General Assembly Meeting | January 10, 2022

Rewatch the full January 10, 2022 World Council for Health General Assembly Meeting video with guest speakers Dr. Jackie Stone and Dr. Martin Gill as well as affiliates Doctors for Live and Mind Medicine Australia, introduced by Dr. Lucy Kerr and Tania de Jong.

Dr. Jackie Stone & Dr. Martin Gill: We can’t afford not to treat

Dr. Stone is a family medicine physician based in Zimbabwe. Dr. Gill is an ENT specialist based in South Africa. Together they discuss their experience treating people with Covid-19, the importance of early treatment, and the use of silver for Covid-19.

A clip of this presentation can be found here.

Tania de Jong joins us from Australia to introduce Mind Medicine Australia, a coalition partner of the World Council for Health.

Tania de Jong is Executive Director of Mind Medicine Australia. She is a trail-blazing Australian soprano, award-winning entrepreneur, creative innovation catalyst, and more.

Mind Medicine Australia exists to help alleviate the suffering and suicides caused by mental illness in Australia through expanding the treatment options available to medical practitioners and their patients.

A clip of this presentation can be found here.

GA Jan 10

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly on January 10, 2022. Note: Dr. Lucy Kerr’s video was removed due to poor sound quality, she will be invited back at a later date. 

This video is also available on Odysee and Rumble.


[00:00:00] [00:00:53] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Welcome everyone. Let’s get our general assembly on the road. [00:00:58] So welcome to our friends, our affiliates, and of course the public from around the world to the 23rd general assembly of the World Council for Health, wherever you are in the world, a very warm welcome. [00:01:11] We hope you’re doing well, but of course, if you want to stay healthy and well-informed the World Council for Health is where it’s at because of course there is a better way when we are creating it together. [00:01:23] My name is Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, and of course I’m representing our tireless steering committee today. And my co-host and co-pilot this stuff for this gathering is going to be Karen McKenna. Karen, thank you very much for sharing your time with us. [00:01:39] And of course, as always, we go through a few slides to bring you up to speed with where we’re at. Of course, we delighted to be hosting speakers from around the world in our platform, and we welcome different perspectives. Of course, the opinions of our guest speakers don’t necessarily represent the opinions of the World Council for Health. [00:01:57] And of course that refers to our partners as the meeting is live and it’s not rehearsed, they for errors and emissions at possible and natural as we are alive. If you don’t want to appear, please turn your camera. [00:02:08] Daily reminders, please keep yourself muted during the meetings. So we don’t disturb any of our amazing speakers and partners. Code of conduct generally just let’s keep it respectful and constructive as we always do. If you have a question, remember to preface your question with a Q capital Q at the beginning of your short, sharp and interesting question, Karen, we’ll be taking those questions up after every speaker or partner speaks. [00:02:33] If you’re watching through our website newsroom, please be aware that you won’t see the zoom chat for now. This is only for participants. And of course the recording of today’s GA will be up on our website too, in the course of the week. And of course, one of my favorite slides, our coalition partners from around the world, it’s over a hundred already, uh, due to the tireless work of our steering committee, as well as our partners who are very much committed to inviting more partners, to join us as we build a healthier world. [00:03:04] And I think we’re up to almost a, is it 30, almost 40 countries with the latest to join us, Costa Rica, very warm, welcome Costa Rica. You are in good company at the World Council for Health. Steering committee, of course, a couple of updates to do there, but we want to welcome Kat Lindley who’s just joined us. Thank you very much. Looking forward to working with you, Kat. [00:03:26] Meeting proceedings, our guest speakers, of course, we’ll have 30 minutes with 10 minutes for Q and A, Doctors Jackie Stone and Dr. Martin Gill will be speaking together on a very important topic, uh, regarding the antiviral therapy of silver or colloidal silver, and why we can’t afford not to use it. There are going to be a first followed by coalition partner introductions Dr. Lucy Kerr from Brazil, Doctors for Life and Tania De Jong from Australia, Mind Medicine Australia. Followed by committee updates, and of course matters arising after which will be very important call to action with just a few reminders of what we can do to keep building the world that we want. And [00:04:11] with that being said, of course, I’m very sure that our speakers are already in the room with us. [00:04:18] So let’s introduce them dr. Jackie Stone is, is a Zimbabwean primary care physician who graduated from the University of Cape town in 1989. As I think she has a scholarship to do an honors degree in medical biochemistry, she went to the UK, she worked. So her main interest was HIV. And during this time she was involved with introduction of combination antiviral therapy, very relevant [today], as the cornerstone of successful treatment and prevention of the HIV pandemic. [00:04:47] She’s also worked in the middle east in the airline industry. Um, and of course she has, she’s learned a lot about risk benefit assessment, hypoxia, infectious diseases, et cetera. She’s developed an interest in integrative medicine, very important. She returned to Zimbabwe in 2015 and is now the executive committee of the Zimbabwe COVID frontline clinicians, society who advocate to saving lives to early safe, effective and affordable combination therapy. [00:05:16] Of course, she’s used professor Thomas Borody’s combination therapy, and she’s worked with Dr. Sabine Hazan and I’m very glad to have interviewed Dr. Jackie Stone on quite a few occasions, uh, Dr. Martin Gill, uh, we’ll be, uh, partnering or co-piloting with, um, with Dr. Jackie Stone today, and a little more about him. [00:05:39] He is a ENT surgeon graduated from Betsy here in South Africa in 1993. He’s in private practice, uh, to present at Four Ways Life Hospital. And of course he also shares with us that he trained as an aviation medicine doctor. He was awarded the military award for the best working ENT surgeon, started an IT company where he manages doctor communities and now has extended to the general public. In December, 2020 he decided to give a lecture to as many doctors. And that was the first time Ivermectin had been discussed in South Africa. Uh, there were about 30,000 hits on that talk by the following day. [00:06:18] He then got very involved in changing policies as well as legal action. And of course he mentions, he’s met Dr. Jackie Stone and they’ve been working very closely together. So on that note, let’s hand over the mic or presentation to Dr. Jackie Stone and Dr. Martin Gill. We can’t afford not to treat powerful early antiviral therapy. That includes Silver. Over to you, Doctors. [00:06:44] Dr. Martin Gill: Can I share the screen? [00:06:45] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Yes, absolutely. [00:06:48] Dr. Martin Gill: Yeah, this is my computer. [00:06:50] Let’s give you 30 seconds or so to figure that out. I’m just going to have a quick look at the comments. I think there was a couple of good comments here uh, Zafira says: thank you all for your incredible job and the cease and desist declaration, which we are working on handing to the Greek government and official Greek medical organizations. [00:07:12] That’s excellent news. Thank you so much. Um, Marcus said, awesome. That’s great. Please share your translation as well as updates, videos and lessons you learned along the way. Zoe has just put her email address there. Um, Stephan: "seems the governments have reunited again to push the, those kids jabs. Do we have another plan is to send our kids to, well, that’s a good question. [00:07:35] We certainly don’t and that’s why we’re creating the kind of planet that children can live safely, happily and healthily on. I believe there have been about, thus far, according to our knowledge, 22 services, uh, on different organizations amongst our partners. That’s the 22 we only know about who sent us some form of evidence in terms of a photograph or in terms of a video. [00:08:00] Uh, so of course, if you are intending to have sent out a cease and desist declaration, please get into contact with us by via Zoe or via the website. There now a form on the website where you can send us those details. We’re able to share it with other partners and of course, motivate, educate, and empower each other to use those very important documents. And while those emails are going through, let’s have a look and see Mark Trozzi says in Canada, teacher who knew her rights kept her job when they try to dismiss her. [00:08:33] Jodie Ledgerwood is teaching her and others how to know the law, stand our ground and how to teach others. And Dr. Mark Trozzi has shared a link to that particular resource. If you can have a look at it in the chat or copy, it certainly be something very interesting to look at. Uh, Karen McKenna’s says in Costa Rica, the vaccinations are starting on school, children aged 11 tomorrow, big day. They, Karen, maybe we can chat about it, but, uh, but in, in matters arising if possible? uh, Ross Nealon Cook: hi, I’m Ross from Sydney. We’ve had mandates with teli health for psychologist. Wow. That’s really interesting. Um, Stefan from Salsburg, any other comments? [00:09:21] We can have a look at, uh, Ross says in Australia they’re starting on five-year-old children come tomorrow. Sending love and solidarity. And of course, whatever we can do to assist each other most importantly, to share information. Um, Rhema says that, uh, polyethylene glycol antibodies present in 70% of the us population sensitivity to one of the components of the jab is an allowed reason for medical exemption. [00:09:47] At least in the US. This is a standard test done by all major lab companies. That’s an important resource. Thank you very much. Uh, Rema, if you have a sensitivity to an adjuvant including polyethylene glycol, then that should of course naturally give you a medical exemption. And that makes sense from both medical and a legal perspective, uh, perhaps other partners will have a comment on that, that resource raised there. Hi Pierre, hello from, Freedom Rising Alliance, Ontario, Canada. [00:10:20] Zoe Strickland: Sorry, Shabnam, we are ready to go now whenever you are. [00:10:24] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Excellent. Thank you so much, Zoe, back to you, Dr. Martin Gill! [00:10:28] Dr. Martin Gill: Okay. Um, next slide. So in order to decide, um, whether we should be treating, um, early, I went to the WHO site and, um, they basically said, when you feeling sick, you must find your local health authority and they get a whole, um, a whole list of signs and symptoms. [00:10:51] And then if you think you’ve got, COVID just stay at home for 10 days, which is good advice. And, um, if you’re getting worse than you must find your, your national health authority. [00:11:00] So I thought I’d see what our national health authority had to say, and they say symptomatic relief, paracetamal, non-steroidal antiinflammatory. [00:11:09] So basically they’re not treating. They advise to rest and have hydration. That’s good. And not of course, cortisones too early in the disease. That’s