Take Back Our Tech

Take Back Our Tech (#TBOT) was founded in 2021. We see technology as an extension of human consciousness, an important tool that can be used for good.
Unfortunately technology and its users (us) are under threat of being surveilled and controlled by malicious forces. 90% of the current population rely on abusive software services and companies to communicate who then analyze, monetize, and sterilize our thoughts, words, and ideas.
Take Back Our Tech is here to help. We are an educational movement & community. Together we’ll learn about friendly technology and how to use it effectively across many areas. Desktop, web, mobile, hardware, communications, and much more!  
When we are successful at connecting conscious users with friendly developers, technologists, and companies it will create an ecosystem where technology can be used as a force for good. When this ecosystem grows large enough, it will starve abusive organizations and their attempts to surveil and control their users.
This leaves us to create a better world where our digital exchange and actions are in alignment with how we choose to live, upholding individual freedom, peace, and collaboration.

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