03:22] Very hard working and brilliant bunch. You’ll see them up there on screen. All of us are your friends and your allies. So make sure you reach out to us with any matters concerning health and the World Council for Health. [00:03:33] And here is a big beautiful slide that I had a sight of it earlier on, it brought a big smile to my face that I’m sure you all agree to see all of these countries that are now affiliates of the World Council for Health, beautiful footprint around the world. And of course it takes you are affiliates and friends to encourage other people and organizations to join the World Council for Health. [00:03:53] So the World Council for Health is known around the world, and this is our logo wall. As you can see, it’s quite busy but beautifully so. All of us together for health independence, for health sovereignty, and being able to make good decisions for ourselves, our families and our communities. So beautiful slide there. [00:04:13] For our meeting proceedings this evening, we have three brilliant speakers. As I mentioned earlier, they have about 10 to 15 minutes to address us each after, which we’ll take Q and A, remember to put a big Q before your question, keep it short and sharp. If possible, my co-host Tess Lawrie will be attending to the Q&A section this evening, and I see lots of people who are entering the meeting. Fantastic. [00:04:39] So please stay through this evening, doctor and professor Paul Marik will be talking to us about a lawsuit is filed as the hospital has handcuffed visibility to save the dying COVID patients. And of course, to save their lives. [00:04:53] That’ll be followed by Prof Geert Vanden Bossche from the Netherlands. He’ll be talking about the impact of mass vaccination on the innate immune system and how to remedy the damage that’s been caused, followed by Dr. Zandre Botha from South Africa talking to us for a look under the microscope what latest findings she’s discovered, of course some emerging evidence. Affiliate introductions we have Avital Livny from the Testimonies project, followed by our science and medical committee update Dr. Naseeba Kathrada with science and medical and myself for the legal committee update. Of course, the big finish matters arising, what’s happening in your part of the world and how can we help each other. [00:05:34] To begin then with Dr. Paul Marik, who needs very little introduction to those of us who know and love him very well, the man, the legend, and ay with his roots here in the African continent, very proudly so Dr. Paul Marik, from the FLCCC, over to you. [00:05:52] Dr. Paul Marik: Thank you my dear. Thanks for that introduction. Unfortunately, the story I’m going to tell is a most unfortunate story. And I’m not sure really where to start. So maybe I’ll start at the beginning. So in March of 2020 basically there was a void in the treatment of COVID. All the major medical organizations had failed to put together a treatment approach for COVID. [00:06:18] So I put together what was then the EVMS treatment guideline. And then basically it grew with some colleagues into the FLCCC. We developed the MATH+ protocol, which has evolved. So at that time basically if you remember the treatment that the WHO was promoting was supportive care, so that patients would come to the ICU, treatment was supportive, the mortality was 80%, and we knew that was ridiculous and absurd and just unethical. [00:06:53] So we knew this was an inflammatory disease. So we started using corticosteroids in March. And if you remember at that time, the WHO, the NIH, the CDC, the FDA all said corticosteroids are contraindicated in a SARS-CoV-2, but we knew they were wrong. [00:07:15] A few months later, we then added heparin or low molecular weight heparin because we knew there was a major element of clotting and it took a year for the world to recognize that anticoagulation was important. And I should go back to steroids, six months later, the study in the UK came out supporting the use of steroids. So basically that’s how this kind of started. And our protocol has grown as the science has grown. In October last year, we identified ivermectin, we could see the signal and we began, you know, became interested in ivermectin and started recommending ivermectin for the use of SARS-CoV-2. [00:08:00] And and then I suppose we then shifted gear from in hospital treatment to I-MASK protocol, because we realized the only way to control this disease was to treat it early. The NIH, and that’s still there, the recommendation is not to treat these people for, to let them go home and they should stay home until they go blue and can’t breathe and then go to hospital, which is clearly outrageous. [00:08:27] So we developed a number of treatment protocols for early at home treatment and prophylaxis. So that’s a brief review. So I’m an intensivist. I work in the ICU, my hospital banned the use of ivermectin in May of last year, but I was able to work around it. We still use corticosteroids and many of the other medications, and I think we were doing a really good job. [00:08:54] One of the keys as people know, is early treatment. The later patients come in the course of their disease, the more difficult it is to reverse. They develop a profound pulmonary inflammatory disease. This is not ARDS, this is a macrophage mediated, profound inflammation. And the earlier you treat them the better they do. [00:09:17] So anyway, so we were going along and doing reasonably well. And then for reasons that are somewhat still mysterious to me on October the sixth, the healthcare system sent out an email to the whole healthcare system, but it was directed directly at me. We were using, we had a protocol had evolved to include, fluvoxamine and anti-androgen therapy because Delta is a vicious virus. [00:09:48] And we found that, corticosteroids and heparin alone just doesn’t cut it. And adjuvant therapy because these people were doing really badly. So we know we added fluvoxamine and some anti-androgen therapy. And as these are off-label drugs, but they are safe and effective and have been demonstrated to be effective in randomized controlled trials. [00:10:11] And we use Vitamin C. Anyway, on May 6th of October, the health care system that I work at and basically they run 16 or 18 hospitals in the area. They could have like the big, the big elephant and they, they do what they want to do. They basically put out this memo, which had a, do not endorse section that includes medications that may cause harm. And the efficacy, safety is not supported in peer reviewed, published RCTs. These medications will not be verified or dispense for prevention or treatment of COVID. And the list includes ivermectin, bicalutamide, [inaudible] Finasteride, and then they said a scoping as vitamin C is not dose for the prevention or treatment of COVID. [00:11:05] So essentially they tied my hands. What they want me to use is Remdesivir. So Remdesivir is forefront in this treatment protocol. And as we know four recent randomized controlled trials demonstrate that Remdesivir prolongs hospital length of stay, it increases complications, increases renal failure and does not improve patient outcome. [00:11:31] So they want me to use this $3,000 drug, which does not improve patient outcome, and yet the safe effective off-label medications, which we know work, were banned. So it really put me in a terrible situation. Cause I’m the bedside physician. The bedside physicians ultimately responsible for the care of this patient. [00:11:54] So prior to going into the ICU, I spoke to some lawyers and asked them, what do I do? And they said there’s nothing you can do. You just gotta go to work, do your best and just keep a record of what happens. So that’s exactly what happened. So the week of 25, 5th of October, I went to work. I had seven COVID patients or who had failed Remdesivir and low dose dexamethazone on the floor. [00:12:20] So these people came to the ICU because they had failed. They had failed this absurd therapy, which doesn’t work. So obviously continuing ineffective therapy doesn’t work. You’ve got to do something you’ve got to add, but I was prohibited from adding any of the medications that I usually add. So I sat by idly watching my patients die. [00:12:43] So out of the seven patients, four died including a 32 year old woman who I just had to watch die, because I was not allowed to intervene. Of the remaining three patients, I think two have already died. One has a pig tube, a tracheostomy, is encephalopathic, and probably they’re going to withdraw care. [00:13:08] So basically a hundred percent mortality. At the end of the week, I was devastated. In my entire medical career I’d never faced a situation like this, where I wasn’t able to intervene to help my patients. [00:13:21] Now, whether they would have survived or not, I don’t know. But at least as a treating physician, I should have been given the opportunity to do everything in my power to save their life. [00:13:33] And I was prohibited from doing this. It was devastating. I sent an email to my chair, basically explaining to him what happened and say, you know what, I’m desperate. I don’t know what to do. I’m depressed. I’m anxious. I’m scared. And to this day, he has not responded to the email. [00:13:51] So I already had two options. The one was to quit or the second was to file a suit against these horrible people. And fortunately enough, I was able to get a group of lawyers who were equally as outraged as I was over this episode. They saw the memo, they saw the email to my chair and basically decided, you know what? We can’t let this happen. [00:14:19] I’ve been practicing medicine for 35 years. It’s the bedside doctor who decides the treatment the patient gets. That’s the standard of care around the whole world. The doctor’s responsible for the patient’s care. We’re not telling the doctor what to do, but he’s the one that ultimately takes responsibility for the patient and determines their care. [00:14:42] So that’s why we filed suit against this evil institution. And obviously we’ll see what happens that, they arguing back with stupid legal, legalese. They’re not disputing the facts that try to throw the case out of court on, based on ridiculous legal arguments. [00:15:01] So the case will be heard on this Thursday and I suppose we’ll see what happens. [00:15:07] And unfortunately what’s happened to me is, it is a mirror of what’s happening in the US, and I a suppose, the rest of the world. That corporations and hospitals are telling doctors how to practice medicine. This is, this just goes against the Hippocratic principle of medicine. And, when you look at off-label drugs, the FDA is quite clear, absolutely clear on this: is that, prior to COVID, they actually encouraged doctors to use liberally, FDA approved drugs off label. [00:15:45] You do not require informed consent, and you were able to do this. And, up to 40% of drugs used in the hospital are off label, one of the best examples is amiodarone. This is an antiarrhythmic drug used to treat ventricular arrhythmias. It was found to be useful for atrial arrhythmias, and it’s now standard of care, but it’s being used off label. [00:16:10] Nobody ever asks the patient for informed consent before they use amiodarone. So it, unfortunately COVID has turned the world upside down. And I suppose what we’re going to see where this goes. [00:16:23] So that’s a brief overview of this ridiculous situation that I’m in. I’m doing this, not for me because you know I’m old, I’m decrepit. For physicians and patients across the country and across the world to make the point that they’re interfering with the sacred doctor-patient relationship. [00:16:44] And it’s the doctor who decides what type therapy patients get. It’s not hospitals or the FDA or the CDC, it’s the doctor. He’s in charge of the patient. He takes responsibility. He’s the only one that should be able to decide on his patients treatment. And we’re not telling patient or physicians what to prescribe, that’s their prerogative. [00:17:09] So there’s really a summation of this awful situation. [00:17:15] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Thanks very much, Dr. Marik. [00:17:16] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: I just wanted to say, for us, for many of us, you are the epitome of compassion and courage and the steps you’ve taken to institute legal action, that stand, is a beacon of hope. And courage is contagious. With that being said, over to you, Tess. [00:17:32] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Yes. Yeah. It’s just, I’m just absolutely in awe of, the courage and bravery and absolutely how traumatic it must have been this past year knowing you have all these tools at your disposal, but but it being hamstrung one way or the other, as you say, your hands tied behind your back. I’m sure there are just many doctors here and, and watching who can empathize with that. But perhaps haven’t had the exposure that you have because in ICU, you seeing the very sickest patients. [00:18:02] We have a number of questions in the chat for you. Firstly, many people just saying, you’re exceedingly brave and thank you for coming forward. There’s a question from Charles Kovess: what are the