good. And then they said, when treating mild COVID, there is no clear evidence of benefit of using vitamins, zinc, aspirin, anticoagulation, ivermectin, or other medications. [00:11:29] So they’re basically telling us like, nothing works; so don’t try. And then they’ve got this last little thing they were saying, most people get better, but however, some will get sick and they have to go to a hospital where obviously they’ll get very sick and some die. So they’re saying don’t treat and then we’ll find out who’s really, um, we need to be worried about my problem is if I want one of the ones that gets very sick. [00:11:52] I’m wondering why I wasn’t treated earlier, so I didn’t get sick. And that’s what the problem is. We need to be treating earlier, so we don’t get sick. Now we all know this slide. It comes from the FLCCC site and you probably know what I’m going to say. Anyhow, what happens is we have, um, viral, um, inoculation and incubation. [00:12:12] And the virus then starts to grow in numbers. So you get a bigger viral load. And then our innate, and other arms of our immune system start to pick up and eventually they kill the virus so by day 10, we don’t have any, um, live virus around, usually. Now that has triggered a whole immune cascade, which leads ultimately to immune dysregulation, if it is overstimulated and why would it be overstimulated? [00:12:41] Because the viral load presented to our immune system is greater then it can cope, then it’s used to coping with, and it seems to go out of control and you get a cytokine storm, and that’s where the problem lies. [00:12:56] So logically to me, the way to stop this happening is to stop the virus replicating. That means you have to be treating in that early phase. [00:13:04] So, um, Jackie and I got together and we put together protocols to help people. I’m just going to scream through these, cause we’ve only got 15 minutes, but basically, um, the prophylaxis has got Ivermectin, zinc, quercetin and vitamins with colloidal silver spray. [00:13:22] If you do have an exposure, so you bumped into someone, you don’t have a mask on. Then we started our mixing 0.3 milligrams per kilogram, because anything less than that really doesn’t work. And then we use the usual culprits there. This time we do, colloidal silver, nebulizing to try and sterilize the nose and the airway. [00:13:46] And then once you’ve diagnosed positive, um, we have more or less the same thing. We have the triple therapy of ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc. Then the usual culprits , the vitamin C, D, quercetin. And here we add aspirin, melatonin, and then colloidal silver. But now we use colloidal silver more aggressively. [00:14:06] And our reason for using colloidal silver is it works quickly and it starts turning the, um, decreased oxygen saturation around and they come up very quick. Uh, it’s very nice because the patients feel better and you can start feeling more comfortable with the treatment. [00:14:23] [Inaudible]. So let’s do a back story of what happened and why Jackie and I put together these protocols. [00:14:30] So early in the pandemic, there’s very little information on how to treat SARS-CoV-2. And the other problem we had is when anything significant came up, it got taken off, um, YouTube or wherever it was. So it was difficult to get information. [00:14:45] And Jackie and I were dealing with different problems. She was in Zimbabwe with a completely failed government health care system. And the reason why the system of health had failed is because there was a strike on. So she had no beds, no hospital beds that you could send the patients to. And that forced her to treat all our patients at home. And because of that, she had to start thinking, well, how do we actually do this? And came up with, um, very, um, effective treatment regime. [00:15:18] I was in South Africa where I was dealing with a different problem and being an ENT surgeon, I wasn’t, um, involved in the treatment of patients in the hospital. So I had to, um, reserve my treatments to outside the hospital. And the problem that I was dealing with them was an old age home with patients over eight years old requiring intubation and ventilation, but none of the us use would take these patients because they were getting preference for the younger patients and are starting to use our mission very effectively there and actually getting these patients to survive. [00:15:53] The silver that, um, ju uh, Jackie’s protocol it was also very good in that they were getting quickly quick, quickly, better than she was having problems down the line with a few deaths occurring every now and then we added ivermectin to her protocol, we literally turned off death, off mortality. [00:16:11] So, um, that’s where we, um, on our next next slide. So the rationale behind this is we, we decided you had to had to inhibit viral replication. So this was for early stages of the treatment, and we used Prof. Borody’s triple therapy philosophy, and he’s got a lot of experience treating chronic diseases like AIDS with, um, uh, RNA viruses. [00:16:38] And his experience is that if you don’t use triple therapy, you get resistance very quickly and using multiple drugs and you have an increase in interest, very low viral elimination. So that all fitted in with what we were trying to do. We were trying to reduce the viral load for Don’s life and our triple therapy with ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc. [00:17:00] So why did we choose ivermectin? Well, ivermectin is a remarkable drug because it has so many different modes of actions that inhibits the virus at so many different levels that inhibits the viral, um, attachment to the ACE-2 receptor the TNPRSS2 protein is inhibited by the virus by ivermectin so the virus can’t emerge with the cell membrane. It stops the important protein. So the virus can send messages to the nucleus to turn off the, um, uh, intercellular immunity. Um, it also blocks, um, uh, inflammatory pathways that lead to the cytokine storm. So you get a reduction in aisle six and TNF when, um, we’re using ivermectin and also it’s felt that it has a role to play in reducing the thrombotic episodes. [00:17:56] So one of the theories is that the spike protein is, um, uh, attaching to receptors on the red blood cells and endothelial cell. And these can be completely broken down by other excellent. [00:18:15] Doxycycline is there, because it’s an ionosphore for zinc, which is one of our main forms of treatment. But if you’re going to get an ionophore you might as well get one that works. [00:18:25] So it inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication, it inhibits viral entry to the cell. It’s an antibiotics that’s going to help you with secondary infections. And it’s an anti-inflammatory next slide please. And zinc’s used, zinc is a remarkable, completely remarkable, element. It has so many different roles to play in inflammation that their pages or the things that it does, but the ones that I’m just going to mention here, it inhibits viral replication and improves the innate and acquired immunity, stops viruses entering the cells, it speeds up ciliary action. Um, it needs to get into the cell. That’s why, we put doxycycline, um, and enhances all of the white blood cells that are involved in our cellular immunity. And there’s just a whole other list of them. So zinc is a very important addition to our treatment. [00:19:26] And then we’ve got nano silver or colloidal solver. Now this is a, um, very important, uh, in part because works very well. And, um, the colloidal silver works by destroying any of the viruses in the way. It disrupts the primitive membrane, attaches to the phosphate in the membrane and then destroys the membrane. But it also, um, it activates DNA RNA and the ATP. So the virus is totally non-functioning if it comes into contact with silver. [00:19:58] Nano silver, which is the very small particles that you get in silver, um, work by attaching to the spike protein. And this is work that was done in, um, Israel. And what they found is using electron microscopes. They could see the nanoparticles actually painting a layer over the top of the spike protein, and they feel that this might’ve been happening because of, um, opposite charges. [00:20:27] So what happens is you now have a layer of silver over the spike protein, which then gives the spike protein the same charge as the ACE 2 receptor. And therefore it’s a lot more difficult for it to, for them to bind as there are probably repelling each other. Um, the other interesting, another interesting product of nano silvers is an in vitro study showing that it mops up cytokines and mops up aisle six and TNF, and, um, at therapeutic levels, it is mopping up about 80% of them, which is far more significant than monoclonal antibodies and cortisone does. [00:21:08] And I think that’s one of the reasons why when you use silver in a short period of time within an hour or two patients who are already feeling significantly better, and then the last function of silver, which Jackie and I think plays a role, but there’s no real proof of it is that an industry, they use nano silver to transport oxygen, because it carries 10 times its weight in oxygen. [00:21:32] And, um, when you nebulize with silver a very, um, in a very short period of time, they start, um, improving their saturations. And we’re not sure, but we think this could be playing part of the role in it. [00:21:46] The other routine medication we use is vitamin D, but I mean, that is so important. And I, um, I just find it so strange that no government are saying everyone used between D. Vitamin D is essential for the innate immunity, immune system. [00:22:00] The reason for that is the vitamin D receptor is a sector that is triggered when a macrophage, um, phagocytosis the coronavirus. Without vitamin D. That process is not going to happen. And vitamin D also, um, uh, there’s an inverse relationship between, between the and CRP. So people who have got high levels of vitamin D have lower CRPs and therefore far less likely to be, um, affected by cytokine storm. [00:22:31] Um, that reduces disease severity reduces mortality by 60%. It’s really a remarkable, um, vitamin. And I think that’s what we should all be on. [00:22:44] Vitamin C reduces oxygen species, radical oxygen species. That’s like the poison in the cell that floats around during inflammation and by removing it, everything should function better. [00:22:57] And there are. Um, a growing group of doctors who are finding, if you give high doses of intravenous vitamin C, the patients get better quickly, like in short periods of time, 24 hours. Um, and vitamin C is part of the process of producing collagen. So it’s very important for college and synthesis and repair next slide, and then magnesium or magnesium is used in so many, um, metabolic pathways that we, we need it. It stabilizes membranes, it stops, stop the arrhythmias in, um, ICU. [00:23:35] And it also, um, reduces clotting. So that’s also very important in COVID. Um, but it gets used up very quickly. So in order to maintain normal function, um, we need to be replacing magnesium. The other, the other things you’ve got to watch with COVID. So initially, you get a patient who may just really got these few like symptoms, but if they progress and you’ve got to actually stop treating them, as soon as you can with cortisone and thrombotic agents, then the decision to do this is when the CRP goes up and saturation start to come down. [00:24:12] That’s when we start with, um, um, uh, the intravenous oral cortisone and, um, and nebulization of budesonide. And then as soon as there’s evidence, because of a raised DDIMER of, um, thrombosis, we may start with anti thrombotic agents like xarelto. [00:24:32] So after about nine months of using