ISOM (International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine) is an organization with a Japanese branch that focuses on promoting orthomolecular medicine. The Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (JSOM) aims to educate healthcare professionals, provide accurate information to the public, and establish a network of professionals in the field

Volunteer Medical Association (of Japan)

Founded in February 2022, many concerned doctors all over Japan stood up against the rollout of booster shots and vaccination of children with Covid19 experimental injections. At that time, Omicron variant already showed low toxicity and the majority of healthy people, especially the children, never get seriously ill with this variant.Since we observe sudden deaths […]

Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (JSOM)

The Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (JSOM) provides continuing education programs and other resources focused on improving healthcare outcomes through an understanding of nutritional intervention and the use of non patentable molecules in clinical practice.

Mama Angels TEAM26million

Mama Angels is a consumer organization in Japan, run mainly by mothers. Comprised of 250 teams within Japan, we work together to become the biggest consumer organization in the country. We are founded for the purpose of making “Society a place where life is prioritized, and where everyone lives comfortably” by reflecting voices of mothers and citizens on topics such as food, health, education, etc.


Kodomocorona is a group of doctors, dentists, lawyers, and politicians that are working to provide information and collect signatures to urge caution in vaccinating children and young people. They have already collected the signatures of more than 6,000 supporters in Japan. Dr. Yanagisawa is one of the founders of this project.

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