legal causes of action pleaded by the lawyers? [00:18:16] Dr. Paul Marik: Yeah. There are a lot of legal pleadings that they’re using, many of which I don’t really understand, it’s legalese stuff. [00:18:25] I think they, there was a decision in North Carolina and was supported by the federal court that basically says that the treating physician has ultimate responsibility for treating the patient and not the hospital, unless the hospital can show that the physician is negligent or being harmful to the patient. [00:18:46] So that’s one of the legal aspects. The other is the right for patients to decide the treatment that they want because ultimately this treatment is being forced upon them by the hospital without really informing them. And without giving them the opportunity to make the decision. One of the things that they’ve created is a COVID advanced directive, which is interesting thing. [00:19:15] And we’ve had 50 local people sign this document, which we’ve presented to the court, stating that if they get COVID, this is the treatment that they want. Most people think of advanced directives as things that you don’t want. You don’t CPR, you don’t want intubation, but advanced directives actually work the other way as well. [00:19:36] You can indicate in your advanced directive, what treatments you do want. And these people have indicated, yes, they want to be treated with the math plus protocol, which includes ivermectin and corticosteroids and fluvoxamine. So that’s going to be the second kind of legal test, whether the junior court will uphold this COVID 19 advanced directive, which allows the patient to decide what treatment they want. [00:20:06] So if you want to, a lot of the legal arguments, I’m just a regular doctor. I don’t understand all of this legally, but if you go to our website,, there is a link to actually the legal filing, which is somewhat interesting. These are very smart lawyers, and I’ve applied some very interesting legal arguments. [00:20:28] And I think people can look at it. And obviously at first I was a little bit reticent, but we do have an email address of the stupid hospital, interesting, the ethics committee. And if people want to email them and tell them how outrageous this is, that would be fine because, this is nothing more than her personal harassment and interfering, and people are dying and they seem completely dissociated from the fact that we’re talking about people’s lives here, it’s truly astonishing. There’s another question. David Singleton says, I’ve heard you say during another cool that another common off-label drug has aspirin when used as a blood center, is that the case seems like a well-known example that we should be using a folks with. Yeah, so that doesn’t think we include aspirin in our protocol. [00:21:19] Absolutely. And obviously it’s being used off label, so we don’t ask for informed consent. It was not on the list of medications that was banned, but I’m sure as I started navigating around this stupid list, the list would have grown. What is truly astonishing is that this email, which went out to the PI healthcare system basically was targeting me. [00:21:43] That’s how childish it was. And, rather than being an adult and coming to me and say, Hey, it looks like you using these medications. Why are you using them? Can you explain it to us? No. They just decided to use their power and influence and completely transmittance me. There’s a question about the families of the deceased you mentioned are they pressing criminal and civil charges? [00:22:07] Yeah. So we have to be careful about this cause this, HIPAA laws in the us, which is, protecting patient’s privacy. So we ha I’m not allowed to contact them and tell them, but I’m sure it will become public knowledge in because there were seven people who died who should not have died, and I’m sure that they will have the potential to file a wrongful death suit. [00:22:33] So we’ll have to see how this evolves. I think a lot will depend on the judge’s decision on Thursday. Unfortunately, it’s up to a single judge and it depends upon the way he used this. I think this is the beginning of the journey. Clearly they want to get rid of me, but that’s not going to happen that, that easily. [00:22:56] There’s something, that’s a question that Janet inhibits asked given that People are not going to get the help they need an ICU. Can you recommend how families can help the loved ones be removed from a hospital when they been directed to the ICU that I’m not treating them effectively? [00:23:13] Yeah. So you asked some interesting questions, so I actually, I got many emails from patients on the floor obviously patients are not stupid. They understand how to treat COVID and understand COVID. So I get numerous emails from patients who actually on the medical floor, emailing me, pleading with me to help them. [00:23:31] And obviously my hands were tied. How do we work around this? Firstly, I think it’s so important that people understand the importance of early treatment. Early treatment is absolutely key. You don’t want to wait until you get to hospitals. So I think, the powers that be have done a really bad job in emphasizing the need for early at hope treatment. [00:23:52] So that’s the first thing. Secondly, what I discovered actually is that there is another hospital system in, in Hampton roads that actually. Ivermectin. So while my hospital considers that a dangerous toxic course, the worming medicine, there is another hospital that actually allows its use. When people ask me, I’ll say you want to go there because this hospital does not allow you to use ivermectin at this time. [00:24:21] We hopeful that the judge will, we’ll see how ridiculous this whole situation is. And, give physicians the latitude to choose the medical medications that they think best. We’re not saying to physicians around the world, use ivermectin meth for them to decide, but hopefully this judge will give me and my colleagues, the authority to do what doctors do and treat patients as they see fit. [00:24:48] Nice. I think there’s another question about the support you’re getting from other doctors, but I’m guessing that what you’re doing is representing a group of doctors and a large number of doctors who who probably are very grateful for what you’re doing. Yeah, I mean you, yeah. Chris what I had to do, I had to do, and this is becoming more prevalent in the U S doc, there was a doctor from Methodist hospital in Houston who was kicked out because she prescribed ivermectin. [00:25:19] So it’s become absurd and it really has to do with repurposed medications. I think that’s what this whole thing comes down to is the powers that be, do not like as using repurposed medications that are cheap and effective. They want us to use expensive design of molecules that just don’t work. It is astonishing that they force me to use , which is toxic. [00:25:45] And by the way, the data safety monitoring board of Bandon, the use of rev desert air for a bowler, because it was so toxic. So they want me to use, toxic medication, which costs $3,000 a shot year, cheap repurpose drugs I can’t use. And I think that’s what this whole thing is about. Cheap repurpose drugs. [00:26:07] Yes. They are still a few questions. I feel we could probably move on questions with some members of the the WCH who are legal and wanting to be put in touch with your legal team, perhaps. You could answer those directly in the chat. Yeah you’re not people can email me and, fortunately I have, we have a really good legal team that we’ve managed to put together. [00:26:32] Very smart people that are really highly motivated. And I think that w what makes a difference? I think they were as outraged as I was in a really, outstanding and, I couldn’t ask for better legal support. People have asked, can I help? I think the best help you can do is express your outrage, because this is outrageous. [00:26:56] It really violates the basic fundamentals of clinical medicine. I think they need to hear loud and hard that what they’re doing is immoral, unethical and illegal. Yeah. Yeah. Shabnam ever changing. Thanks Tim. Dr. Medic, I remember the first time I interview you prefer to work with happening as absurd. [00:27:20] It’s just very beautiful to see you step into your power and stand up for the rights of your patients. And of course, people around the world, there is a link in the chat to the document from the triple C website. People can go and access that. It’s probably a summary of the case. There is a request for the email address of the hospital, Dr. Marik, if you’re willing to share that with us people power there. Yes. So they believe not, they have an ethics email address where people can, discuss ethical issues. I will put that in the web, in the chat and people can just email them, telling them how absolutely criminal this is. [00:28:03] Excellent. [00:28:04] Thank you, Dr. Marik. And of course your team of lawyers is welcome to join the legal committee of the World Council for Health. We meet on Thursdays. We’d love to hear more from them and offer them our support where we can. And of course, professor Paul Marik will feature on Saturday in a science for humanity panel. [00:28:21] It is going to be a trailblazer, a town hall hosted by TrialSiteNews in association with the World Council for Health, more details on that soon. [00:28:30] Thank you professor and Dr. Marik. [00:28:33] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: It gives me great pleasure to introduce professor Geert Vanden Bossche. [00:28:37] And he’ll be talking to us about the impact of a mass vaccination on the innate immune system and how to remedy it. Also, somebody very popular, certainly here in South Africa and around the world, for telling the truth, for having the courage to want to save lives and for doing so with a sense of honesty and passion. Professor Vanden Bossche you have 10 to 15 minutes, over to you. [00:28:58] Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Okay. Thank you, Shabnam. And can everybody hear me? I think the best thing to do is first speak a few words and then I would like to propose that I share my screen for the PowerPoint slides. [00:29:12] First of all, I would like to say that mainly I’ve been focusing a lot of on a immune escape and basically on one element of the pandemic that we have been tremendously underestimating, which is the impact in fact of immune pressure that we generate by mass vaccination, the impact of immune pressure on the capacity of the virus to evolve and and to escape from that immune response. [00:29:37] But there is something I’m going to talk about today is something which is which is not very good news, either. Which is that this immune pressure that is basically put on the infectiousness of the virus by the vaccine anti bodies is also exerting a lot of pressure on our innate immune system. [00:29:56] So that is the other thing. So we have been underestimating largely underestimating, the impact of widespread immune pressure first on the capacity of the virus to escape from the new response. And secondly, on the on the erosion of the, of the innate immune system, that’s what I’m going to talk about today. [00:30:18] Unfortunately personally, I think it’s by far the most neglected and ignored aspects in the scientifical situation of this pandemic is innate the innate immunity. [00:30:31] And I would just like to start out citing just one sentence from a paper that was written about innate antibodies, innate immunity in 2020. [00:30:41] And when we talk about innate immunity, typically vaccinologists think about innate immune signaling, cascades, and cytokines and all this kind of stuff, which are in fact innate immune stimulators and innate modulators. We rarely hear about innate antibodies or innate cytolytic cells, for example. [00:31:00] So for me that is really what the innate immune system is about the effector cells, but what was put in this paper, interestingly enough, is I just, as I’ve mentioned, since their initial discovery, early 1960, the innate antibodies were found in every vertebrate species investigate in mammals, in birds, in fish and reptiles. [00:31:24] Nevertheless, innate antibodies have been regarded as contradicted with established immunological dogmas, but gradually received more attention in mainstream immunology. [00:31:37] It’s really important to know that we need to focus on the this aspect. Since I’ve been doing this, I must say that I, I had already in all modesty some insight into the dynamics of this pandemic, but when you understand how the innate immune system is impacted. [00:31:53] It just it just shed it shedding a lot of light on a number of that that that we don’t understand. Shabnam, if you will allow I would like maybe to share my screen in that way I could probably also, yeah, I think can, I don’t know where everybody can see my screen or. [00:32:12] Yeah, so I, I forgot. Yeah. I think it’s a slides together in a hurry. And I forgot the type of it’s very important not only the impact of the mass vaccination on innate immune protection, but also how to remedy. What can we do about. I will not go very fast. There is a few slides that it will be new to everyone. [00:32:30] And also for