Ezra Wellness
Ezra Wellness was established in Sept 2021 in response to the ongoing long-term erosion of the integrity of the Canadian Healthcare system and ultimately in response to the tyrannical mandatory vaccine mandate imposed on healthcare professionals.
Police for Freedom
Due to the recent incorporation of new societal norms, mandates and regional laws, our way of living together has changed. This collective tension, uncertainty and pressure is causing confusion and conflicting encounters with the security forces and the citizens, and we have a moral and ethical obligation to come together with the purpose of creating a unified code of conduct when on duty.
We wish to continue to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens equally.
The vision of drtrozzi.com
This site is dedicated to sharing useful and interesting information and ideas, with the intention of contributing to a happier and healthier future.
Here you will find a collection of medicine and health related articles and videos produced by 25 year veteran MD, Dr. Trozzi, as well as other resources that he recommends.
The mission of this project is to empower you to health and understanding on subjects from within Dr. Trozzi’s sphere of expertise.
Fearless Canada
Fearless Canada is a community of non-partisan individuals and families determined to hold our governments accountable to Covid-19 measures that do NOT reflect the scientific evidence, epidemiological data, and opinions of experts from around the world.
Strong And Free Canada
Strong and Free Canada is the largest anti-mandatory vaccine and anti-lockdown organization in Canada.
Bright Light News
Bright Light News is a non-partisan, independent media organization shining a light on the science and data of COVID-19
Canada Health Alliance
The CANADA HEALTH ALLIANCE is a non-profit network of healthcare professionals from across Canada whose common goal is to reclaim and protect each individuals’ right to health freedom through education and empowerment.
We are medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, pharmacists, therapists, homeopaths, nutritionists, health coaches and other healthcare practitioners who seek uninhibited access to the highest quality healthcare available, continued freedom of choice and true informed consent for all Canadians through collaboration and unified action.
Digileak Global and Digileak Canada News Shows, updated daily, with a focus on social justice issues, culture and media. Two streaming slide shows (using google slide show) posted daily, archived monthly, works on smart phones. Comments and suggestions welcome. Started in 2015. Expect participants to act civil and respectfully. This is a collator so there will be a […]
Vaccine Choice Canada
Vaccine Choice Canada is a federally registered, volunteer run, not-for-profit educational society dedicated to raising awareness of vaccine risk, and to standing up to protect the rights and freedoms of Canadians, especially as they apply to medical choice
An Emerging Love Force
Based in Eastern Canada, our mission is to provide space, shelter, and guidance for youth to connect, become, and learn, and for adults to step into new world wellness and free flow economy within the energetic embrace of this pristine natural sanctuary.