Long Covid 19 Foundation

Long Covid-19 Foundation was established in November 2020 in response to the Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent Long Covid disaster.   Our Vision is to create a World where no life is lost or ruined by Long Covid. Our Mission is to help people to avoid Long Covid syndrome and improve well-being of sufferers by increasing awareness, promoting early detection and diagnostics,…

Canada Health Alliance

The CANADA HEALTH ALLIANCE is a non-profit network of healthcare professionals from across Canada whose common goal is to reclaim and protect each individuals’ right to health freedom through education and empowerment.

We are medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, pharmacists, therapists, homeopaths, nutritionists, health coaches and other healthcare practitioners who seek uninhibited access to the highest quality healthcare available, continued freedom of choice and true informed consent for all Canadians through collaboration and unified action.

Freedom Rising

Freedom Rising is a platform to connect Canadians who are feeling coerced by the vaccine mandates and passports and who want to know what they can do to help create something different and make positive changes going forward.

Vaccine Choice Canada

Vaccine Choice Canada is a federally registered, volunteer run, not-for-profit educational society dedicated to raising awareness of vaccine risk, and to standing up to protect the rights and freedoms of Canadians, especially as they apply to medical choice