me, it’s the first time that I presented this kind of of very interesting things, I think. So, as I already mentioned when we talk about humoral and cellular effectors of the immune system, we know of course about the acquired antibodies and the T cells. And it’s very well known to everyone. [00:32:49] What we know less well is the effect of the innate immune system, innate antibodies, and in T cells. And typically vaccinologist, and I’m a vaccinologist, don’t care too much about this because what we do is with the vaccines, we immediately use acquire antibodies and T cells. So we bypass in fact the innate immune system. [00:33:09] Innate antibodies, there’s a lot of literature that I put also on my website for those who would like to to read those sources. I think it’s extremely interesting. And as I just mentioned, completely neglected field in immunology, and also certainly in in vaccinology. In fact, innate or low affinity antibodies that are polyreactive or poly- specific. [00:33:32] So that means they can recognize a number of patterns that are shared by several different pathogens. It’s that they have not, they’re not antigen specific and they are also presemt in, in people, in individuals who are completely antigen inexperienced. So you don’t need to have seen one of the other antigen in order to mount this, or to have this, this antibodies. [00:33:56] They are typically secreted by a short lived plasma cells. So the abbreviations in the next slide. By short-lived, if the plasma cells and to replace with aging, they’re replaced by long-lived plasma cells. And I don’t explain how this comes, because this is very important. This is about the training of the naked human system. [00:34:15] They are what we call self directed and they are replaced with aging by ‘altered-self’ directed. So what does that mean? As a matter of fact the, during embryonic life, there is a lot of glycosylation taking place that is very important for embryonic development for maturation of proteins, et cetera. [00:34:35] And so the newborn has a lot of innate antibodies that are in fact directed against some glycans, because remember when these cells that are heavily glycosylated are replaced, we knew you get, of course, a lot of I would say degree of uh, cells that’s start circulating and that is of course equipped or decorated with cell glycans. [00:35:01] What to use is the wants to avoid of course, is that these cells components would be internalized vantage of presenting cells and presented to the to the classical immune system to be recognized as foreign. So the innate immune system and innate antibodies, what they are going to do is to clear to eliminate those cells or some flight components in a sense that the innate antibodies recognize cell glycans and provided they have in high concentration. [00:35:30] They can also recognize glycans that have similarity with with the self, uh, glycans and they can simply eliminate that. First of all, yeah, this is a slide and I think Rob Verkerk is listening in that was from Rob an article that was recently published. This is just simply to demonstrate that the role of the innate immune response that we know that has been documented has been published typically responsible for asymptomatic infections. [00:35:58] So you have to imagine, so these are, when you have a sufficient innate immune response, you have these two possibilities, but you don’t have to read briefly explain this. So we have to imagine innate antibodies, as I was saying, they can recognize cell glycans. They can also recognize the glycans that have similarity with cell glycans. [00:36:19] Now, as a matter of fact, on SARS-CoV-2, we have a number of glycans that are self-like and also an influenza, for example, on RSV, on a number of these respiratory viruses called causing acute self-limiting infections. You have glycans that have a similarity with cell glycans and therefore can be recognized by innate antibodies. [00:36:40] So either these guys come in and they were immediately recognized by the self directed innate antibodies, and they can be utilized to the same extent as, for example, a virus can be utilized by acquired antibodies, but if you have not and when that happens you, in fact, you prevent infection. So the virus is not even capable of entering the cell. [00:37:03] In other cases, the virus will not be completely neutralized by this innate antibodies, but innate antibodies will bind and to make a mention that I have previously documented is also on my website, but I’m no not going to elaborate too much on this, but by a mechanism that is similar to the mechanism of the acquired immune system via antibodies that do not neutralize, so to say lifetime antibodies, but that can bind to the virus, can facilitate entry into denditric cells to then be recognized for example, by T cells. Here you have a similar mechanism where innate antibodies that recognize self like motifs on a number of viruses for example, can facilitate entry into a cell macrophages and can present patterns that self like motifs on those cells that they can get recognized by the cytolytic not T cells, but cytolytic NK cells. And when that happens, this is typically where we think that you may develop some very mild disease. [00:38:08] You will also share a little bit of virus, but as innate immunity and T cells can react very fast. So this is typically is, are typically so to say the asymptomatic, asymptomatically infected people who may show a little bit of mild symptoms and will shed virus for, for just a few days at a pretty low concentration. [00:38:26] But then of course thanks to the, uh, self-limiting NK cells [inaudible] virus will completely be eliminated. So important to, to realize already at the stage that we are talking about sterilizing immunity, we are talking about killing virus infected cells, or we are talking about neutralizing cells before they can even get into the cell. [00:38:47] Okay. This is a slide with a little bit of texts. I think we should maybe just go through it. [00:38:52] You mentioned innate anti cell antibodies are directed at glycan patterns on host cells. These glycan motifs share some similarities with glycan motifs on the surface of separate respiratory viruses. So on other coronaviruses and other than itself, for example, Corona viruses that cause common, cold so different from the SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, those are fluid, for example, RSV all days or enveloped viruses that have glycan structures on the surface. [00:39:20] So now provided there is sufficient capacity, sufficient concentration sufficient type that I would almost say of anti itself, antibodies soft environmental shift in the antigen environment of the newborn innate immune system. But does that mean a soft environmental shift? You go from cell to cell fly. [00:39:39] So all of a sudden they don’t see the cells, the glycosylated structures have, for example cells that have been decomposed or that have been renewed but they know, see similar cell stretches or self-like structure on the surface of invaders, pathogens, viruses, for example. So that is a soft environmental shift in yet in gen environment that can still be recognized by these antibodies. [00:40:04] So that is also the reason why you both mentioned respiratory virus can be neutralized or eliminated by this innate antibodies. It’s important that it’s at this point to emphasize once again, that these diseases there, or these pathogens costs harmless childhood infections. So they are a frequent in children, cause frequently infections, but mostly they cause asymptomatic to mild disease. [00:40:33] So in other words it’s a childhood infection, but not a childhood disease because of the similarity of the glycans, with cell glycans, on the surface that can easily be taken care of by innate antibodies. And we know the innate antibodies newborns young people have have a lot of of those. [00:40:51] So the insurance sufficient neutralizing capacity of the inmate and the self antibodies, as I was saying, if this capacity is not sufficient to directly utilize, it may be something vital clearance spine case. And that is an outcomes. Importantly, this is just in the acquired immune system. [00:41:07] This phenomenon is going to lead to the induction of B memory cells or T memory cells. When this happens, when the neutralizing capacity of this antibody is not sufficient and the virus needs to be eliminated by the NK cells at that very moment. It’s like the new system is saying, wow, my- [00:41:26] Did not sufficiently recognize the self-like pattern to neutralize it right away. I must do something to recognize it better. So that next time around I can eliminate it right away. And that is the training effect. So the fact that this virus or that virus gets eliminated by NK cells leads also to sensing its self sensing of progenitor B cells. [00:41:57] These are the IGN secreting memory B cells that are going in fact to produce through plasma cells. Of course, and these are the lonely plasma cells, they’re going to produce innate antibodies of a higher affinity. So what does that mean have a higher affinity. That means that these antibodies, because of their higher affinity, they will now more readily recognize the cell fly because it’s not really itself. [00:42:23] It’s cell fly. It’s similar to cell, but if the innate anybodies did not suffice to recognize efficiently this self-like switches of the virus, then this new antibodies they will know because they have higher affinity, they will now more readily recognize the self-like structure. And interestingly enough these cells do have memory. [00:42:47] So it’s very interesting because here we are now dealing and most likely this is due but this is of course, a field of a very interesting research. It’s probably due to epigenetic changes that is training, that is what we call the training effect. The fact that the innate antibodies that are short-lived are now replaced by long-lived antibodies that have say memory and that have higher affinity. [00:43:12] So there is a kind of near to of this whole thing that is more aimed at targeting the self-like structures. So this is the training, which is most likely induced by epigenetic changes. And of course it only occurs provided dividers does not break through the host innate immune system, because remember if the viral load for example is way too high, that the innate antibodies cannot deal with it, or when is very low. [00:43:42] And for example in, in elderly, Then there is a high likelihood that his innate antibodies can barely do anything. They barely, they are not be the first line of defense. So to say the first line of immune defense is broken and then the virus goes immediately breaks through the innate immune system. In that scenario we have, of course you’re dealing with disease and we are dealing with induction of acquired immunity, but we don’t have a training effect. [00:44:09] In any case of any capacity deficiency that is what I just said. For example, with aging, if there is insufficient antibodies or very important, we are going to come to this when the innate antibodies are suppressed and I will show what phenomenon leads to suppression of the innate antibodies, then a self-like virus for example SARS-CoV-2 or any of the others that I’ve mentioned can break through the innate immune defense. [00:44:35] That is where you get natural disease. We are no longer talking about mild disease or asymptomatic disease. We’re really talking about moderate or even severe disease, and that can lead them to naturally acquire immunity. And that is the system of course, that we all know. This is to illustrate that sorry going too fast here. [00:44:52] That lack of neutralization of the SARS-CoV-2 by self-directed antibodies. So that is the training phenomenon. Triggers and T help independent activation of this memory B cells. So that is the reason. This is not acquired immunity. This is in between. There is a memory. There is higher affinity. So there’s a kind of moderation but it’s T help independent in contrast to a generation of memory B cells and also a memory T cells in the acquired, according to the acquired immunity where you need a T help, this is a fee health independent phenomenon. [00:45:28] So you have to imagine that if the title of the self-directed innate antibody is high, for example, in newborns, in young children, et cetera. And it decreases with age. So knowing the titer of this antibody is going to decrease when it’s there’s a certain level. The threshold I called the threshold of [00:45:49] If there is fewer of the title is lower than this threshold, for example, then the innate antibodies can no longer contain the virus. And that is where it breaks through a DNA immunity. And that is where you typically get moderate or severe disease. So typically in older people, and that, of course we have seen is at the beginning of the pandemic or people with underlying diseases who have a very limited capacity, innate immune capacity, you will see that these people tend to develop a moderate or severe disease, but as a younger people, they will either neutralize the virus right way even without the shedding, without transmission, or they will