
In Plane Sight

Perhaps the greatest lie ever perpetrated on populations all over the world is the condensation trail lie.

Geoengineering is the deliberate act of weather modification and manipulation by a covert unnamed force of climate engineers. One type of geoengineering is known as chemtrails. Weather modification attempts to change or control the natural development of atmospheric cloud forms by artificial methods.

The National Weather Modification Policy Act was created in the US in 1976. Its stated intended purpose was to ‘develop a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modification policy and a national program of weather modification research and development’.

What are chemtrails?

Chemtrails are long white spray trails in the sky, that linger and slowly expand into clouds which cover the skies in an overcast haze. The trails have the capacity to drift hundreds of miles, changing the weather and temperature on the ground. They also change the light intensity and the quality of light.

Our Toxic Skies: What is in chemtrails?

The trails are sprayed particulate dispersions. Chemicals found in chemtrails include toxic heavy metals, including freeform aluminium nanoparticles, barium, strontium, lead and manganese.

What effects do chemtrails
have on the people and planet?

Chemtrails destroy the ozone layer, they disrupt the hydrological cycle, they ionize the atmosphere and increase the overall warming of the planet. They contaminate the web of life with currently unknown consequences for the future of all species on the planet. 

How may chemtrails
affect human health?

Chemtrails may cause or exacerbate Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons and other neuro degenerative diseases. They may cause respiratory problems and problems associated with heavy metal toxification such as chronic fatigue and cancers. Heavy metals are known to weaken the immune system and have negative effects on fertility as well as impacting mental health. There may also be secondary health implications including the act of adding toxifying aluminium to soils and water.

How do chemtrails differ from contrails?

Contrails are simply the condensation trails left behind by aircraft, made of water vapor and ice crystals as they fly at high altitudes. They form when hot, humid air from an aircraft engine meets the cold air at high altitudes. The vapor condenses into visible clouds, they usually dissipate within minutes, leaving the sky as it was before the plane passed. 

How can Geoengineering
manipulate the climate?

With chemtrails, the sky is no longer blue, it often turns grey. The trails have a different texture, and they spread differently. The spraying planes crisscross in very unusual patterns. The planes saturate the atmosphere with electrically conductive light scattering particles and polymers, that can be manipulated with strong radio frequency microwave transmissions that can heat the upper atmosphere and be used to steer weather systems. Artificial manipulation of air masses can cause powerful and dangerous weather systems with catastrophic impacts on communities, such as hurricanes, lightning, forest fires, floods and drought, examples of which we have seen in Valencia, California, Spain, Australia, Turkey and in the US in 2024 alone.

We are going to get the chemicals out of the chemtrails…
we are going to stop this crime.

Action on Geoengineering:

Public Engagement

The public should be involved in the decision-making process. This includes broad discussions about the ethical and societal implications of weather modification, as well as transparency in decision-making.


More is becoming known about the harmful effects of geoengineering but more needs to be done to alert the public.

Ask Questions and Find Answers

Bill Gates through his company Breakthrough Energy has been funding on and offshore wind turbines.
Who gives permission for this geoengineering? Who else is financing geoengineering and why?

What can I do to push back?

Blocking the sun’s thermal energy with engineered chemicals and manipulating our weather is a criminal assault on life.
To push back on geoengineering, we must:

Identify individual pilots, airports, academics and funders involved in this practice and make them aware of the harm they are causing

Get together, hold public discussions about these programs 

Write to politicians and hold them accountable for their wilful blindness, ignorance and failure to protect and serve

Write to the legacy media

Post and share images of chemtrails on social media

Join ‘I Can’ in demanding a ban on geoengineering

Share this article and continue to raise awareness

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Weather Manipulation:
HAARP and our Mental Health

High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (also known as HAARP) is a project set up to control the ionosphere and localised weather patterns, and possibly influence human behaviour through frequency. The US patent US2016/0375220 A1 reveals that electromagnetic waves can interfere with brain frequencies, targeting areas like the amygdala, the brain’s fear centre. The patent shows how these waves can penetrate the skull and target emotions. When people are fearful, they are easy to control and manipulate. More needs to be known and understood about frequency manipulation.

How can I keep healthy?

Heavy metals found in chemtrails can be extremely toxic to the human body. You may benefit from a heavy metals detox.

Detox protocols

Our Detox and Wellbeing Companion Guide is a good starting point for general detoxing. The first detox protocol from Dr Sarah Myhill has a focus on heavy metals. Find out more:

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