our protocol in Zimbabwe, we decided to do a retrospective study and Jackie got all the doctors that were using it to send information through. [00:24:46] And we managed to get information on 97 patients. Now, interestingly of these 97 patients, 54 were severe COVID patients who were treated without oxygen supplementation. And the reason for that is there was a stage where Zimbabwe ran out of oxygen and remarkably, um, one of the patients had a saturation of, um, just about 60%. [00:25:15] So to me, that’s a bit of a daunting task to treat someone with saturation of 60% at home, without oxygen, the heart, all of the patients in this boat, um, had saturations below 90% and they all had a positive diagnosis. They were all treated at home and with our triple therapy. And, um, we had no mortalities. [00:25:37] Next slide please. And this is, uh, Uh, diagram of our results. Now it’s not exactly what it looks like. So I just want to explain it to you quickly. Um, it’s showing percentage increase in oxygen and retaining a percentage as, as between, um, the saturation I started with the 95%. So we say, he said 95% was normal. [00:26:04] And then we take this situation on the bottom line. It’s showing you, uh, the oxygen saturation in the blood. So you can see right on the very left and that patient had a situation or just above 65, then the different arrows show you, um, the recovery. Uh, if you just look at that one on the very left within 12 hours, and there’d been a 70% recovery in its oxygen saturation, and that’s quite remarkable of the whole group only two de-saturated a little bit initially, um, and then recovered. [00:26:43] So what I love about this graph, it shows you that as soon as you stop treating the patients start getting better, and that’s not what happens in the hospitals. Um, you’re often asked the doctor, how are people doing so well? They seem to be all right, but you just got to get through the next two days. [00:26:59] Well, not with this treatment, when you start treating this doc getting better. And that’s what I like about it. The next treatment, next slide. And this is just showing when I showed him about the fund in a different way there, we’ve got the saturations going up the left-hand side of the graph, and you can see within a day just about every single patient has got saturations around or above 90. [00:27:21] Now that’s really a lovely way to be able to treat patients at home because you know, you’re going to see them, they might, they might look bad, but you know, by the end of the day, they’re actually going to be a lot better. Now, what we did is we did the C4 outcome predictive for patients in hospital. [00:27:39] And we used that because it comes from England and it’s a predictor where they used 35,000 plus patients where they looked at their co-morbidities and different, um, parameters to work out, um, that their predicted outcome. And then this is used as a standard where you can compare your patients to other patients with a similar severity of COVID. [00:28:06] And, um, when we, we compared ours because all of our patients that were below 94, so they would’ve all been hospitalized if they were there. And what we found is, um, the expected deterioration to, um, the expected number of patients that would deteriorate out of, um, our group of patients should have been 17 and only two did. [00:28:28] And they only deteriorated for a short period of time and then recovered. We did have two deaths, um, that wasn’t included in that deterioration. And then, um, if you look at mortality, the expected mortality was seven and in our group it was two. So you can see the P values are fairly low and significant. [00:28:49] Now let’s stand very good, but you must understand Jackie was treating people at home, um, with a nurse, and, and maybe an oxygen cylinder, and we’re comparing them to a first-world hospital with an ICU and they’re being outperformed. And I really think that that is, um, quite a spectacular result. [00:29:13] So I treat patients at home and I treat patients all around our country. So I’m often treating persons that aren’t even in Johannesburg, where I live. And this protocol and working with it. Um, you realize how good it is that allows you to be more aggressive in the treatment of your patients, because, you know, when you start treating, they’re getting better, you don’t have to worry that you started treating them. [00:29:42] And tomorrow they’re going to really be doing bad. They get better. So you have confidence that they’re going to improve. You know, that once they’ve started improving they don’t deteriorate. I’ve just, I’ve never seen that happen. So, you know, if you get someone with [oxygen saturations] of 75 and their 88 by the evening, you don’t have to worry about them that night, you know’ll they’re not going to go down again. [00:30:05] And they usually wake up and their sats are even higher the following morning. Um, it’s a very safe treatment and it’s a safe thing to do at home. And Jackie’s proved that, um, she’s treated them all the time. And, um, the best part of it all is that you can confidently say to a patient I’m going to get you better, you’re not going to die. And I think of all the things that I do when you tell them that you can almost see them start to get better. It’s just taking that fear that all the press and everything has given to them away. And I think a person who’s positive get bit better quicker. Now, I think we have to hand over to Jackie here because she is, uh, really the backbone of all this and give her comments. [00:30:53] Thanks very much Dr. Martin Gill. Um, I’m not sure if you want to take some questions now, because there are a couple of questions for you already, before we hand over to Jackie? [00:31:03] I think what we should do is do it at the end because this is basically both Jackie and myself, and then we can answer them together. [00:31:10] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Happy with that. Dr. Jackie stone, my dear friend, over to you. [00:31:15] Dr. Jackie Stone: Okay. So one of the things I want to do, you know, with all this madness, um, let’s actually stop looking at the saving lives and all the rest of it, and actually look at what it actually costs to, um, to not manage this disease early. Now, one of the things we know is that early treatment is a basic principle in infectious disease, if I saw a malaria patient and said, come back when you’ve got terrible malaria, I probably wouldn’t keep my license. [00:31:55] Um, if I was to get an HIV patient or not treat them with triple therapy early, um, what would I be doing. [Inaudible] we use triple therapy, TB. You, you can go on and on. It’s unprecedented to suggest that you use no therapy until the patient reaches an ICU state. Um, we also know from Tom Borody that killing intercellular pathogens requires combination therapy. [00:32:28] And here is some of the myths. Last week in Australia, 1.75 million tests were done in a week. That’s 175 million at a hundred dollars a test. And .8% were positive. 140,000 patients. And I’m not even sure if there was symptomatic or not. If they were treated with ivermectin triple therapy, which is created in Australia – Tom Borody, we’ve started following Tom Borody’s protocols in August, 2020. [00:33:03] Um, what would be the cost of that? It would be $20 a week, probably $280,000. And hospitalization would be reduced according to Tom’s study from 11% to 0.8%. The Australian taxpayers are currently spending about $200 million a week on testing and not treating COVID-19 early. And it’s nonsensical and perhaps we need to stop focusing on what we consider ethically, morally correct and actually start asking why the Australian minister of health’s got his job. [00:33:49] So I’m going to focus on silver here. Martin is the ivermectin king. Um, I don’t know anybody who knows as much about ivermectin as martin. Um, but I started with silver in February 20, February 2020, 19 of February, 2020. Um, and one of the reasons was that I kind of have been interested in it for a very long time. I’d had a medical biochemistry honors degree in 1991 and silver started to come up then. In ’95 in St. Anthony’s hospital in London, it was very interesting that all the patients on silver were surviving. In ’96, the cystic fibrosis unit in London, the nurses quietly nebulized patients with silver and they cleared the pseudomonas. [00:34:48] And in 2003 with the SARS emergency response, um, at that stage, I was looking after 10,000 cabin crew. Many of whom were sick during the SARS epidemic. And I was working with an [inaudible] doctor who also trained [inaudible], and she was saying if it comes to it, nebulized silver would be our only. [00:35:13] First viral pneumonia, I treated was a 51 year old HIV positive male immunosuppressed presented on a 19th of Feb. [Inaudible] although we couldn’t test for it at that stage and his Sats were 84 to 90% on room air. I had very few options at that stage. I’d been making silver predominantly for myself and family members and friends. I had no intention of using it on patients at, um, I told him he needed to go to the state hospital and he said I’ve just been there [inaudible]. [00:35:51] So I nebulized him in silver and we sent him, um, for chest x-ray and bloods. After that, he returned four hours later he had come from somebody who I thought needed admission to well and flirting with the nurses. His x-ray showed viral pneumonia. Um, he was when he presented yet [inaudible] in both lungs. When you came back four hours later, they were gone. [00:36:22] Um, and I really couldn’t account for it. So I spoke to one of the doctors that I know quite well who’s with the college of primary care physicians and said, look, we need to do this as a study. Um, In April, I had a 57 year old male smoker present, um, basically, uh, hypertensive and on a Staton and on Tuesday, the CT scans on the left here. [00:37:02] So quite a lot of brown glass shadowing and quite a lot of, um, this crazy paving pattern on the right is two CT scans, basically show resolution of changes, which is not common in an ICU kind of hospital setting. Um, and the only thing that this man had was nebulized silver. Um, and we’ve known about silver for 5,000 years. [00:37:31] Um, the silver spoon in your mouth was actually to treat the plague and historically for thousands of years silver has been known to have antibacterial qualities. And the amazing thing is how much they knew then and how little we know now. What about Corona viruses? Basically we know that, um, Kelly Bright did a study in 2009, looking at human Corona virus strains and demonstrated significant reduction of virus within an hour when treating with silver. [00:38:11] How does it work? And it’s quite important to understand that ionized silver is produced by electrolysis and it’s about 125 picometres in size. And when you reach super saturation, it starts to form nanoparticles. And the 7 to 12 millimeter particles are probably what coats the virus. [00:38:32] So there’s multiple modes of action, ionized silver is very effective at reducing cytokines. Um, it almost certainly binds to the phosphate backbone of any replicating organism in RNA or DNA. And so it inhibits replication. Um, so it is everything -cidal. It’s virus-cidal, bacteriocidal, fungicidal. And then when you start looking at nano particulate silver in industry, it is used to carry oxygen, carbon tubules to make carbon dioxide. [00:39:14] If we look at over at what causes progression to ICU, and if it’s a high viral load, a cytokine storm, endothelial damage, progressive hypoxia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, respiratory failure, cardiac failure, arrhythmias. We need to stop it, right at the beginning. And we know that iron has inhibits DNA replication