aggregate the transmission and the infection via natural killer cells. [00:46:36] And when this happens, you have the training effect. Okay. Important to note, severe disease almost is almost only the case in, in, in this scenario. We have, you have untrained, let’s say you start with untrained antibodies when you have live disease. So what it means as well is that if you now look at the number of individuals that happened naive and [00:46:59] I mean, [00:46:59] non-SARS-CoV-2 train innate antibodies at the beginning of the pandemic. It’s very high. Of course, when the pandemic evolves over time, you will see that more and more of the individuals will be confronted with the virus. [00:47:14] Some of the figures I just mentioned, the virus will just break through and you will have disease and acquired immunity, but the large majority certainly at the beginning of the pandemic, we’re just developing asymptomatic infection. And a lot of them developed trained immunity, trained innate immunity. [00:47:32] So what does that mean? The more you have people with trained immunity, the more easily you can of course eliminate the virus. And what we see is that if you look at public health, England, for example, data you have to look at this. At the start it is bar diagrams or by a bar graphs that they published in the reports over the last the last few weeks or the last few months, I should say. There you can see that over time, overtime, [00:47:59] this, of course, all these people are all been vaccinated. Over time there is a very fast and a dramatic decrease in the infection rate in the non vaccinated. And that is a phenomenon that is typically due you to training, because these people come repeatedly contact with the virus. They start training, they have memory, they have antibodies are now very efficient, have high affinity and innate immunity. [00:48:27] As we all know, acts very fast. Having such a reduction as you’ve seen the PhD data within one or two weeks, you will never ever see this with with acquired immunity. But so the important thing to know is that innate antibody. Can be suppressed by a specific antibody, specific antibodies. [00:48:53] So when does that happen? I mentioned this several different time times in my articles. It’s really something very important to bear in mind when you go to an asymptomatic infection and especially those who did not neutralize the virus right away that needed to go through the NK cells. [00:49:10] They have seen the antigens for a short while that they are innate immune system. They are serving their B cells not really thrive. So I’m not talking about innate immunity, acquired immunity and they develop anti spike antibodies that are short-lived. It’s a kind of a very superficial activation of the acquired immune system, but there is no memory. [00:49:33] These antibodies have low affinity, but they do bind to the spike protein on the virus and by doing so, so these are the antigen spike specific disease. They can out-compete or compete at least with the innate antibodies, which are rebuilt the antigen specific, the poly specific reactive IgM antibodies. [00:49:53] So due today’s phenomenon. The innate antibodies, can be out competed. Normally this takes only place for a short while. Why? Because there’s antigen specific. IgGs following asymptomatic infection use, or my alter disease usually lasts only for six to eight weeks after eight weeks. [00:50:16] They are no longer detectable. So that means that that innate suppression normally lasts only for a few weeks. And then when these antibodies disappear, then of course you get back your full fledged innate immunity. So… [00:50:31] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Professor, Professor Vanden Bossche is such a fascinating presentation. That’s why there’s a number of questions already for you in the chat. We are really interested in asking you through Tess, so if you don’t mind, what we’ll do is get a copy of your presentation that we’ll share with our affiliates, but we’d like to start with the Q&A section, if that’s okay? [00:50:55] Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Yeah you can start with the Q and A, but this was just my observations but I can understand that that people, this is very new and I tried to simplify it to the extent possible. That’s why it’s taken me quite some time to do this, but please go ahead and I’m, I’m of course, happy to ask questions already. [00:51:15] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you very much. And I believe you’re joining our science and medical committee. So we’ll be in very good company with you sharing your knowledge and expertise. Professor Vanden Bossche a couple of weeks ago, you and I were having a conversation in which you said a very profound statement. I feel very concerned about Africa. [00:51:34] We need to preserve people’s innate immunity on this continent and protect them from mass vaccination. Africa can cancel bold herd immunity. Whereas the Western world has completely destroyed that option because of mass vaccination of their population. Do you want to comment on that in the context of this very clear drive to erase innate immunity from science, health and medicine? [00:51:59] Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Yeah. That one is a sort of say an easy one. As I just explained already, asymptomatic infection can suppress your innate antibodies. And I was just saying. Although asymptomatic infection is generating very lousy anti spike antibodies because they are short-lived. [00:52:22] They have no memory. They are not really functional. They have not a high affinity, but nevertheless there, they can bind to the spike and that is already sufficient to suppress that. That was basically what I was showing in this slide, the suppression of the innate antibodies, due to for example immune pressure that exists following asymptomatic infection. Now to your question, this is very mild, because I was saying these antibodies, they are not doing a fantastic job in out competing innate antibodies because their affinity [00:52:56] so it’s relatively low, but you can imagine, and that is one of the following slides that I wanted to show. If [00:53:04] you [00:53:04] really prime your immune system you’re going to have of course, high affinity antibodies, and those are going to suppress in a much, much stronger way, the innate antibodies and that will have of course, several different consequences. [00:53:23] But that is basically completely eroding the innate immune system in a sense that in those cases you will be all the time below the threshold of innate immunity. When you’re below the threshold will of innate immunity, it automatically means you can not have sterilizing immunity. [00:53:43] It’s impossible. So you cannot prevent infection and you break through, you literally break through the innate immunity. So all what you then still have left of the vaccinal antibodies, which of course we know can not prevent infection. They cannot induce sterilized immunity. Depending on the strength of those antibodies, [00:54:08] you will have maybe prevention of disease, but it’s no longer the case. The only guarantee that you still so to say have is that they prevent against severe disease. And we know that the virus, this is the whole story of the immune escape. That the virus is increasingly escaping from this normalizing antibodies. [00:54:26] So when the time comes that you have more and more escape from these neutralizing antibodies. There is nothing much left really for the vaccines because the specific antibodies are no longer doing a good job. Their functionality has already tremendously decreased. Remember, initially we were promised is what they do is a herd immunity. [00:54:49] Then it was it would reduce transmission that it was it will reduce disease. Nowadays, I put the bar as low as possible. Yeah, they still a bit use severe disease. That, that is problematic because you can no longer rely either on your innate antibodies that I was just saying, there is nothing that suppresses your innate antibodies more than [00:55:11] antigen specific antibodies that have been primed. So that in other words, that interact with high affinity. So normally during a normal vaccination, there is no problem. I mean what would be the problem? You have high affinity antibodies, that’s fantastic. They have memory, they have high specificity. [00:55:29] It’s only a problem when this antigen changes, when you have continuously new mutants because then the, this antigen specific antibodies don’t recognize very well, your dividers anymore. That is one thing. The other thing is that we are now dealing with a pandemic of a highly infectious variant. What does that mean? [00:55:50] That means that people whether vaccinated or not vaccinated doesn’t matter are re-exposed all the time to this virus. All the time, twice a year, three times a year, 10 times a year. But every single time that your body, your immune system gets to see this damn virus, your immune systems will be boosted. [00:56:10] So you have been primed by the vaccine. Every single time, your immune system sees a little bit of the virus or antigen, your specific antibodies and you will have basically permanent basis. So I just wanted to show here when you have the suppression of the innate antibodies, as I was saying you to, you too, the people had the asymptomatic infection. The problem is when people have asymptomatic infection, normally these antibodies specific antibodies disappear after six to eight weeks, but again, we are dealing with a highly infectious barrier. So that means that now the likelihood that somebody gets re-exposed to the virus before the short lived antibodies have disappeared increasingly high. So more and more people are now re-encountering the virus while still sitting on the short-lived antibodies because their reinfection took place within the next six or eight weeks after the first infection. So that is what in its own right already explains why we are now having a number of younger, sorry, of younger people who get infected, because that is the suppression for example, in young kids. [00:57:25] So plenty of innate antibodies, they don’t care too much about the suppression. They still have plenty of antibodies, but here is the threshold, right? So you can see that for example, if people who are middle-aged for example, this mild relatively [inaudible] were still not talking about vaccinal antibodies. We’re talking about the shortening of the antibodies following asymptomatic infection, this suppression already suffices to make a number of younger people ill. That was not the case of beginning of the pandemic because we didn’t have this phenomenon. Now we do have this phenomenon. [00:58:01] You see immediately a shift from A to B towards the younger ages. I would like to insist, so a number of younger people are now getting really the disease, even moderate disease, could even be severe, but still the vast majority of these younger people will recover from this disease without going to the hospital. [00:58:21] The people who really get the severe disease, these are the people who get hospitalized, but probably had already some to a large extent underlying disease. Nevertheless, and this is really very important because that we all get killed with this bloody argument that still the rate of the vaccinated people is still hospitalized is still much lower than of the unvaccinated people. [00:58:47] I will tell you the people that now go to the hospital, of the unvaccinated, and I’m not discriminating against the vaccinated or those who are not vaccinated that I really would do everything to help both parties, I would say. But primarily we are now seeing these people hospitalized and we are seeing some of those hospitalized that have been immune suppressed. [00:59:09] So please remember that the people that non-vaccinated people that are now hospitalized are all people that have either underlying diseases, as was the case at the beginning of the pandemic, where we didn’t even have this phenomenon, but also people who are immune supressed. These people are immune suppressed. Their antibodies are to some extent out competed by spike-specific antibodies. [00:59:38] So in other words, what we do stratification of the non-vaccinated people that are currently hospitalized, would we do stratification for underlying disease and immune suppression. We would simply see that the vast majority, the overwhelming majority of the people that are now hospitalized with severe disease are not the non-vaccinated, but the vaccinated people. That is very clear. [01:00:07] There is a major confounder in this evaluation in a sense that we are not taking into account the non-vaccinated who need to rely on the innate immune system, if they have underlying disease or that very innate immune system. For sure they have a high likelihood to be hospitalized, but how can you compare all this, the hospitalized, the vaccine, the vaccinated versus unvaccinated without stratifying for underlying disease or immune suppression, which is the key element for the non-vaccinated to not only protect against disease, but even to protect against infection. [01:00:45] As I was