in viruses. [00:39:38] And one of my original theories was, um, that it basically stops viral replication. We know that the DNA and RNA backbone is made out of phosphate with our four different bases. Basically, if you are going to get silver to bond to phosphate, it is going to be almost like if you will unzipping a zip, it’s going to get stuck if there’s a silver phosphate. [00:40:12] So we know that DNA is denatured. We see it under the electron microscope when we add silver to E. coli. Enzymes are denatured, replication cannot occur. And if you stop replication, you are going to prevent everything that comes downstream. So we know it does it in bacteria. We also know that it interferes with ATP production in bacteria. [00:40:47] ATP is produced by the outside of the bacteria. Um, and we know it disrupts the cell wall and we know it stops replication. One of the more interesting papers involves pseudomonas and what it did was that they used silver in rats after they had been given pseudomonas. Um, and obviously we know that’s common in cystic fibrosis and those with compromised immune systems and the comment in the paper is that inhalation of silver nanoparticles results in miraculous protection against pneumonia. [00:41:31] And basically all the mice who had, um, were given silver survive and all the mice that were given no silver died. So, and that was two doses spaced 24 hours part. And the authors concluded that silver base menopause by proved the most effective method yet of delivering pneumonia medications. Now, my question is that if you’ve got a hundred percent survival with silver, why do you need to attach it to augmentin or to whichever antibiotic you choosing to attach to? [00:42:11] Um, it seems that it is the silver, that’s doing the trick, not necessarily whatever you’re going to attach it to, but I think all of us have become quite accustomed to the dictates of big pharma, you know, most papers these days are going to, um, promote something that the pharmaceutical industry will fund. [00:42:33] And I, we, we have a hundred percent survival and a disease that has a hundred percent fatality just with silver. [00:42:43] The next thing is what does, and if we look at E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus, basically the bigger, the, the thicker, the membrane, the more silver you need. So we know that at five to 15 parts per million, we will inhibit viruses. [00:43:02] We know that 25 parts per million, we will inhibit E. coli. And we know that Staph. probably needs 50 and candida probably needs 72. But I think one of the other things, um, is that basically at 25 parts per million, we should be inhibiting both bacterial and viral replication. And if a virus cannot replicate it won’t cause a cytokine storm. [00:43:33] And the other important thing is that it cannot mutate. And this is Staph., E. Coli. You can see that about 25 parts per million, you’re getting excellent reduction of, um, bacterial growth. And if it’s going to stop a Staph with the thickness of the capsule of the Staph, it will almost definitely stop the virus. [00:43:58] Um, the cytokine storm is very important. Uh, obviously you’ve got SARS-CoV-2 entry then you’ve got cytokines, then you’ve got thrombosis and the cytokine storm is involved in clotting, shock, lung injury, cell death. And what do we know about cytokines suppression? We know that at 4.5 parts per million, you have a 5.8 fold reduction in interleukin six. [00:44:23] Um, as far as my understanding is of steroids, you think about a 20% reduction in IL-6. So it’s possible that silver is 25 times as effective as steroids. They carry oxygen, this is from, uh, um, industrial paper. And basically if you look at the picture on the left and the right, you can see that the silver particles are much more, um, spaced apart. [00:44:53] And it seems that silver gets into, I mean, oxygen gets into the spaces between nano particulate silver, and that seems to be carried by, by, um, to get access to the hemoglobin. And then back to safety, back to the Hippocratic oath. Um, is it safe? There’s been a lot of stuff by the FDA lately saying, I mean, people have been banned for talking about silver. But prior to COVID, the European economic commission said that it was safe in drinking water, the environmental protection agency, the WHO, the FDA, they have never find- I’ve actually been trying to find a silver death and I still haven’t found one. [00:45:43] Um, the, the argyria, ionized silver appears not to cause argyria. Um, it’s drinking silver that is actually colored. Um, and NASA have been using silver for the water becauseof it’s safety profile and they replaced iodine with silver. There is no observable adverse effect level. [00:46:04] You need 10 grams of silver and without going into too much detail, um, if you have 50,000 courses of silver, you will reach 50% of the dose needed to turn new gray or blue. Now, Martin and I are both aviation medicine trained, um, and aviation medicine is all about risk assessment. Um, and no activity in life is just free. [00:46:30] Risk is probability times consequences. So what is the probability that silver will kill you; virtually zero. What are the consequences of not taking it? Um, you are likened to deteriorate and end up in ICU. So is there an alternative to doing nothing? And there is, there is a safe, affordable, complementary treatment that can be used. [00:46:56] Um, and, um, certainly in my experience, it has significantly relieved hypoxia. I’ve been focusing on the silver because there’s been so much focus on ivermectin, but I can tell you that on the end of August in 2020, I added ivermectin to silver because silver will improve the patient very rapidly in the early phases, but it’s not always sustained. [00:47:24] And in the sicker patients, some of them still died. Um, and once we combined silver and ivermectin, I walked into a unit where I was expecting three bodies in the morning and they were all sitting up chatting, having breakfast. So once we combined silver and ivermectin, um, Martin and I had a chat and on the 7th of August and on the 8th of August, everything turned round and we didn’t lose the patient until Christmas Eve and that patient, we lost mainly because of very late presentation. [00:47:57] So, um, if we start looking at the worst side effect of silver, that can happen, you get argyria and argyria is actually reversible with culation agents. And also your nails go blue before your face does. I think that the going blue in ICU, um, is probably a higher risk. So I think we also need to start looking at the risk of doing nothing. [00:48:28] Um, for the patient, for the medical system, for the healthcare workers and to the economy. And I really think that it’s time to start challenging the narrative and starting to focus on early antiviral therapy. Is it unsafe? No. One of the things I’m going to be dealing with in terms of ethics is that I have a situation at the moment with a patient that is critically sick. [00:48:56] He had a tracheostomy done yesterday and, um, the hospital refused to give early treatment. And the lawyers have said that the treating physician has a moral, legal, and ethical obligation to prove that the treatment does not work. We gave them 260 trials of which 243 showed that ivermectin was effective. [00:49:25] We gave them our Zimbabwean data and they refused to read it. And the bottom line is that it is, the onus is on the treating doctor to prove the treatment is ineffective. In actual fact, if it goes to a court of law. [00:49:48] We’ve reached a very strange world where safe is to do nothing and risk is to use a safe medication in a life threatening situation that is scientific logical and works, um, in our clinical experience. [00:50:06] I think the main thing that we’ve come up with is if not, why not? That’s it. [00:50:18] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks very much Dr. Jackie Sone. Absolutely brilliant and fascinating. Uh, I’ve had the privilege of hearing some of your work as well as Dr. Martin Gill. And I know that our partners from around the world have some questions for you on that point, Karen McKenna over to you. [00:50:35] Karen McKenna: Sure. There’s was a question from, uh, Dr. Kilian in Canada. Um, Dr. Gill, what’s your opinion on nebulized hydrogen peroxide iodine mix. [00:50:42] Dr. Martin Gill: I’ve never used hydrogen peroxide. I don’t know, just hydrogen peroxide burns me so I’ve always been a bit worried about spraying it into an airway. Um, I know there are a lot of doctors that are using it and very successfully, so I’m not going to say it’s bad, but I just personally haven’t used it. [00:51:05] Karen McKenna: Thank you. [00:51:05] The next one’s from Lauren Goldstein. Now that it’s hard to get tested. How do you know if you’re dealing with COVID? Uh, or if you just have symptoms of a head cold? [00:51:13] Dr. Jackie Stone: Okay. So the bottom line is that ivermectin and the triple therapy of ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc will inhibit RNA polymerase. So if we look at worst case scenario, if you treat with ivermectin, doxy and zinc and possibly silver as well, um, the worst thing that’s going to happen is that you’re going to treat influenza A, influenza B, respiratory syncytial virus, herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, blah-blah-blah and carry on indefinitely, and you’d actually treat Ebola and, um, and yellow fever and West Nile virus as well. [00:52:04] So, the worst thing, one of the things that’s important, and one of the things I’m finding if a patient walks into my room with 10 US dollars, and that’s all he’s got, I can afford to treat him or he can afford treatment. And he will be treated for every RNA virus and he is unlikely to progress. Okay. If I send him for a PCR test, it’s going to cost him $60 US dollars and the tests may be false negative, or if it’s positive, it does not predict severity. [00:52:43] So if we’re going to look at value for money, and that’s what I mean about, we can’t afford not to treat. If we’re going to treat all RNA viruses through inhibiting RNA polymerase, which is done through zinc and silver, um, are we, what’s the worst thing that’s going to happen? These drugs are remarkably safe. [00:53:08] And if we choose not to treat, then there is a possibility that we’re going to have a patient that is going to deteriorate into a cytokine storm and thrombosis. So in actual fact, in a resource limited setting, it’s going to cost you 10 US dollars. To treat everything. And without going into too much detail, if as I’m using ivermectin, doxycycline, I’m also covering malaria, I’m covering atypical pneumonias, microbacteria. [00:53:48] I am covering just about everything. Really, if you’re going to treat something that is going to treat anything that replicates rapidly, what harm are you doing? [00:54:08] Karen McKenna: How are we doing for questions you want me to ask a few more? [00:54:11] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Um, can you ask one question, Karen, I collected a few concerns that were put into the chat for Jackie to address because I think it, uh, it puts up flags for everybody. And so I think Jackie could probably address these, um, to help everyone. Thanks. Can you see it in the chat? [00:54:31] Dr. Jackie Stone: The, the, the nanoparticles, the, some of the concerns? [00:54:34] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Yes, yes, yes. [00:54:36] Dr. Jackie Stone: Yeah. [00:54:36] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: There’s three of them there. Yeah. Three points. [00:54:39] Dr. Jackie Stone: Silver nano toxicity is definitely documented and people working in silver factories or in having large amounts of silver nanoparticles. Um, if you look, everything is toxic. If you take enough of it, okay. [00:54:57] At 25 parts per million. And if you using nanoparticles that are under 10 nanometers, you and you’re using them for five days, the average time in their lungs is about 28 days max. So everything has a risk benefit analysis. Um, I personally have never seen any toxicity with silver. And I think that the benefit is always outweighed the risk. [00:55:31] The risk is theoretical. It’s done on histological studies in animals and where we’ve seen significant silver toxicity. It’s almost always been in people who are heavily exposed to industrial amounts of silver. So the devil’s in the dose. [00:55:52] Karen McKenna: All right. What maybe a one more question from the chat Shabnam? From Robert to Dr. Stone and Gill: the effects of colonial or now silvers is determined by many factors, including the amount and size of nano silver particles and the portion that is ionic. What forms of silver have you been using in your protocols? [00:56:12] What is the net silver content per milliliter, is it 10 parts per million? And how much of this is distributed between nano and ionic forms? [00:56:22] Dr. Jackie Stone: Okay. So, um, I’ve also, I’ve got to be careful cause it’s being recorded and I’m in a lot of trouble, um, at the moment. So, um, the silver that we have been using, we import from Israel, um, the nanoparticles are seven to 12 nanometers. [00:56:44] And, um, it’s all looked at under an electron microscope. It’s all being quantified and it is, um, probably sitting at about a hundred parts per million, that we use in our very sick hypoxic patients, we save it for them. Um, certainly in South Africa, there is an ionic form of silver, which is 18 parts per million. [00:57:16] My experience of using that, especially when patients are very sick is that the effects are very transient, um, we’ve got to almost continually nebulized, but 18 parts per million seems to, um, hold the oxygen until the ivermectin kicks in. Um, there are a number of forms, um, certainly in the states, the hydrosols, so Argentum 23 has been very successfully used by a number of people in California and certainly anecdotally multiple lives have been saved. [00:58:03] Um, and Argentum 23 in the nanoparticles are pretty small. They’re all below 10 nanometers. So I think we need to see nanoparticulates now like silver as two separate modes of action. Ionic, silver will bind to phosphate. Um, it will reduce cytokines, nano silver will coat the spike protein and also is a generator of ionic silver. [00:58:32] So it is a bit like a slow release drug. Okay. But, um, you have to be very one of the things, and this is Martin and I’s, Martin and I argue over this it’s one of the few things we argue over is the use of the word colloidal silver, because colloidal silver is used by quacks. And, um, certainly what was very interesting was that evangelist in America that was put on TV saying that he could treat, uh, COVID-19 with colloidal silver, and he only charged 300 US dollars a bottle. [00:59:15] Um, so, and he was renowned for treating STDs and things, so that they’re almost defamed that they made it look like a complete, um, or that they’ve made it into quackery. There’s been a lot of work, especially in Australia with, um, where they are saying we should bend the term colloidal silver, because you can take silver and Chuck it into a, I mean, I’ve got a mixture that comes off my electrodes that are used for wound care that is gray and silver, and I will put it onto a burn or something because it’s incredibly suited, um, because it mops up cytokines and I would never nebulize that into a patient in a million years, whereas a clear silver solution that’s electrically generated, which is also known as oligodynamic silver will, um, almost never cause our argyria. [01:00:18] So the science of silver needs to be regularized. We need to be knowing how many parts per million, we are using of [inaudible]. And if we are using nano particulate, what the size of the nanoparticles are and what their concentration is, and if we maintain our doses as they are at the moment, there is certainly if you look at the no observable adverse effect level, we are dealing in a very, very safe range. [01:00:53] The therapeutic index is about 8,000. Basically the therapeutic index of paracetamal is about 24. So we’re dealing with an exceptionally safe substance if we’re using it in the right concentration. [01:01:09] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: All right. I think that’s it for our Q and A session. Thank you very much for facilitating Karen and for those responses from Dr. Martin Gill and Dr. Jackie Stone, there are a couple of more comments and questions. If you could please engage them in the chat we’d appreciate that. I know there was one about silver whether it’s helpful with spike proteins and spikopathy in Jab injuries. [01:01:29] Jackie, if you could address that in the chat, we’d really appreciate it, but thank you once again for your contribution, Dr. Martin Gill and Dr. Jackie stone, we appreciate you very much at the World Council for Health. [01:01:40] Moving on then to our partner introductions and we’re going to begin with, uh, Dr. Lucy Kerr and I’m sure that she is already, uh, with us in the room. And I want to tell you a little bit about, uh, Dr. Lucy Kerr. If you can just give me a sec, I’ve got so much going on, Dr. Lucy Kerr from Sao Paulo, Brazil is an internationally recognized medical specialist, surgeon and researcher. [01:02:11] She has studied the disease of COVID-19 since its first manifestation in, uh, Dr. Kerr is an internationally recognized again, medical specialist, surgeon and researcher from Brazil, Dr. Lucy Kerr. The mic is yours. Please tell us about your organization as well as the recent conference in Brazil, you have 10 minutes. The mic is yours. [01:02:33] Dr. Lucy Kerr: I am very grateful for this occassion and for the opportunity to speak about our organization, uh, the organization Doctors for Life. And, uh, it’s a very special, I think one of the biggest, um, and so I am going to present for you, I would like to share my screen. [01:03:00] Um, that is a brief history history of Doctors for Life institute. [01:03:10] Our goals in this presentation is to present how is the organization of medicine in Brazil? It’s very important to understand, because this is quite different from the classic countries. Um, brief history Doctors for Life partnership with businessman’s to go over expensive is another thing was very important for us to achieve our goals. Many achievements: early advanced and treatment protocol, publishing manifestor, organized website, website, promotion, campaign, carry out in the link. [01:03:47] Um, teach doctors about the diagnosis and treatment to COVID-19. Teaching population, where, and how to consult to the closest doctor for life for them to have, um, access to their treatment. [01:04:09] And so it’s very important to understand how is the organization of Brazilian medicine. And now we are teaching doctors and population how to consult and, uh, how has simple access and the… we have done something very interesting because I, Dr. Nise, Azambuja, we went to a record of a video, for the truck drivers, because they are become very sick, has no place to go. And so we explained for them how they could achieve the doctor close by that would treat him with the ivermectin, all the protocol we do have. Okay. [01:05:08] Eh, Azambuja was the head truck drivers. He organized everything. And these was the video who visualize more than our others. We organized also the first World Congress Doctors For Life in partnership with the World Council for Health and that, I, here’s a food thing in capital letters, because the conclusion is, uh, almost read. [01:05:42] I just received today for, um, uh, correct. And this is, we are going to have a many things, very important, how [did we create] the organization of Doctors for Life? And. Uh, how is the organization of medicine in Brazil? [01:06:04] We have a federal cost of medicine was founded 71 years ago. It’s a very well structured. It’s, uh, uh, it’s federal. It has a long regulated all the activities. It has legal personal and the public [inaudible]. CFM members are elected by doctors, not [by] politicians. This is very important, has administrative and financial autonomy. It just takes care of [public health] or are our professional. And now it [is] very important. [01:06:54] The degree of doctor gives the doctor the freedom to prescribe under his responsibility. Three times the president of the Federal council for medicine went to the national television network. To remember these independently, remember that we are free to prescribe. It’s our responsibility, but we are free to prescribe. [01:07:26] And I know there are many countries that lose this freedom and, uh, it is, was one of the most important thing when we have been prepared to cure, to diagnose, to treat patient. So if we do not allow to do this, who are us? [01:07:56] Beginning nine and nine is some physicians saw Dr. Jordao [inaudible], who is now our president to set up the group and help each other. [Inaudible] pandemic it was bringing it to treat patients with COVID-19. And the, what do you use in more frequently in the meetings was save lives? [01:08:21] So finally the name of the association was Doctors for Life. And, um, and we look back then a ship with businessman’s who now phone diversity, why? To cover expense and provide vital digital support for Zoom class meetings, Congress, how does Congress was very expensive and that they paid for everything we don’t have. [01:08:55] We don’t charge for [inaudible]. This is, was a situation when the best year we have about 3000 physician signatures supported the early treatment manifest. Because in that situation in Brazil, we have just people who are against the early treatment. People who are in favour of early treatment, and the, the paper against the early treatment, say they cannot treat is just observe. [01:09:33] Just don’t do nothing. And then we do not agree with this. And we put in our signatures at publishing the main newspapers. This was very expensive, was paid by our group of business that support. Also a lot of surprise, they do not expect for us three to go in the newspapers and put some important thing. [01:10:01] It was absolutely unexpected. An investigation after manifested for early treatment. Um, many investigations were opening, I guess, Doctors for Life by the CR uh, CFM public persecutor officer indicative of the CA, CPA. And if they make it crime, you can imagine things like that is incredible, but we, we are free. [01:10:41] We are free. The association bank account of our association was searched. They broke fiscal secrets and found no real irregularities because we have no irregularities. [01:10:59] Uh, 2020, the first treatment protocol was then I did Doctors for Life with the help of Dr. Medina, Dr. Sabbath. It was very important for doctors in Brazil because they have no guide to do the treatment. And in 21, we achieved to be part of World Council for Health. Achievements of Doctor for Life association. In ’21, the doctors association already had a well organized structure, with IT technicians, normally say websites based and many social networks and the members, eh, was now in January around 15,000 Mexico Doctors. And he is a [inaudible], who is not the same same Jordao, who is the president. He is a retired [inaudible] crisis manager with support with Dr. Nise, Dr. Lucy Kerr becomes a bridge between the Doctors for Life and society. [01:12:26] Um, very important. He know how to do the things… [01:12:33] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Hey Lucy, um, I really want to highlight to, uh, your involvement here, because I want