saying, this is inducing sterilizing immunity, I think that is very important, to understand. So competition with short lived specific antibodies, as I already mentioned are the reason for immune suppression, and cause of disease. So then you could say so yeah, you get the disease, but then you can develop in many cases spike-specific antibodies of high affinity. [01:01:06] So that is what gets you acquired with immunity. And then, and these antibodies of course take care of the fibers that is when you’ll recover from a symptomatic disease when the virus has broken through your innate immune system. So in fact, the antibodies take care of it. That is where the idea came from. [01:01:23] Well guys, instead of first separate from disease let’s vaccinate, so we can avoid disease and have these specific antibodies do immediately the job and we can simply bypass disease. And there is no problem because the viral transmission will diminish. When the virus transmission diminishes the antibodies titers will wane and viral transmission will diminish, because symptomatic infection, the um, the, uh, antibodies that are generated as a result of a symptomatic infection or have a broad spectrum of a broader spectrum than vaccinal antibodies. So to some extent they can indeed deal with variance. So when these viral transmission diminishes and the antibody titers way, and that innate immunity is restored. [01:02:07] So what is the problem? The problem is if we can not control viral transmission or infection, then of course we have continuously the virus circulating and exerting this immune pressure. And that is a problem. So if we know, see what is the effect of vaccination? Then we see. So this was the effect let’s say of the short lived antibodies that are generated as a result of asymptomatic infection. [01:02:36] And that could be present more or less in many variables on a permanent basis because they have continuously contact and they continuously re-exposed, but compare this to a vaccination where the anti-bodies, have much, much higher affinity, can readily out-compete these innate antibodies yet. [01:02:54] They don’t. Yeah, they do. Yeah. But when you have a vaccine vaccinal antibodies, that then do this right away in people that have less innate antibody. So they have lower titer. They can even go below the threshold that is anti-self, antibodies can recognize self. Imagine when that happens, when these innate antibodies that are so important for homeostasis is there for clearing away self antigens that need to be eliminated from the circulation. [01:03:27] If they can no longer do this, because they’re so big surplus to a level that is even underneath the threshold for recognition of the self antigens. By these innate antibodies, you can imagine what you get. These antigens have no longer going to be clear and could lead to autoimmune disease. [01:03:46] So here, for example, When these antibodies, they are below the threshold of innate immunity. So here you break, the virus breaks through the innate immunity. Not only because remember these antibodies are not specific for SARS-CoV-2. This will also apply to other viruses with cell self-flying glycans on the surface, as I mentioned. [01:04:10] So therefore, immune pressure by vaccinal antibodies, exceeds threshold for innate immune protection and therefore will prevent protection against severe or symptomatic infection by SARS-CoV-2 and other self like glycosylated viruses. As those that I previously mentioned in middle aged children. [01:04:30] So this would be the middle aged children, and black here in black, in middle age, children that are. SARS-CoV-2 inexperienced. So they have very little or encounters with the virus. And of course, in older children in this older age group, the likelihood that you have more experienced individuals is of course higher. [01:04:53] But they’re in this high affinity as specific antibodies, they can even suppress protection against free circulating cells, glycosylated cells in of course, people that have lower innate antibody titers, which are typically the case in the teenagers. So that leads to reactivity towards overload itself. [01:05:12] That is the situation in SARS-CoV-2 untrained individuals. If we now look at the situation in the trained individuals, what is going to happen there? In trained individuals one has to imagine this, or people for example, older people who have much, much fewer innate antibodies. So if they have, so that, that means less it antibodies, it’s much more difficult for these people to recognize self-like glycans on the surface of of these viruses because there is they recognize it. [01:05:49] Much more in a much more difficult way. So what they have to do that trained affected as the innate antibodies are so low. They can only compensate this by doing a training that basically leads to innate antibodies that have much higher affinity for the virus. So again, no innate antibodies, they go to the training system and this training will know, nevertheless, despite the low innate antibodies allow them to recognize these viruses simply because the change in affinity is much higher. [01:06:27] So they go to a system that is much more auto self-directed it’s much more different from self. It has much higher affinity. This is the level of affinity, but nevertheless, the immune pressure by vaccinal antibodies. Of course, this is not only directed to SARS-CoV-2. There are also glycans on SARS-CoV-2. [01:06:47] We do it on the other viruses that are much more different from the self glycans. And so even the vaccinal antibodies, the vaccinal antibodies can even out compete those. So the immune pressure by the vaccinal antibodies exceeds the thresholds again for innate immune protection and therefore prevent protection against SARS-CoV-2, but also against others viruses that will have glycosylated structures that are much more different from the cell life, because here the affinity is much, much higher following the training process, according to the or for the reason that I just explained. [01:07:25] So this is going to happen now with middle aged adults, we will see middle aged adults, a number of diseases that are driven, that are triggered by viruses, enveloped viruses that have glycosylated structures that are very different from those on SARS-CoV-2 or other coronavirus influenza that are, for example, more typical for viruses like HIV, like EBV Epstein BARR, like cytomegalovirus, for example, and this high affinity and specific antibodies [01:07:59] they can, even in people that have less trained antibodies, for example, younger people, they have less trained antibodies. They can even suppress any new recognition or free circulating altered self. If they go even below the threshold of recognizing altered self and they, by doing so, they infuse a kind of phenomenon of tolerance to all the self glycosylated cells that we see, for example, on certain cancer cells we all know there are certain types of cells or tumors that develop glycosylated stretches on their surface that are responsible for the immune subversion of the immune system. [01:08:39] So in other words, this is in a summary. What we can expect to see is that because of this repeated viral exposure, We will have strong and sustained suppression of innate immune antibodies. It’s not like in a normal vaccination outside of a pandemic where the titers go down. No the titers will not go down because you get continuously due to the CELTA variant exposure and boosting of your vaccinal antibodies. [01:09:05] So you will have a sustained suppression of that ‘naive’ innate antibodies, as I call this will lead to an increased incidents of its high to hit, but we will see, but I think we’ve already seen some of these cases where you’re you see increased incidents of disease or severe disease. And that depends, of course, on the antigen specific antibodies. [01:09:24] You, you cannot no longer protect them against infection. So will you have disease, moderate disease or severe disease? This will, of course, depend on the vaccinal anti-bodies. When the vaccinal antibodies would still protect against disease. Okay. You cannot protect them against infection because you broke through the innate immune system that you can still protect them against disease. [01:09:44] But right now we can add. Protect against severe disease, thanks to the vaccinal antibodies themselves. So incidents of disease will be increased not only SARS-CoV-2, but also other similarly glycosylated viruses all the coronavirus RSV, flu, for example, in middle aged children, depending on the presence of antigen specific antibodies, the increased incidents of autoreactive and towards autoreactivity towards self-like glycosylated cells in teens and teenagers who have lower, low innate antibodies, therefore this suppression by vaccinal antibodies can put innate antibodies down to a much lower level where they are no longer capable of recognizing. [01:10:25] Self structure, some components that would, that need to be eliminated from the circulation in order to not induce or autoimmunity in the train for the training. People, I would say the, there is an increase in incidents of disease or severe disease again. So of course by SARS-CoV-2 and all that, but now different glycosylated viruses. [01:10:46] I just mentioned that. In middle aged adults, depending on the presence. Again, antigen specific antibodies, some of these people will have antibodies acquired antibodies against the MB for example, against Epstein BARR. And will still be able to prevent disease, but those who don’t have those, they have, there has been latency for a wrong time and types have been declined. [01:11:06] They are at the risk of developing severe disease. On the other hand, we will, it’s likely very likely that you’re going to see an increase incidents of tolerance towards ‘altered self’ glycosylated cells in young adults. Of course, the stronger the immune pressure, the higher the affinity of the vaccinal antibodies. [01:11:23] For example, if we now start boosting these people, or when we start when people who got vaccinated get boosted naturally by the circulating viruses, we are just going to increase the affinity of the vaccinal antibodies. You can imagine that higher the affinity, the more we are going to out-compete the innate antibodies and the more the incidents of other acute respiratory diseases and self-glycan-specific autoimmune disease will extend to children of increasingly lower age for as far as the other respiratory disease are concerned and higher age for as far as the self-glycan-specific autoimmune disease is concerned. You see exactly the opposite for the trained people who got their innate immunity free, the more the incidents of chronic viral diseases, enveloped viruses, and all the glycan-specific tuber disease will extend to adults of increasingly higher and lower age respectively. [01:12:16] So that means more increasingly higher age for viral diseases. So in older adults and a lower age, for those who develop are prone to develop tumor diseases, of course the aim of any vaccines and any other intervention. I know Dr. Cole has been talking about it, that dampens recognition of PAMPs, of the pathogen associated molecular patterns. [01:12:41] For example, because this was on purpose done for the MRNA vaccines in order innocuously use a new response against the RNA, but what it does is that it dampens the recognition of the pathogen associated molecular patterns. And that of course, will enhance even enhance the immune suppression by the antigen specific antibodies. [01:12:59] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: I’m going to have to ask you to pause there. There’s so many questions for you and well deserved because you presented such complex information in ways that people can generally understand what it is that you’re trying to convey. And for us as the world council for health, it’s an absolutely invaluable contribution and service that you provided. [01:13:19] So what we’d like to request those of you who have asked questions to professor Vanden Bossche, can you send them to him directly. So he just, so in case he doesn’t miss them in the general chat, but when you’re responding, can you go reply to everyone so everyone can see your response? If you can do that, absolutely brilliant. [01:13:38] Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Well it will depend on how many questions there are, of course. But yeah, I can try. [01:13:44] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: As many as you can, if you can text your response to everyone, we would really appreciate that. Thank you very much, professor Vanden Bossche. Like I said, your service to science and health is invaluable. [01:13:55] We appreciate you very much. World Council for Health and of course, affiliates around the world, professors Vanden Bossche is a one of six speakers or panelists at this time for humanity trailblazer town hall, hosted by Trial Site News in association with the World Council for Health this Saturday, the 20th 7:00 PM central African times. You can register on [01:14:17] He will also be at the African health summit this Thursday. More details on that soon. And of