everybody to know that you are the face of ivermectin in Brazil and that your, I think you might’ve mentioned, you’ve got 14,000 medical doctors as members here. So this is the biggest alliance of medical doctors in the world. [01:12:57] So it’s super significant and we all could learn something from this, uh, Lucy organized and we collaborated as a World Council of Health to do, um, an international conference that was just phenomenal. And it’s being translated into different languages. And Lucy, do you want to speak a little bit about that too? [01:13:18] Because that was quite amazing. It was a three-day conference and, uh, it is getting posted. Do you want to have a few words about that too? [01:13:28] Dr. Lucy Kerr: Yes. Um, we have done everything short period of time. Because we we, we are having a CPI in Brazil. Um, and this is very difficult. Um, they, they attack many of our Doctors for Life and the, um, we could not start the conference, um, without an issue. The CPI we could not. [01:14:13] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: CPI stands for? [01:14:17] CPI stands for? [01:14:20] Dr. Lucy Kerr: Is, um, um, um,[Portuguese BR], something that is going to change your life. They asked you to go to the Congress and presented, um, um, present. [01:14:49] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: That’s okay. Is this, is this how they’d behind your Congress? They organize it. Is this be behind the setup of the international Congress? Because it was really quite amazing. Uh, you had people from all over the world. We were very happy to collaborate, but we couldn’t possibly have put on the performance you did for Brazil. [01:15:09] It was amazing. And thank you so much to the whole world and on these lectures. And the conference itself is going to get posted to, as part of it has already been posted in Portuguese, and it’s been translated into English already to right Lucy? [01:15:26] Dr. Lucy Kerr: And despite many attacks, we are able to hold the Congress and I could not find it, the national doctors for doctors [inaudible] doctors, because it’s too, too early that you invite me and I could not get them. [01:15:48] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Don’t worry about that. Lucy, what I do want to go back to is your, is the, your Alliance, which is why you’re talking with us today, especially, is, um, it’s because of your huge Alliance that you’ve been able to, um, endorse ivermectin and have the government actually allow it and not persecute the doctors because in all the other countries around the world, or pretty much all the countries that I’m aware of, uh, the doctors are getting starting to get not only a warned, but they’re starting to get persecuted for using ivermectin along with any of the other medications that, that you are permitted to use also. [01:16:27] And this is because of your Alliance, is it not, Lucy? [01:16:31] Dr. Lucy Kerr: And this is our conclusion of the meeting, I think this conclusion of the meeting is the most important thing we are going to produce, and this is going to include the new COVID-19 treatment protocol and the transitory of cases in Brazil during the pandemic. I think it’s Dr. Bruni, but I’m not sure. And he is an expect expert in numbers and that they, they correlate every moment, uh, of the pandemic with the situation of a Brazil. And that, for example, people who is now, uh, doing, um, doing a lot of, uh, uh, publications, um, sure. [01:17:26] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: While you’re thinking there, I would like to tell everyone, and this will come at another time, Lucy Kerr has done the biggest test, has done the biggest country study, uh, with over 250,000, uh, participants using ivermectin and her paper is, uh, in peer review right now, correct, Lucy? And, uh, she’s a prominent, [01:17:50] Dr. Lucy Kerr: Um the [inaudible] um… [01:17:55] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Lucy, Do you want to take us to your last slide here? And let’s just sum up everything about the Alliance, your Alliance. [01:18:05] Dr. Lucy Kerr: What do you mean? [01:18:07] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Do you want to bring us down to your last slide and let’s do the conclusion, the Alliance? [01:18:12] Dr. Lucy Kerr: And this is my last slide. [01:18:15] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Great. [01:18:16] Dr. Lucy Kerr: Yeah, because this is the publication just to say we are going to publish the conclusions of the Congress. And this is very important. I asked you, um, a lot of the [inaudibe] I caught with, um, with some disease and it was, I almost canceled the presentation. [01:18:44] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Lucy, you’re doing very well. You don’t need to apologize. We’re all here to support you. Your work is as, as outstanding, and everybody is following everything that you’re saying you’re doing, you’re just doing fine. So what I wanted to do is make sure we got the conclusions and just the tight version of, of your presentation. [01:19:05] Dr. Lucy Kerr: Um, Um, but I’m not feeling well today. And I have to issue to go out from my office in the morning. [01:19:16] And, uh, I took some medication. I, I could get… [01:19:25] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you for being strong. Like, like as a true doctor, you never, you always come in and you always, uh, you always appear, right? And we all save our illnesses for the weekend, but this COVID is getting the better of a lot of us. Thank you so much for your presentation and back to you, Shabnam? [01:19:44] Dr. Lucy Kerr: Thank you to have me. [01:19:48] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you, Dr. Lucy, and thank you, Jennifer, for facilitating as well. Really excellent hearing was coming out of Brazil and of course, we’ll be hearing more from Lucy Kerr in the future. Thank you so much. [01:20:00] We’re moving on then to Tania de Jong, who is executive director of Mind Medicine Australia. [01:20:09] Tania is a trailblazing Australian soprano award-winning social entrepreneur, creative innovation capitalist, a spiritual journey woman, storyteller and global speaker. Tania is one of Australia’s most successful female entrepreneurs and innovations developing six businesses and three charities. And she listed them in her bio. [01:20:30] And of course she works across the public private, creative and community sectors is passionate about mental health, innovation, diversity, and inclusion. Tanya, we’d love to hear more about mind medicine, Australia. You have the mic for 10 minutes. [01:20:47] Tania de Jong: Thank you so much. And, um, I just want to say what a pleasure and privilege it is to, to be with y’all. [01:20:54] I honor the incredible work that all of you are doing in the world, in this fight for truth and transparency and real health and real science, um, for bringing your life into this world. So I just want to say what a privilege it is. Um, we, are going to start off with a short video and I guess I come from the place that we, I’m not a doctor. [01:21:23] Um, but I care deeply, um, about health and wellbeing, and I’ve dedicated most of my life to that. And we have such a shadow pandemic, as one of our leading psychiatrists in Australia described it, of mental illness. And it really is accelerating daily and is such an enormous concern. And we don’t have the tools in our toolbox to treat this incredible crisis. [01:21:53] And so today I’m going to talk about a new hope with psychedelic assisted therapy. My colleague Alon is going to show a short video now, and then I’m going to whiz through a presentation, very rapid speed. Um, so, um, and I’ll be able to provide some links. And we’ll also send that presentation in full to Zoe, so that she can disseminate it with all of you following. Elon, would you be able to show the video now. [01:22:23] Video: Did you know that over 45% of Australians will experience mental illness in their lifetime? [01:22:30] That’s nearly half of us, [unintelligible] mental ill health, devastates lives and families and cost Australians around $60 billion a year. Research and treatment expenses continue to rise, yet rates of mental illness, indicate that we’re losing the battle. New approaches are urgently needed to address this immense suffering and cost. Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy is currently being trialed worldwide and has demonstrated remarkable promise in treating depression, anxiety, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder. [01:23:11] With new trials underway for treatment of dementia and anorexia. The treatment combines a short program of psychotherapy with just a few medicinal doses of psilocybin or MDMA. In the 1950s and sixties, psychedelic treatments had a major impact in psychiatry and many considered it the next big thing in mental health treatment. [01:23:36] But for political reasons, the Nixon administration criminalize the use of psychedelics and effectively stopped all research. That research has finally begun again with proper clinical support, psychedelic treatments are safe and frequently lead to remission after only a short program. And even where current treatments have failed here at mind, medicine, Australia, we believe everyone should have access to the best treatments for mental illness. [01:24:10] We will seek to establish best practice in regulated psychedelic assisted treatment. Mind Medicine Australia is wholly focused on the clinical application of psychedelic medicines. We’re preparing for change by developing therapists, training, ethical guidelines, center of excellence and psychedelic medicine, educational material, and events, and supporting clinical research. [01:24:35] We’re a small organization doing big things, and we need your support. Please share this video and visit our website to support us and get involved. [01:24:45] Tania de Jong: So I’m just going to share my screen now. [01:24:49] So this is what Australia looks like at the moment. Pre COVID, one in five Australian adults had a mental illness. One in eight Australians were on antidepressants, including one in four older adults. Including one in 30 children, as young as four with an estimated one in two of us to experience a mental illness. But as a result of the pandemic, four and five Australians are now reporting poor mental health. [01:25:16] And a third of Australians have said that their mental health has declined through the pandemic. So this is a major crisis. It’s getting worse, obviously certain parts of the population like veterans and first responders and certain other professions, um, have a far higher incidents of mental illness as well. [01:25:36] The costs are immeasurable as well as you know, the links to unemployment, um, homelessness and tragically suicide. The elephant in the room is the lack of innovation and treatments for mental illness. And you can see the elephant there, they are trying to get the attention of everyone saying, well, you know, you can create more access pathways, train more psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, um, provide more tele health sessions. [01:26:02] But if you can’t get to the root cause of the person’s suffering, you can’t get them well and out of the system. Now there’s been no improvement in treatment outcomes in terms of pharmacotherapy for more than 50 years. In the case of depression, only 30 to 35% of sufferers get remission from primarily antidepressants or psychotherapy. [01:26:25] The side effects are enormous. In the case of post-traumatic stress disorder, as few as 5% of patients actually go into remission from existing treatments. So my husband and I set up Mind Medicine in Australia with philanthropists and social entrepreneurs and have, this is our fifth