course, professor we’d love to host you as the World Council for Health in a one-on-one interview to give you the kind of space you need and deserves. It will try to find a spot in your diary. Thank you very much for contributing this evening, moving on then to. [01:14:38] Thank you moving on then to our affiliates, presenting to us I should say today instead of this evening. It’s 10:30 PM here in South Africa. And that’s going to be Avital Livny for the Testimonies Project, sharing their experience and their work in raising awareness about what people are experiencing around the world. [01:14:58] In relation to the experimental injection project. Avital, you are warmly welcome Shalom and over to you. [01:15:06] Avital Livny: Shalom, thank you. Thank you for having me. Hi, nice to be here with you. So interesting. So would you like me to present? Do you have questions? How would you like it to be? [01:15:18] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Let’s ask you to present for us Avital. I’m sure you’ve got a really important information for us to share and lessons to share as well. You’ve got about 10 to 15 minutes. We might try to squeeze in some Q&A, and then it goes to committees that need to give us some updates. So the mic is yours. [01:15:35] Avital Livny: Okay. So good evening to everyone. I’m a mother of two, from Israel and in the last month, since the vaccination started in Israel, And we already started to hear about injuries that people reported around us, right after getting the shots and it got to, you got more and more reports about that, but at the same time on the Israeli media, there was nothing nobody’s talking about it. [01:16:02] Everything is great. They give a lot of time to show the damages of the COVID-19. If somebody is getting ill, but the nothing about side effects. And you have to understand that in Israel, there is no efficient system to report side effects unlike the American VAERS and even if you try to get the report, there’s no transparency. [01:16:25] You don’t know if anybody got it. You can’t see other reports. So you can’t try to compare if other people have the same side effect like you have. And then they moved on and started vaccinating the teenagers and going onto the children. So I decided that I have to take as we say, the mission on my shoulders. [01:16:48] And I started then filming. And I went over on the web, on Facebook, you have thousands and thousands of reports and testimonies about injuries. So I contacted myself, hundreds of them, spoke to them. Most of them didn’t want to expose themselves. And you have to understand that the atmosphere is very difficult. [01:17:11] And there’s a lot of incitement against the unvaccinated. Our prime minister said out loud that the unvaccinated people are like a person going in the streets with a machine gun spraying, Delta viruses all over. And when they started to vaccinate the teenagers, he said, I want the parents of the vaccinated to fight with the parents of the unvaccinated. [01:17:36] So the atmosphere is very violent. I would say a lot of hate and fear. And and so most of the people that I contacted didn’t want to expose himself in front of the camera, but eventually I got 40 testimonies, very strong testimonies. And with this 40 testimonies, I created the Testimony Project. [01:17:59] And it was very interesting because while I was going on the testimonies, I could see clear patterns. I could divide them into seven different categories of side effects of heart problems, neurological problems, skin problems, clots, and vaginal bleedings and miscarriages and the burst of like auto-immune diseases. [01:18:25] And only with those 40 testimonies very strong and heartbreaking. At the beginning I wanted to make I was very naive. I thought they would make like a viral, a short video that will go viral, but I realized that it’s impossible with these 40 testimonies to summon up everything to a few minutes. [01:18:45] And it became a documentary of more than an hour and seven minutes. And it reached over 1 million viewers that already watched the documentary all around the world, more than 200 countries. And we’re translating it as we speak to more and more languages. We have it on English. [01:19:07] We have English translation. We have Italian, Romanian, Russian, and coming on, of course, German today, we published the German and we will have at least four more translations by the end of this week. And in order to reach as many people as we can. I’m giving interviews, as you can see, to all the international organizations that reach out to me, but I’m not giving interviews to the Israeli media because they’re so biased and I know that they will not give a real opportunity to say anything, and just try to make the project look, I don’t know, in a bed light. [01:19:47] And that’s it. The Israeli Ministry of Health, two weeks after publishing the project they posted on Facebook, saying, let’s talk about the side effects from the booster. They were trying to say how minor it is, as a reaction. I always said, it’s my dream, is that the project [01:20:07] will start like a me-too of the people got hurt from the vaccination that people would have the courage to come out with their stories. So the people around will see the numbers because they are not aware if you’re not in the groups of the injured people. You’re not aware. And two weeks after the project came out, the Israeli ministry of health posted this post and as a reaction, they got less than 24 hours, more than 25,000 comments of people saying, “really?” “Minor?” [01:20:42] “I don’t think so. I got hurt. I got this and that.” And people even uploaded their medical documents. And I don’t know somebody got panicked because somehow overnight thousands of comments were deleted. Luckily people already took screenshots of all of the comments to prove that the comments that were deleted were not with bad language or false things or fake or anything. [01:21:10] So not only you don’t have a real way to report the injuries in Israel, but you have a feeling that everybody’s trying to shush people up in order not to see, what’s really going on in Israel. Every day, you hear about 40, 50 year old people that they die from a cardiac arrest. And now I get a second, [01:21:35] let’s say, wave of dangerous from the young people that reach out to me. I have two mothers of 15 year old that got myocarditis a few days after the injection. So I started another line of shooting testimonies of the young, younger people I have already eight only from the last two weeks, eight testimonies, people of the age of 20, 20 something. [01:22:01] Most of them, myocarditis. A lot of heart problems. The last one that I videotape, it was amazing because he got, most of the people that live in Israel, got the vaccine because of the green passport. Not because of medical reasons. They said it themselves. This guy that’s got myocarditis got the vaccine because he was afraid that they will not let him go inside his own wedding because of the green passport. [01:22:30] So he got the vaccine and two weeks before his wedding, he got the myocarditis. He spent his whole weddings sitting down. This is the situation in Israel. Would you like me to go now to questions and answers? [01:22:44] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks very much Avital. You shared what I can see is obviously a very painful process for you to go through being somebody who is collecting this kind of data, but it’s so important and it’s such a service to humanity. [01:22:56] So thank you very much for doing that. In South Africa, we have an independent alternative to government reporting system called SA VEARS. And as the person sitting behind collecting all of those, that those reports and doing the interviews, I can so resonate, what you’re experiencing. And I’d love to interview you when you have some space to talk about the experiences in Israel. [01:23:17] Tess, do we have any questions for Avital? [01:23:20] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Yes, I actually, I just wanted to say I think what’s especially difficult for people who are have experienced side effects and are experiencing serious adverse reactions. Is that just the failure of the authorities to recognize and acknowledge and to hear them. [01:23:38] And also it’s my understanding that many people face if, when they do speak about it they face real difficulties within their families and their communities and so on, because it seems like many people still struggle to accept that it can be a connection between the two. Is that something that your group is very aware of and how do you deal with those issues? [01:24:04] Avital Livny: First of all, new injured people that contact me? Most of them, they’re afraid to lose their jobs if they speak out. They’re afraid of getting criticism for, because it’s like they’re saying to people don’t go vaccinate. It’s not what they’re doing, but just want to say, “Hey, listen, you have to see the whole picture. [01:24:25] Okay. It’s not as the government, or everybody’s trying to show you.” I have to say they are very frustrated that they feel very abandoned and you have to remember, most of the people they serve in the army for two or three years people are really connected to the country and it’s a really heartbreaking feeling. [01:24:48] All the doctors are telling them it has nothing to do. We have a joke running in Israel. There’s a new pandemic. It has nothing to do with the vaccine. “What, oh, you have a heart attack. Oh, it’s because not no connection to the vaccine.” There’s no way that the doctors even will agree to [01:25:08] that they had the vaccination a few days earlier to what happened to them, not even to put it on the chart. One of the ladies that was in the documentary she asked a doctor, she had heart problems. “Are you going to report this?” He said, “it’s not my job to report. If you want, you can go ahead and report it.” [01:25:28] And people, they don’t know where to report. They don’t know how to do it. And one more interesting and very disturbing details. Many of the people in the project told me that the moment they came to the hospital with a side effect, the first thing that the doctors tried to do is to push them into the COVID 19 section. [01:25:49] Even though they had no COVID 19. There was an 85 year old. He was in the hallway for five hours because he wouldn’t go to the COVID-19 section. He said, “I don’t have the COVID-19.” And they told him, “Until you don’t go there, we don’t give you any tests, any exams, nothing.” Five hours, 85 year old man in a hallway. [01:26:09] And you have to ask yourself why. And also the way that they treat them, and they say it has nothing to do with the vaccination, but nowadays everyone who has heart problem that goes into the ER, they say that the first question that they are being asked, the minute they go inside the hospital is “when [01:26:28] did you get the vaccine?” So it has no connection, but that’s the first question they asked them. But if you go, as we say off camera and you speak to people behind, anonymously, they will say the truth. One of the mothers her 15 year old boy got the myocarditis. [01:26:45] She didn’t even imagine it would be like that. She sat the boy with his father. The boy wanted to go to the hospital. He felt something was really wrong. And she sent him with the father because she didn’t believe it’s anything serious. And after half an hour, the father called her very scared. And he told her the minute that inside the ER, the nurse came out, started shouting at me. [01:27:09] “Are you crazy? How dare you vaccinate a 15 year old boy?” And I’m asking myself, where was this nurse before they got vaccinated? Why isn’t she going out with this information? Why isn’t she shouting this information out loud in the media? I don’t know wherever. How are they supposed to know? It’s not okay to vaccinate a 15 year old boy, according to her. [01:27:33] There’s no way of saying something different than the narrative you have doctor. Any doctor, that’s trying to say something different. He’s conspirative. They try to show him as a crazy guy. And they showed us an SMS message. There was a very famous guy, he’s an activist and he got arrested. [01:27:56] And after he got arrested he got sick and he got inside of the hospital with a supposedly COVID 19 and he died and he was consulting with one of the famous doctors. And he asked him what to do. And he told him, “listen, do whatever the doctors tell you, they know what to do. And also I recommend to lay on your stomach. [01:28:15] It’s helps too with breathing problems.” In the media, they cut out, but he said, trust the doctors do what they say, they know what they’re doing. And they left only the recommendation of lying on your stomach to show him like a weirdo or something. He’s very well known doctor. [01:28:35] Avital, there’s a couple [01:28:36] Dr. Tess Lawrie: of other questions? [01:28:37] Dr. Brian is wondering, what does the general situation in Israel with regard to lockdowns cases and mandates? [01:28:43] Avital Livny: There’s no locked down, but there’s a green passport and somebody who is unvaccinated cannot go. Any, almost to any restaurant theater music show. Sometimes it’s even to the local authorities, if you have to, I don’t know, to do something with your license, everything is with green passport. [01:29:03] You can’t take the children sometimes even in a open space events, you need the greens passports. Weddings. Everything. If people who are not vaccinated required to take the PCR test. And and now there’s a new decision that they can only take it in a certain place where it costs them. It’s around, let’s say a 15, $15. [01:29:34] Let’s say every time they take the exam and they need to take two times a week the exam. So the try to pressure them economically also, even if somebody deciding to take the test instead of the vaccination, he’s losing money all the time. And so there’s a lot of intimidation. You have to wear a mask inside a closed areas. [01:29:59] The children are suffocating for hours in schools. While you see photos of our government and cabinets. Sitting around, hugging, no mask, the the virus doesn’t like, the government they’re protected from it. So this is how it goes. It’s really difficult. And the schools in Israel now they start to look like military zones. [01:30:23] The education, the ministry of education is not in charge anymore in the schools. The ministry of health is in charge. If they go inside, they can do whatever they want. And parents are not allowed inside the schools. That’s the new laws they’re not allowed inside. And so many Israelis took their children out of the the system because they have no trust. [01:30:47] They don’t know what is going to happen. Three weeks ago in a school in the center of Israel accidentally by mistake a whole class of six years old got a vaccinated. not with a Corona vaccination, but the regular vaccination that children have at this age, but they didn’t check to see the, that the approval of the parents, the whole class was vaccinated. [01:31:15] One of the children got vaccinated twice because they didn’t ask him. He didn’t know he already got these vaccination before. And also you had a few weeks ago, two women went in to get a flu vaccination and by mistake, they got another booster. Mistakes. Misunderstandings. One a guy was on, he was on the Israeli news. [01:31:40] One guy went to take the booster and by mistake they gave him three doses. So he has in total, like five doses of the vaccination or six, I think. [01:31:53] Dr. Tess Lawrie: If anyone wants to contact you what is the best way? [01:31:57] Avital Livny: I think through the testimony project website. It’s a [01:32:06] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Are you still taking the testimonies and is there any kind of help you can offer them apart from taking testimonies that people who do contact. [01:32:15] Avital Livny: Help with the injuries or- I can say what I see on the web. I’m not a doctor, but I know that many people, first of all, consult and they ask, I have this and that, do you have with your experience, any idea of what it can be today. [01:32:32] I got to message. “My father-in-law has numbing in the fingers and the parts when go numb.” And I tell them what my, the people that was in the project told me that you have to take a test for clots for I don’t think it’s called D dimer. De..dimer… or something. It’s a test that checks for micro clots in your blood. [01:32:59] And if you have it, it could be the reason why your fingers go numb and then you have to take special pills to make the blood run. I don’t have the medical language and in the medical areas is not sufficient enough. [01:33:15] Dr. Tess Lawrie: So interesting. And you’re doing such wonderful work. [01:33:18] We’re very proud to have you as an affiliate. [01:33:20] Avital Livny: Thank you for having me. Thank you. [01:33:22] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Shabnam would you like to continue? [01:33:25] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you. Thanks. Very much test and again, thanks very much Avital Livny. We want to share with you that the World Council for Health has drafted a declaration, as well as the cease and desist notice. [01:33:37] And that’s via the legal subcommittee supported by the science and medical committee. And of course it’s regarding his experimental biologics and Avital your initiative, and your website has been mentioned in his declaration. So we hope that you can wait to till the end of the program and Shalom to you. Moving on from the Zandra Bortas [01:33:58] could not make it this evening, unfortunately, but of course we will bring her back at a later stage, so we can look forward to an update. What is under that microscope. [01:34:07] Moving on now to the committee updates, to the subcommittee updates. And we going to begin with the science and medical committee. [01:34:15] Dr. Naseeba Kathrada: Thanks, Shabnam. Such amazing speakers this evening. I want to just to welcome everyone who is on the call to please join the medical and science World Council for Health subcommittee. I will put my telegram handle in the chat, so you can contact me directly to be added onto the group, but for those people who are asking the question, Avital, regarding help post-jab. [01:34:38] One of the things that the World Council for Health medical and science subcommittee has been working on is a post jab detox article it’s for anybody who’s taken the jab, people who want to know what to do post-jab. Watch the space. That’s coming soon. We are discussing with people all around the world. [01:34:55] In fact, tomorrow is our fourth round table discussion where we will be discussing just that. What people are doing all around the world for post jab, detox, how you can help your family, your friends, your patients. And we welcome anybody who has been treating patients post jab with injuries to please join our meeting. [01:35:16] Also, you can just contact me directly and I’ll send you the link to that round table discussion. Also coming up, medical and science committee, we are hosting, like Shabnam said, the African Health Summit 21, which will be happening this week, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. [01:35:30] We’ve got a great panel and discussion. Shabnam, I’m just going to share my screen for a second. If I can. There we go. Just so everyone can see. And for those of you who want to ask. So we’ve got great speakers lined up. We’ve got, it’s also for the group of journalists. We’ve got updates from all of Africa. [01:35:48] Then we go to our legal committee, legal panel discussion. Then we moving on to COVID treatment and natural immunity and the post jab. Again, this is a panel of medical doctors from around the world and to be discussing that. And of course, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, like you said, Africa will save the world. He will be up at the African health summit on Thursday, we also got updates from other African countries and then the non science on COVID that’s coming up as well. [01:36:14] And on the last day, we are discussing the natural detox therapies. And we’re going to end the summit off with a great panel with our very own Dr. Tess Laurie, where we are going to be discussing the way forward, because that is what the World Council for Health is right? [01:36:28] There is a better way and together we are going to find it. And that is my uptake, Shabnam, from the medical and science committee. [01:36:36] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks very much, Naseeba. Moving on then to the legal, and I will say, human rights law committee update. What we decided to do is focus only on a declaration and cease and desist that the committee has been working to draft in a way that is factual, that speaks to the realities on the ground. [01:36:57] And that is in language that people can easily understand. It’s a very concise document. Let me try and bring it up on screen. Give me a second. [01:37:08] I think Shabnam has accidentally left the meeting. [01:37:12] Charles Kovess: While we’re waiting for Shabnam, the committee, we went through word by word on this declaration for three hours, everybody. Just the one page. So I’m sure you’ve all been through that process. It reminded me that I would hate to be a drafter of statutes for parliament. [01:37:27] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Hi, everyone. Sorry about that. Multiple screens going on here. Let’s try that again. [01:37:34] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Thanks Charles. By the way. [01:37:35] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: All right. Can everyone see that? [01:37:38] Yes. Yes. [01:37:40] Quite small. All right. But, we wait to share this document extensively, once it’s been finalized. The purpose is to get some feedback from our affiliates. And of course, you’ll see that beautiful World Council for Health logo. There is a declaration and cease and desist notice. World Council for Health calls for the immediate pause to the COVID-19 vaccine experimentation project. Date and website. [01:38:02] The formatting probably looks a bit off, but we’ll be able to fix that. We start off with the consensus of the world’s foremost experts, and you’ll see a list of about 13 names. You probably quite familiar with consistently warning the world about the harmful adverse effects from the experimental biologics. [01:38:18] That’s a term that the legal committee has decided is appropriate. As well as their long-term effects which cannot be known at this state of the trial due to the lack or censorship of scientific, clinical and safety data. Then of course, in June, 2021, our very own Dr. Tess Laurie accurately described the global crisis and called urgent action. Still relevant. [01:38:38] There’s now more than enough evidence on the UK yellow card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for usein humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. Then the declaration. World Council for Health declares that it is now past the time to put an end to this ongoing and unnecessary humanitarian crisis. [01:39:04] Further direct or indirect action, again, direct or indirect action in manufacturing, distributing, administrating, or promoting these injections is inhumane, unlawful, unconstitutional, and violates the Nuremberg code, the Helsinki declaration, and other international treaties. We then go into the uncensored facts. [01:39:24] We know that children are well over 100 times more likely to die from the jabs, than from C19. Injured athletesd gl,, globally are collapsing before our eyes. Despite limited or passive systems, there are millions of reports and we include some of these very serious adverse effects that are being experienced. They are linked to 1, 2, 3, 4 websites that you can access to be able to get a picture of what’s going on in terms of safety, adverse effects. [01:39:51] And then of course, the victim testimonies, the world council for health acknowledges and respects the experiences and testimony of the victims of this worldwide experiment. See websites mentioned there. NOT SAFE, NOT EFFECTIVE. What we’re saying is recent studies confirm the risks associated with products. Emerging research establishes they’re not safe, not effective. [01:40:10] And in fact, they’re toxic. In addition to the known ingredients and the various extreme biological harms, evidence of undisclosed ingredients raise serious concerns. CEASE AND DESIST The World Council for Health is ethically bound to issue this declaration demanding that corporations and governments immediately cease and desist from direct or indirect participation in manufacturing, distribution administration, or promotion. The World Council for Health declares that global citizens have a moral and a legal duty to take urgent and decisive action to halt this unprecedented medical experiment, which continues to cause immeasurable and avoidable trauma harm disease, death, and loss. NOTICE OF LIABILITY. Bodily integrity is a universal human right. [01:40:56] If you directly or indirectly participate in manufacturing, distribution, administration, or promotion, you can and will be held liable for the commission of civil, criminal, constitutional and common law wrongs, based on both domestic and international law. So that document is going to be signed by the steering committee as well as the subcommittees of the world council for health. [01:41:23] And then of course, Zoe is going to be able to assist us to get it up into perhaps the petition format so that if you, as our affiliates want to of course, sign the declaration and cease and desist you’re welcome to do so and share it in every country around the world. Does anyone have any feedback, thoughts on the declaration. [01:41:40] Dr. Tess Lawrie: There were a lot of positive comments in the chat Shabnam. I didn’t see anyone with any reservations. Excellent. Reema is asking, how do you sign on behalf of our organizations? [01:41:53] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: So basically this document is going to be shared on an electronic platform, which will make it easy for our affiliates to lead the way in signing this document and sharing with people around the world to sign. [01:42:04] But also you will be able to utilize this document and serve it on