charity. And our goal is to expand the treatment options available to wonderful practitioners like yourself and your patients through particularly at the moment, focusing on medicinal psilocybin and MDMA, but we’re also interested in other psychedelics as well, which are also being investigated around the world, but MDMA and psilocybin and most advanced in the global trials, our goal is that these become an integral part of the mental health system. [01:27:11] The first-line treatment, alongside traditional pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. That they continue to achieve incredibly high remission rates they’re getting in the trials. So to just give you a sense of what those are, 60 to 80% remission rates across over 160 trials after just two to three medicinal treatments in combination with a short course of psychotherapy that’s versus the 30, 35% I mentioned all the 5% for PTSD. [01:27:44] That’s an enormous amount of people getting well and in leading healthy and meaningful lives. And of course our goal is that these are accessible and affordable for all people who need them. So we set up and critical board that has the former head of the armed forces, that has a former trade minister who suffered with treatment resistant depression for 43 years. [01:28:09] And has the head of the ethics center, who says it’s unethical for these treatments, not to be available to patients who are suffering. And we have a growing team in the world, leading doctors and researchers in this field. These people have dedicated their lives and careers to making these medicines available against enormous stigma and prejudice. And I find it extremely ironic that these medicines, which have been around since the beginning of human civilization and potentially before are so stigmatized and have to go through all these trials when of course, um, the injections, uh, are still in experimental phase and being pushed through. [01:28:52] It’s a remarkable, um, yeah, juxtaposition, I guess. And a terrible injustice. Um, we also have a global advisory panel of thousands, of hundreds, I mean, of psychiatrists, psychologists, I’m just going to flip through these doctors, um, GPs, physicians of all kinds, behavioral scientists, religious leaders, pharmacologists, lawyers, anthropologists, public health sector experience and military leaders and so on. [01:29:25] So as I said before, just two to three dose sessions, the medicines are curative, not palliative. They considered very safe in medically controlled environments. And non-addictive. Both have been granted breakthrough therapy designation by the FDA, which is very rare and only used for medicines that could be vastly superior to existing treatments, to fast track the approval process. [01:29:52] They’re administered in medically controlled environments. The patients never gets to take them home. And there’s three steps to the actual way that the sessions and the therapy works. So you have screening with your therapist to ensure that you are an appropriate candidate for this treatment with your doctor. So any particular conditions like a psychotic conditions might be screened out. [01:30:19] Um, then just the one to three sessions, usually two or three sessions with the medicines, each of which is followed by integration sessions. Because for most patients, these treatments, believe it or not, are described as one of the five most meaningful experiences in their lives. Many cases, patients describe these experiences, the most meaningful experience in their lives because of the sense of awe, wonder, total connection with self, others, the planet. [01:30:51] And for many patients who are feeling depressed or mentally unwell, it’s usually a sense of disconnection, isolation, and separation, which characterizes that illness. So to give people a sense of connection is an incredible gift. [01:31:07] Medicinal MDMA and psilocybin have very different therapeutic actions I don’t have time to go through that now, but we will send some information and links to follow. Here’s the strong safety record with thousands of patients for all the trials. [01:31:23] There’s never been a death. There’s never been a heart attack or any serious adverse event of any kind whatsoever. Patient there you can say undergoing the treatment with an eye mask, headphones, with a curated musical playlist, two therapists holding the space and supporting them through the experience. [01:31:42] Even in recreational environments, you can see that the relative safety of these medicines is incredibly high and yet alcohol, which is freely available, available as the greatest risk of harm to self and others. [01:31:56] The testimonials from patients who’ve been through these treatments is remarkable. I felt like I went through 15 years of psychological therapy in one night. [01:32:04] Everyone deserve to have this experience. No one could ever do harm to another again. Wars would be impossible to wage. [01:32:14] The normal effect size for an antidepressant for depression is 0.3. And on the Cohen’s D scale and psilocybin for depression, 2.0, 3.1, these effects are off the chart. Again, I’m speeding through this because of the time limitations, but I want to talk about a couple of specific slides and this is one of them which shows how, um, these substances actually work in the brain. [01:32:38] So they bypass the default mode network of the brain, which keeps us stuck and defaulting to a typical programs and patterns. And you can see here, um, representations of fMRI scans. The one on the right is patient with depression. And you can see very limited rigid, stuck thought patents. I’m not good enough, things won’t work out. [01:32:59] Very little neural connectivity connection between the different hemispheres. Remarkably, both of these circles have the same amount of lines and dots in them, but just one is functioning really well. And one is not with the ingestion of the psilocybin. You see this incredible neurogenesis taking place, this increased neuroplasticity and connectivity, and many researchers and doctors describe it like rebooting, resetting the brain, you know, when your computer’s not working well, and then you press the reset button and all of a sudden it starts working again. [01:33:32] It’s like, defragging the dodgy hard drive, which is why many entrepreneurs around the world and in particularly in Silicon valley, are microdosing with these substances, because it also increases creativity and productivity and so on. But with people who are mentally ill, it really starts to remove those repetitive and rigid styles of thinking and create a window where the patient can work with a therapist to really fast track their healing because their brains become more flexible and open to new ways of coping. [01:34:05] And they are able to set new actions of behavior as a result of these treatments. They also have increasing remission rates over time. And, um, this born on new studies at New York university, Johns Hopkins university, and so on. And again, I’m just sort of speeding through this, but in the MAPS phase two trials, there were 105 participants all with treatment resistant PTSD for an average of 18 years, you can imagine they’re suffering. [01:34:33] 52% of them went into remission immediately after three doses of MDMA and 68% at the 12 month followup. That just goes to show how the remissions increase after further integration with the therapist that led to the current phase three trials. [01:34:50] And you can say these extraordinary results that in part one of the current phase three trials, under supervision of the FDA, 67% of participants immediately went into remission, no longer qualify for a diagnosis of PTSD and 88% of them experienced meaningful clinical, um, reduction in symptoms. [01:35:14] There was also a head-to-head trial by Imperial college last year, directly comparing psilocybin, just two doses of psilocybin with a daily dose of escitalopram, a leading SSRI for six weeks. Both groups had a short course of psychotherapy. And at the end of the trial, twice, as many people in the psilocybin group had gone into remission as the antidepressant group and the side effects were minimal in the psilocybin group versus the other group. [01:35:45] Again, I’m just I’m racing. But when I was saying these medicines being trialed for a range of other conditions, addictions, obsessive compulsive disorder, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, um, also physical conditions like weight loss, fibromyalgia, and so on, anorexia, eating disorders, dementia, and so on. [01:36:05] They’re also available for a compassionate access and special access schemes in Switzerland, US, Canada, Israel, and also now Australia, but we’re still struggling with our federal system in Australia and the Australian government just announced a $15 million grant, uh, for a number of institutions, which we, um, helped unlock through our federal government. [01:36:27] We’re working with the TGA to try and get these rescheduled, which is, uh, very difficult because of the political stigma. This is another very political issue. It’s very instituted. As I said earlier, to compare, you know, the challenges with all these other treatments that all of you are talking about, which are being suppressed and these treatments, which have also been suppressed, um, a number of states in the US are legalizing these medicines and the Canadian government has also just legalized them under compassionate access scheme. [01:37:00] Numerous of the leading universities around the world, including Oxford, Yale, Harvard, and so on, um, have advanced research and development programs. There’s also many centers of excellence now around the world, uh, leading in this field. And as you can see in, as I mentioned, these medicines have been around since the beginning and indigenous cultures and religious cultures. In the fifties and sixties, as you saw on the video, they were considered the next big thing and use in therapeutic environments for over 40,000 patients. [01:37:37] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Yes. I cannot tell you how much I’m enjoying this presentation. It’s absolutely fascinating, right. Nearly finished, or I can give you about a minute more. Thanks, Tania. [01:37:50] Tania de Jong: Thank you. So Stan Grof said psychedelics would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology and medicine or the telescope is for astronomy, you know, incredible right. [01:38:00] Sort of like ivermectin for health and, um, you know, and then we have these guy that comes along and basically, um, politicizes psychedelics. And this is not for any psychedelic for, for any scientific reason, criminalize the use of them that stopped all research funding and David Nutt from Imperial describes it as the worst censorship of research and medical treatment in the history of humanity. [01:38:27] That led to this, you know, 50 year hiatus in which we’ve had this major spike in loneliness, social isolation, disconnection, mental illness. And now we have this massive Renaissance. We have these huge growth of for-profits around the world, emerging in this massively and rapidly expanding sector. And then we have Alex who’s building the ecosystem in Australia and the Asia Pacific through awareness knowledge building. [01:38:55] So, you know, so wonderful to be part of this network. We have lots of wonderful free webinars. We had a major global summit just a month or two ago. We fund relevant research. We have state regional chapters. We’ve got the first ever certificate in psychedelic assisted therapist led by world-leading faculty like Gabor Mate. Many of the other ladies in the field, um, in the Southern hemisphere. And, um, we’re working with the regulators rolling out of clinics and so on. So, uh, how