corporations and governments and media that is responsible for this, this chapter in human history that we’re working on together. So that’s also very important share it, but also use the notice and serve it on the necessary people. [01:42:22] Because of course together we are stronger and we know there’s a better way. We know that treatment exists and we are here to take back our right to help. So thank you very much for your feedback. If you have any other feedback, please feel free to message it to me on telegram. Or I will give you my email. [01:42:40] When you message me there and you’re welcome to send that feedback through, but of course we want to get this out urgently. The need is very urgent and the world council for health has taken a humanitarian position. So with that update being done- [01:42:55] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Sorry, Shabnam, there is one point that’s been made in that. [01:42:58] I don’t think we mentioned that in actual fact the experiments are not needed because there is effective medication that can be used to treat COVID. I think that is a point that we don’t have in the document. So you might want tomake note of that. [01:43:11] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: [01:43:11] Yes, it’s such an important one. It’s one that we have to keep emphasizing to interrupt the pattern. [01:43:16] Treatments exist. So well noted our legal committee will certainly accommodate that into the declaration as well. Thank you very much. That’s the update from the legal committee and a big thank you to our committee that spent a lot of time drafting the document. Gratitude to you. [01:43:33] Before we round up with the meeting, our very own Tess Laurie, who is also one of six panelists at the science for humanity Trailblazer town hall this Saturday, has a very important and profound message to share with us in the form of a historic letter. Tess. [01:43:50] Dr. Tess Lawrie: In actual fact, I just want Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg to give us an update from Austria, because there was quite a lot going on today. [01:43:57] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: Yeah. Hi. Hi everybody. Good evening to you all, all around the world. Thank you so much for being part of this great group. And I just want to let you know that things are going absolutely crazy in Austria. I texted in our chat from Australia, Austria, and I think I would not have expected that things would come so crazy in such a short amount of time. [01:44:26] So I just want to let you people from all around the world to know that things can change very quickly in these times. In Austria, we have a, since today, a lockdown for the unvaccinated. People who got over COVID-19, but for a longer period than six months, they are not cured from COVID. The people who had COVID six months and a longer time ago. [01:44:57] They count as unvaccinated as well. And we cannot go out to restaurants, cafes, and so on. We just can go to work and we can bring our children to the kindergarten or schools. And we of course are allowed to do some walks or we can walk the dog and we are allowed to go to supermarkets, but nothing more. [01:45:21] And another thing happened on Friday, our minister of health. He is a doctor and a general practitioner that said on TV some month ago that the vaccine stays in the muscle and does not come into the blood. So this was not really scientifically set. And this guy became our minister of health. [01:45:47] His name is Dr. Muckstien, and he and other people, other politicians announced that we will have mandatory vaccines for all the health care workers. Right now I’ve formed a big group on telegram. It is called Unite Now because we have a lot of telegram groups with great people. We have doctors, we have nurses and psychologists, and so other medical professionals, they already formed in groups, but now we’ve formed up in this bigger group and we will go to the streets in Vienna on the 20th of November on Saturday. [01:46:26] So I think. Even if it is locked down, we have the right to do the protest. People were scared and they said if we were unvaccinated, and if there is a lockdown for un-vaccinated, are we allowed to go out into the streets? Yes we are. And we will and I was really inspired by the protests in New Zealand because I really liked to watch [01:46:51] And I really want to thank the whole team of high-wire because they bring all the news to us around the world in such a great way. And scientifically based data. And they also showed the protests from New Zealand. And you could see the Haka that was done by these brave people on the protests, on the streets, in New Zealand. [01:47:12] And of course we all know the rugby team All Blacks, and they always do the haka before the games. So I had the idea that all the healthcare workers all professionals from medical jobs, they are asked to wear white clothes, and they should also wear a white hat because I think we will be thousands of health professionals going out in streets and we will wear clothes and. [01:47:38] Really I’m really curious how the police will react because I think of this psychological situation when the police is asked to come after us, maybe as we have seen in Berlin, I hope it will not be like that in Austria, but we never know. And then we said that this a strange situation for policemen maybe to then spray pepper spray in the face of somebody in white clothes, maybe somebody who just is a doctor in the hospital and yesterday helped his colleague for example. [01:48:10] We think this is really important. We have a TV station that is on our side that is on TV and not just on the web and they will come with a camera and we have of course, alternative TV stations that will come with us and we have a stage and I will do a speech. And I ask everybody who is in the area around Vienna to also come to this big protest to Vienna. [01:48:33] And yeah, we will see it. I will give you an update next week, please be with us in your prayers. And yeah, I thank all of you so much that we are a big family and there is a better way. And I’m sure as I always say the truth will come out sooner or later, but I also have to mention they started to vaccinate five year old kids in Vienna, in an off-label use today also. [01:49:01] We really have to get the message out and we really have to help these brainwashed parents to really save their children’s lives. So please be with us in your prayers and thank you so much. [01:49:13] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks very much, Maria. There’s so much happening on Saturday. It’s the, the rally that Maria spoke about now, and of course you have support around the world. [01:49:23] It’s also the Worldwide Freedom Rally this Saturday, the 20th and Tess if I can just share my screen very quickly before we hand over to you for that very important letter, I just want to show the poster for the science for humanity panel, which is part of the trailblazer town hall hosted by trial side news, very proudly in association with the world council for health. [01:49:47] And you’ll see those six panelists whose the faces, most of us are very familiar with three of whom, four of whom actually, I believe are in tonight. Generalists MD gathering will be able to register on the website on the yellow banner below. So watch the space for more details [01:50:05] Tess over to you. [01:50:06] Looking forward to that letter you’ve been telling us about. [01:50:09] Dr. Tess Lawrie: Thanks. It’s an old letter by Albert Einstein to his daughter Liezel and what’s striking about it really is that we always think of scientists and geniuses as being these kinds of, cold, rational people who reduced everything to, what, not reduce everything, but, everything is based on what we know. [01:50:29] And this space is really quite profound because it just highlights how much we don’t know. And so let me read it. So he’s writing to his daughter and he says, when I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me. And what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world. [01:50:53] I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary. Yes decades until the society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below. It is an extremely powerful force that so far science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. [01:51:22] This universal force is love. When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe, they forgot the most powerful, unseen force. Love is light that enlightens, those who give and receive it. Love is gravity because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power because it multiplies that best we have and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind [01:51:49] selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals. For love, we live and die. Love is God. And God is love. This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it’s the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will. To give visibility to love, [01:52:15] I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation. If instead of E equals MC squared. We accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love, multiplied by the speed of light squared. We arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is because it has no limits. After the failure of humanity to use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us. [01:52:44] It is urgent that we must nourish ourselves with another kind of energy. If we want a species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world, and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer. Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastated the planet. [01:53:09] However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released. When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything because love is the quintessence of life. [01:53:29] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you test. That was so beautiful and so profound. So moving love is the most powerful force or energy that there is. And of course at the World Council for Health, we’re all about that love that unites us as human beings, borderless all the way around the world. To conclude then, thank you very much from the steering committee to all the affiliates who joined us this evening, to all of you that share the world council for health work, to invite people, to join the world council. [01:54:00] We appreciate you very much. To Kristoph, we’re doing a stunning job with translation there into German. Thank you very much. We appreciate your service. To all of the volunteers who are reaching out to us to say, how can we help? We appreciate you too. We’ve got some plans in that regard. So we appreciate you stepping up and saying, how can we get involved? [01:54:19] How can we be active? Because that’s what the World Council for Health is all about. I want to end off by saying, don’t spend your precious time asking why isn’t the world a better place. It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is how can I, and we make it better, to that there is an answer. Thank you very much from the World Council for Health. To all of you love and solidarity around the world. [01:54:46] We will see you next Monday at the general assembly. And remember to save the chat important information. [01:54:52] So we just brought up a final slide. Please remember to follow us. We’ve got a telegram channel as well as a Facebook page and a Twitter account. And of course, sign up to our newsletter on the website to be the first to hear about our new resources and videos. Thanks very much for that. [01:55:09] Take care, everyone. [01:55:11]
Dr Marik, I thank you, for your sacrifice and honour and courage.. There are insufficient words.
Thank you for your Courage. Each and Everyone Involved. May God Bless.
We shall overcome!
Thank you for a very professional production.
Host Shabnam did an outstanding job. Kudos to the team.
Sharing with my subscribers.
Peace and love,
Deep in my heart, I do believe, We shall overcome, some day!
I thought that this was Such a good clip🥲. I want to share with all and add my own experiences.
We are just beginning to understand the cause and nature of colds and flu. The mistake the world has made and needs to get out of is not clear. Dr Nathan like the little boy who put his finger in the leaking dyke in Holland has done something to make sense of our situation.
I say good for him🙏🏻
My biofeed back internal body messages have been bordering on auto immunity all my life of 70 years 🐑. (Asthma
, rheumatic fever…)
Just sleeping next to my wife Louise for two months after her experimental m RNA jab, put my system into a spin (just like flu).
I used drinking large quantities of water to help return to normal😖😭😱
I would like to see long-term vaccine peer reviewed safety data.
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Tremendous thanks to all the amazing people who don’t give up or give in and keep on informing and educating us.
Thank you so much, Dr. Marik. It was obviously heartbreaking for you to be put in this situation.
What was the outcome of the hearing, which I assume was on November 18th? Or is it on November 25th?