you can help lots of ways here they are. And, um, I’ll leave it at that. We’ll share some information. [01:39:38] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks very much, Tania, like I said, a fascinating presentation on Mind Medicine Australia, there are a couple of comments and questions in the chat. If we can ask you to please engage them and also to post your website address in the chat, that would be amazing. Thank you very much for this presentation. [01:39:56] We certainly need to keep this conversation going. [01:40:01] Tania de Jong: It’s a pleasure and an honor, and everyone keep fighting the good fight we will never give up. [01:40:07] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: We will never give up. Indeed. We keep creating a better way. Thank you very much, Tanya, from Mind Medicine Australia. [01:40:14] And now to start rounding up our 23rd general assembly of the World Council for Health it’s time for committee updates. [01:40:23] And then we’ll say goodbye with a call to action and a poem. So from committee updates, we’re going to start with a Rob Verkerk for the science and humanity committee, Rob? [01:40:36] Rob Verkerk: Thank you so much, Shabnam. We’re just dealing with, uh, um, Melanie and I are in the same office. Um, very briefly. Um, we actually spent the first part of our meeting really sort of getting on top of some of the science on, on, uh, where we are with omicron.. Um, obviously what we’re seeing is, uh, a very sharp change where omicron is becoming dominant with the symptomatology. [01:41:03] We’re seeing much more common, cold type symptoms. We’re seeing fever. Um, we’re seeing definite, um, problems with, with, uh, neurological issues, severe headache, being very common brain fog, neurological symptoms. Um, the, the most pronounced, um, differences is very little on the way of the vascular symptoms, um, lung based disease. [01:41:30] Um, you know, we initially alpha, beta, Delta, um, the, um, COVID pneumonia was a very big part of it. Um, the other part of this sort of whole process is understanding the dynamics of these code circulating variance and, and clearly. The jury is still out. Um, it’s, it’s looking different in different parts of the world. [01:41:58] Um, we’re definitely seeing cocirculation. We’re seeing places where omicron, the UK being a key example, is already becoming dominant. But, um, as you may know, from some of the population dynamic models, um, that dominance may not be sustained over time. It may be a peak that, um, is then displaced again by Delta. [01:42:23] Um, the, you know, the, the, the real long-term, um, outcomes are going to be done to what really happens with people’s immune systems. What happens to the ability to tolerate exposure to omicron under very, very high selection pressure from, from the jabs. And, um, I mean, this is where we’ve seen in the UK people like professor David Livermore, who’s been an outright, um, you know, complete supporter of, of, of jabs turning round and saying, you know, I’m now concerned because of the pressure on young people and because we cannot rule out, um, the hypothesis of people like Gert Vandenbosch that many of you will know we’ve been working with closely for many months. So the, the process of both creating irreversible and longterm damage to innate immunity, that is the primary mechanism we have to protect ourselves. And then on the other hand, provision of selection pressure from very high, um, uh, pressure from, from, you know, population-wide jabbing, um, that could drive further variants, um, leaves us with a very big question mark, in terms of how code circulation and dominance between Delta and omicron may go. [01:43:51] Um, and in many respects, we’re, we’re almost dealing with a new pandemic. So, um, it, it is in many respects. We, we need to sort of draw a clean slate and review. Um, I think for many people there is a sense that this is a potentially moving towards the end of the saga of the last two years, but of course there can still be a sting in the tail, particularly if the selection pressure, um, yields more, uh, deadly variants, which is quite possible given the 32 mutations on the spike protein with the existing, um, variants. [01:44:31] Um, second aspect really is we, we’ve, we’ve, renamed our own committee. Some of you will know that we have been called since. Um, well, cancer for health was, was initially formed, um, round about five months ago, the, um, science and medicine subcommittee. Um, we decided that was a long-term. [01:44:52] We also recognize that there is the terms, both science and medicine have been, um, co-opted if you like by if I can use the term, the dark side. Um, and, um, what we really need to be focusing on is, is positive approaches to building health. Health is what it’s really about. And we have now come to accept that even this thing that’s called health care is not really healthcare at all. [01:45:24] It is usually the delivery of products and services that, uh, very often do not have the kind of health promotion effects that that many people anticipate. So the two elements that we consider to be vital are. And humanity, we have lost humanity in recent, um, uh, kind of manifestations of, of, of healthcare, particularly what we’ve seen over the last two years. [01:45:53] So we’re now the, the health and humanity subcommittee. Um, uh, and the final thing I’ll just touch on is that we’ve also developed a kind of new work plan for the health and humanity committee, um, which is going to involve, um, bringing to the table, um, more of the expertise that we have in our committee that, that cover all sorts of areas from, from both the clinical side, through to the scientific and research aspects. [01:46:24] So we will be, um, delivering, um, presentations from each of us will, will, um, each week present new information that can be, um, A) will be recorded as part of our committee proceedings and B) provide content that we can on a weekly basis, be feeding out to people as we go through this transition of which knowledge sharing, reeducation of the public is an absolute critical part. [01:46:56] So Shabnam that is it from our committee. [01:47:02] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thanks very much Rob for that informative and inspiring update from the signs and humanity committee. If anyone has any questions for Rob or you’d like to find out about joining the committee, you can pop it in the chat. [01:47:15] A quick update from the law and activism committee and some very exciting news. [01:47:21] The committee has decided that it is essential to host a inverted commas vaccine causation conference. Now what does that mean? What we want to do is to bring together experts from around the world, from both the medical and the legal paternity to explore, how would one prove that the vaccine has caused injury or death? [01:47:45] This is a very important topic to explore. As we know that they are injuries adverse effects and death are happening around the world, which leaves victims as well as medical professionals and lawyers asking this question, but how do we prove it? And so we can look forward to that causation conference on Saturday, the 29th of January, you can mark it off in your calendars and the event is going to be posted by TrialSite News in proud association with the World Council for Health. The registration details will be on the TrialSite News website, that’s and of course the poster will be circulated to all of our partners and of course the public around the World, to the World Council for Health Telegram channels, please feel free to share them around the world. [01:48:31] So we can hopefully establish a monthly causation conference and share knowledge and expertise and bring information and empowerment again, to victims, to their families, to medical professionals, to legal professionals. [01:48:46] And of course, to human rights, activists and activists as well. So Saturday the 29th of January, the vaccine causation conference, I’ll keep it short and sweet in terms of the update from the brilliant law and activism committee. But there will be more next week and look out for an update then. [01:49:06] Call to action, as we start rounding up this particular session, the general assembly of the World Council for Health and that is to say, please share our content. As you have been across Telegram, on WhatsApp, email, the social media platforms, your website, whatever you can do to get our content around the world that is making a difference, a tangible difference that we can see, not only from the feedback that we’re getting from you, our partners and the public, but also in terms of what we’re seeing in our website in December, we had close to 1 million visitor on the website driven primarily uh, from the statistics, from our brilliant marketing and comms team, uh, by the cease and desist notice and decoration as well as the jab detox guide. Speaking of the cease and desist decoration, we noticed that people have been studying them and have been more importantly informing us. So we can tell the world that the notice is being utilized effectively. [01:50:08] If you are serving or planning to serve the cease and desist notice and declaration on the inverted commas, vaccines, please feel free to find the section on the website when you can tell us about that experience and share with us either a photograph or a video that we can then share around on our different platforms and inspire other people to feel empowered, to take that step themselves. [01:50:31] Again, it’s all about people power at the World Council for Health, and we encourage you to have the confidence to use that power. What else can you do? You can encourage of course, more partners to join the World Council for Health, uh, in your country, in another country, uh, anywhere around the world, really so that the World Council for Health has a global footprint to be able to share information, share resources, uh, network with each other, work with each other, collaborate with each other in creating the kind of world that could be. [01:51:03] And of course donations, of course, we know that every organization has operating expenses. Putting all of this together, has magical teams that do the work, tirelessly sometimes, uh, you know, running 18 hour days. And we’re very grateful to those who work behind the scenes as well. If you can donate anything towards the operating expenses, as well as the projects that you’re going to be hearing about, uh, in some amazing conferences coming up this year, please feel free to do so. [01:51:31] We’d love to hear from you, uh, and encourage others to, to donate and sponsor towards our activities as well. That’s how we continue to grow. Uh, and that’s the call to action. Very short, very sharp, very sweet. And I’d like to draw close to this brilliance general assembly with a very short poem. And this is a poem by Natalie Tita and it’s called "An impossible impact". [01:51:56] And I want to dedicate it to the World Council for Health partners around the world. And here’s the poem: [01:52:03] An impossible impact. A butterfly flaps its wings, the power to shift prevailing winds across the globe. A child’s keenly skims, small pebbles into calm still waters, which ripple concentric circles beyond the point of contact. At first glance, what merely lands on the surface can spit across seas and shores at the speed of light. [01:52:29] And that’s what we’re doing at the World Council for Health together with you, our partners. Thank you very much for joining us today. Make sure to save the chat if you’d like to, and let’s continue to working together and creating a better way. Thank you very much. Take care, everyone. Goodbye. [01:52:44]  

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